Mercy on Me - Comments

  • Oh my goodness you updated! Yay! I've been busy with school myself the last couple of weeks and family drama crap. I totally get where you're coming from about writer's block...I've had it I think for almost two months now on my story (I'm awful D:) but what with everything going on, I haven't really had a chance to focus on it; I barely have time to read my subscriptions (in fact, right now I'm actually supposed to be writing an essay...bleh)...Sad

    Anyway! Great chapter! 2 Guns Shane is such a jackass. When Harper first looked up and noticed he was gone, I figured he had just gone on without her, and I could have lived with that. It still ticked me off, but I could have dealt. But when they got back and he was there and turns out he told the group they were practically dead! Omg, I was livid! Any possible redeeming qualities Shane might have had have now been rendered completely moot. Grr....Mad And Andrea is a dumbass. She always irritated me in the show, and I'm not sorry to say that I was not upset when she got bit in the third season...
    But great chapter! I want Daryl to wake up and have some HarperxDaryl action lol

    One last thing, what's the lowdown on your contest? Is it still going on or have you changed your mind?
    June 30th, 2013 at 09:48pm
  • Amazing! Fantastic! Wonderful! Incredible! Excellent! Marvelous! Best Ever!... Those are all words I would use to describe this story!! It is complete perfection!! Clap
    June 17th, 2013 at 07:51pm
  • Well I say all your watching of Chupacabra paid off because I think you did a marvelous job! :D And I'm glad you had fun with your VIP thing! I definitely had fun with mine! 8D

    I'm sorry about your writer's block! D: Maybe it's something in the air because I've had it BAD, too. Wouldn't tell you've been struggling with it though by this chapter! Shane is such a DICK. Good LAWD. Someone needs to just beat his ASS. I don't care if it's Harper, Merle, Daryl or Rick, but that man needs to have the ever-loving shit kicked out of him. Great update, though! And good luck on your finals!
    June 16th, 2013 at 03:14pm
  • THAT FUCKING BASTARD! I would kick my brothers ass into next week if he left me to be walker bait. Merle should open a can of Marine Corps whoop ass on Shane because I know I would! Love the chapter especially because it got a little rise out of me which is a good thing I've been too depressed too long along with unreleased anger because of my life drama never thought livin in a small town would bring this much drama but hey I've lived here almost my whole life so I will prevail. I was shocked to see an email this late ( It's 1:12 am) but I'm just like a little light reading before bed is perfect! Thank you.
    June 16th, 2013 at 10:13am
  • I MISSED YOU SO MUCH. YOU HAVE NO IDEA. and this update just made my shitty day 100x better.
    i did find you on tumblr!!!! i have an uncanny stalking ability hahaha like... its a bit scary. what what? hahahaha :P but yeah your tumblr is bare but i dont care because i found you so im happy!
    so today has been shite, my boyfriend left (for two weeks but HE STILL LEFT) and because weve like just moved (like 4 months ago but whatevs) and so i dont know this town overly well and i scare easily at night this will NOT be fun. and then the friggin cat brought in a dead bird and i dont know how old it was or where it came from so im not best pleased!!
    holy crap frozen bananas blended to a creamy consistency, SO FREAKING GOOD. its like ice cream. omg.
    hahah tan. I DONT TAN. I BLISTER FEROCIOUS BUBBLES OF ICK and possibly get cancer but never mind. haha. anyway. to the story!!!!
    WOOOOOOWWWWW well well well that was a brilliant chapter! i freaking LOVED it. like sure i love all of them but THIS ONE so far takes the cake. and i make a pretty amazing cake. exhilarating.
    thank you for updating! now i have to brave the freezing rain and general nastiness of night time so i can put the rubbish out. and then i will watch DIE HARD. I LOVE YOU BRUCE WILLIS!!!! hehe. cant wait to hear from you in your next update :-)
    June 16th, 2013 at 09:55am
  • where did you go? I don't know what to do without my Daryl/Harper/Merle drama fix. Please come back!
    June 14th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • When I got the e-mail this morning I'm like is this the story I think it is? I checked and looked and I'm like Praise the lord hallelujah! Today will be a fine day my friends Cool If only I knew it wasn't going to be hot as hell.
    #Living in Arizona problems.
    May 18th, 2013 at 08:04pm
  • I love this as usually!! Damn Shane for being Harper's brother!! Daryl's going to get her back YAY!! I like how you change it up from the series but still keep things the same... you're very good at it!!! Can't wait to read the next one!!
    May 18th, 2013 at 04:27pm
  • Gaaah it's all Shane's fault, dammit! D< I was wondering if you were going to keep the injured Daryl bit and how you were going to work it in! Nice touch, I like it! :D Also gives them an excuse to go back to the farm! :3

    I hope you have fun with your VIP tix! :3 I recently won two-day tickets to a major Formula Drift event so looks like we've both been preetty lucky lately! 8D
    May 18th, 2013 at 02:50pm
  • you know what i hate? when youve typed a message and you push the backspace button AