I'm Lost in Empty Pillow Talk Again - Comments

  • lizwadmangaskarth

    lizwadmangaskarth (100)

    United States
    @ Nanook
    Hello old friend!
    Theres been a lot going on since I last posted to this story. I became a mom, and although I had a lot of time off in quarantine and pandemic times, I couldnt find much to write about but im going to try and write so much more! I might try to write a new story or something but I'm sure you'll be notified when I do!

    Thank you soooo so so so so much for continuing to support me! Its inspiring and so very appreciated!
    June 1st, 2021 at 03:42am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    .... I miss this story. <3
    I just reread it all over again because I just randomly thought about it the other day. I hope you're okay, it's probably been a minute since you've been on here, but wanted to leave a comment showing I'm still around. :)
    Hope to see you write again soon. Or even for your other story, that's okay too. :)
    January 19th, 2020 at 02:15am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    P.S.- I see you've added a characters' page! Was wondering what Carter looked like... the girl you have as her is actually remarkably similar to who I was picturing she looked like. :)
    Maybe you could add the other characters as well-- Ronnie, Max, Carter's dad, Bailey, Nate... I think that's all the main ones, lol. Possibly a picture to show what her mom looked like. If you're up for it that is. No pressure lol.
    May 18th, 2018 at 01:59am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    UGH, I am so freaking frustrated right now! So I'm not sure how long or constructive this feedback is going to be since I'm a bit distracted/annoyed. XD
    As I mentioned on the other story, it may take me a minute to read updates, BUT... this last update, the freaking notification via email went in my spam! So, long story short, I only just saw the notification a little while ago. -____- And I am just annoyed because Mibba subscriptions have NEVER done that, and now all of a sudden that changed? I'm so confused. I believe I fixed it so that doesn't happen now, but I wanted to mention this because this is why I took longer to comment, not because I was that busy. Ugh, I feel so bad and am just frustrated with this site now. >:(
    But anyway, as for the update, great job with it! I think it's great Carter went to therapy, although something I think is important that hasn't happened is that Alex tells her she isn't a burden? Unless he already has reassured her, and she just ignored it? But it wasn't mentioned, so I was just wondering if he even picked up on her feelings in that sense, other than her constant anger. But idk.
    I love where you're taking the plot, though; I never would have thought about them looking back on what happened that day, and what she neglected to tell Alex. So I'm interested in seeing how he reacts. Another cliffhanger, sigh. :( But hopefully it isn't too negative? I mean, I'm not really sure what to expect tbh. You could do anything.
    Um, hmmm.... I think this covers the basics of my thoughts for this chapter, lol. Again, my mind is a bit sidetracked with my annoyance, lol, hopefully my next comment will be better.
    And hopefully I see the notification somewhat-more on time... sigh, it's been over a week, I guess I should be glad I finally checked that portion of my email, lol. But yeah, so sorry girl. Again, there might be times where I take a minute, but literally this time that wasn't completely the case and just, ugh.
    Looking forward to reading more, though. :)
    May 18th, 2018 at 01:56am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Seriously?! How much do I have to pay to punch this fictional Frank character in the face. XD
    Like WTF, so Carter was on the sidewalk, SAFE, and this ass just freaking wasn't paying attention?! Like WTF. I honestly can't. >:(
    Poor Carter. :( I'm glad she's okay, though, or well... she's alive, and that's the important thing.
    So weird how it was the same dude though. AND on the anniversary. I mean, what? You mentioned how he was distracted, but I can't help but think it was somewhat intentional that he hit her? I mean, like, what are the odds the same guy would hit her on the anniversary without something else possibly being behind it? Maybe that's another plot point to work with (if not already planned). Like, this Frank character being some sort of weird stalker or something. Had it out for this family for some reason. Idk.
    lol, that might be a bit far out there, I'm not sure. But it would fill in some plot holes, maybe. It's up to you though. XD
    Anyway, great job with the update! Sorry for a bit of a delay in commenting; I've been a bit busy, but know I'll comment when I can. :) I'm still here girl, to see this and your other stories through, for sure. :) And read any new ones. :D
    Interested in seeing what's next in store, and seeing how this expands the plot line. Hmm...
    April 6th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    ... wait. WHAT?!
    .... what just happened? *Meanders around like Carter* *Although in a safer place clearly*
    Like what was she doing? The phone call distracted her enough to go into the street and get hit? :O Or maybe someone on a bike ran into her...? What? XD
    lol. Goddammit, the last one ended on such a happy note and now we have this cliffhanger. Whyyy... :(
    You don't kid around. That went from 0 to 100 real quick, within a few sentences. Damn.
    Hmm... I wonder if her mom was with her, though, when she visited, since Annie was so calm. :) That was cute.
    But what are the odds that something would happen to her on the anniversary? :O OMG, though, ughhh... I hope she's okay. :(
    It makes me happy that you're not ready to end the story yet though. :D That means more to read, and I'm looking forward to it. Please do not let me suffer a year with this cliffhanger, lol. :/
    But on an overall note, yesss! You updated this story too! :D And that definitely makes me happy, and again, so quickly! You're seriously awesome! :DD
    *Round of applause*
    Interested in seeing where you choose to take this. :O Crossing fingers that it's not too sad. :((
    Excited for more! :D
    March 15th, 2018 at 06:46am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    ... so I decided to read this story again, after reading your other ones. There's still one more of yours I have yet to get to, but, wanted to reread this one again first. :)
    Rereading it reminded me why I really loved this story. Alex and Carter's relationship went through some tough times, but they always managed to work it out and I loved that. I also loved the fact that Alex seemed to know he was meant to be with her since the beginning, and always did his best to convince her of that.
    Man, I was really critical in my last comment, as opposed to expressing more love for this story. I hope that didn't upset you. :/
    Alas, I still have hope this story will continue someday. I think where it is, it could honestly wrap up soon, since the first installment merely had 20 chapters, and so does this one now. If you can't find yourself writing more, maybe write just an epilogue so that the series can be complete. But I will definitely still be here if you write more than that. <3
    *Waits for you to sign on to see the comment spam, lol* I'm just, wanting to let you know I'm still here thinking about your stories and reading. :)
    March 13th, 2018 at 09:30am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    :O It's been a while.
    I didn't realize it had been so long, wow. But glad to see you updated again. :D
    Great job with the new chapter! Aww, they had a baby girl, so sweet. :) I'm glad that Alex was able to be there for it too. How convenient; it's like the baby knew, aww. :)
    Technically, you'll want to change it to where Carter doesn't hear that the baby's sex is announced. Gender is something that is determined as the child grows older. Sex is the more-definite. For instance, someone is born a male, the sex, but when they're older they can choose to identify as a female, which would be classified as identifying their gender. It gets way more technical and defined than that, but I think that's the simpler way of looking at it. Meanwhile sex defines what the baby was born as.
    Another small thing I spotted:
    “Wanna hold our daughter?” he asked through through his tears.
    You accidentally put 'through' twice, lol.
    But lol, I love how she wants to make the baby an Instagram account. :P
    Loved the update, it's good to see you back girl. Hope you're well, and can't wait for more of this story. :)
    December 23rd, 2016 at 07:53am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    :D That's awesome we have the same birth month. :)
    Great job with the update! OMG she's having the baby. I'm happy Alex is all on board with it (with where the previous update ended, it was hard to tell...)
    But yeah, OMG. :O Predictions, hm... well a suggestion would be to make it a boy. Idk if you were already planning that or not. I say that because I feel like a lot of stories I read where Alex has a kid, it's always a girl... like maybe 90% of them. XD I mean, if you were already planning this, that's okay, but it's just a thought.
    One sentence I wanted to point out that you put that kind of threw me off (like I think it's just the wording of it):
    “We all know I meant my little bun in the oven that is our stomach.”
    Our stomach? My little bun? Like when Jack said this this highly confused me. Maybe I'm just not reading it right, idk. XD
    I also wanted to clarify... when her water breaks, is the pregnancy far enough along? Or is it not? Perhaps this will be clarified with the next chapter, but with the time lapses you put in I'm calculating that she's like, maybe 6-7 months, if that? But maybe I'm not calculating right, this is totally possible too. XD But I hope the baby's okay, main thing that's important. The reason I also got confused with this is that it was insinuated that Alex would have some more time to do stuff so it just feels early to me. Maybe it is and you just didn't fully state that yet, but I was just wondering in case it's not brought up.
    But anyway, great job with the update! Sorry for the delay in commenting; I'm dealing with college through the week so my reading has now been limited to weekends. So if you update again on a weekday and it takes me a few days to comment, don't fret my absence. lol. That's just the schedule I'm working with. Meh. :/
    February 20th, 2016 at 09:27am
  • lizwadmangaskarth

    lizwadmangaskarth (100)

    United States
    @ Nanook
    Happy belated birthday! My birthday is a few weeks before yours! Im January 4th. Hope you enjoy the update!!
    February 17th, 2016 at 01:47am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    You updated on my birthday! :D What a lovely present.
    OMG she's pregnant! :O What else will Alex say? What will he think? :O
    I'm really tired at the moment so sorry if this is shitty feedback. But I read the chapter and loved it! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
    January 27th, 2016 at 08:35am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aw, thank you for the chapter dedication! That made me smile! I'm so happy I inspired you to write again!
    I know how that is, losing inspiration, but I'm so glad you have it back again. I will try and supply some ideas when I can, but at the moment, my brain's pretty fried. :/ That's why it took me so long to comment and read the update, sorry about that. I'm wrapping up the college semester so things have been hectic with assignments and stuff. Been having several long papers and this coming week is actual finals, blah. Just ready for the semester to be over.
    But I loved the update! Aw, they're married now. :D So happy for them. :)
    I like how you definitely took that different approach to the story. I look forward to reading more of this and seeing their life together. :)
    Can't wait for more! And thanks again for the dedication, you're very sweet. :)
    May 10th, 2015 at 04:42am
  • lizwadmangaskarth

    lizwadmangaskarth (100)

    United States
    @ Nanook
    Thank you so much for this comment! Im sorry I didn't see it sooner but i think you will be very happy to know that I'm working on the next chapter right now! You were right, I wasn't sure where to go with this story but I think I have a few ideas to bring this story back to life.
    Thank you for the compliments! I'm honestly just writing Alex how I picture him to be with Lisa. He seems like he's finally figured himself out and thats how I wanted him to be in this story. I was also getting kind of tired with the other stories making him an unfaithful asshole so I took that and made him an underdog. I am one of those girls that likes the whole happily ever after thing so I wanted to make Alex and Carter the underdogs.
    I really hope you like the next chapter and how the story ends (if I have it end. I tend to get lost in these little worlds I and never want to see them come to a close.) and I would love to hear back from you throughout the rest of the story.
    Thanks again for the feedback! It made me smile and it really did inspire me to write again. So chapter 17 is definitely dedicated to you! Smile
    April 28th, 2015 at 09:26pm
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    So I'm not really sure what happened with this story, why you stopped writing for it, I mean. Perhaps you lost inspiration (I can definitely understand that as a fellow writer), or maybe you just weren't getting enough feedback? Either way, I'm sad to see this was never finished. Because it's really good and I mean that.
    It has been a while since I've come across a story with such proper grammar, and my gosh, I thank you for that. As sad as that may seem it is seriously the truth with a lot of ATL stories I've come across, or well, mainly Alex ones because that's particularly what I read. And while the idea wasn't the most original, I'm just being honest... you made it your own as you continued it. For instance, I love how in love with her Alex is in this story... I have rarely seen that happen. And what I mean by that is like you have solidly proven to me that he does and I like... trust the Alex in this story. That probably sounds so weird, but it's true. So many other stories I have read, I'm honestly on edge a lot of the time because the cheating thing usually happens, but Alex did not do that while he was with Carter at all in this story, or at least fully. There were times when it seemed like it but he never actually did anything. Like I am proud of the Alex you have portrayed in this story, I guess is what I'm trying to say. Like I have no doubts that he doesn't want to marry her, or that he may cheat on her again... this Alex you have written just wouldn't do that and let me tell you, this is a nice change. Because it's probably the first time I've actually seen an author write that way. And then with the first installment, he actually truly loved her, he wasn't just using her for the hook-ups, and you can tell it would truly heartbreak him if she ever left him.
    So really, bravo to you. Bravo.
    But again, I'm sad to see that this wasn't finished. :( If you ever do come back to it, which I hope you do and see this comment, I just wanted to let you know that I will be here to read it. I sincerely want to know what happens with them. I want to see them get married, maybe start a family... a lot of authors never do the family part, which I guess may be understandable because it's hard to picture and like hard to know how to make Alex react to that seeing as... he doesn't really have that in real life yet.
    But yeah, anyway, just wanted to leave you some feedback and hopefully if you see this, inspire you to write more for this. But I can understand if you can't; it has been a while and it is hard to jump back into story mode after you've been out of it for a while, whether it be with writing in general or just a particular plot line.
    I really love this and I hope one day I'm able to read the ending to it. I checked out the first installment like I said, recommended and even subscribed... and I almost didn't see this since it wasn't connected but I found it under your story list. So yeah, hope all is well and perhaps you will see this comment and get inspired to write again. :)
    January 5th, 2015 at 09:49am
  • laceyvengeance

    laceyvengeance (100)

    United States
    @ lizwadmangaskarth
    oh my goshh..well..at least you saw it on tv..but still..not the same./: yeah, it was pretty fun..even though freakin Rian "Gotta Look Like I'm Busy" Dawson walked right behind me like five times!..& I didn't say anything to him because he looked like a man on a mission & really busy..then started looking pissed the more he walked back & forth..then when Vinny announced him on stage, he called Rian a potato that no one ever notices...-.-" I was/still kind of am pretty upset with myself../: oh well..ha..all in all, it was still was a pretty good show.c:
    May 11th, 2013 at 05:58am
  • lizwadmangaskarth

    lizwadmangaskarth (100)

    United States
    @ laceyvengeance
    It pounded like such a good show! I was supposed to go to to the Lowell,MA show where they wore the Boston Strong shirts and Alex made his amazing therapy speech about it. I did the the show on tv earlier this week though. Hope you had fun!!
    May 10th, 2013 at 12:05pm
  • laceyvengeance

    laceyvengeance (100)

    United States
    haha I love how Carter told off Kate..then acted more like a mother than Kate did to Bailey when she was crying in her room...
    buuut..ahhhh! wedding errands?! :D

    & I'm sorry that you missed All Time Low..that sucks!/: ..I saw them..pretty good..the right amount of douchey-ness, Jalex, Alex telling Jack to not touch him(just to try to keep Jalex on the down low I'm sure), other gay jokes, talk of Jack's Taco Bell addiction, bras being thrown on stage and flashy lights..c:
    May 10th, 2013 at 06:22am
  • laceyvengeance

    laceyvengeance (100)

    United States
    yayyy!! no break up!! & more Bailey!!! :D
    & I'm really happy that Alex told Carter everything. :D :D
    March 18th, 2013 at 11:43pm
  • asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsa

    asdfghjkl;lkjhgfdsa (100)

    United Kingdom
    PLEASE NO BREAK UP. and please update soon?:)
    March 9th, 2013 at 04:54pm
  • BeeSmart

    BeeSmart (100)

    United States
    Please update soon
    March 9th, 2013 at 06:25am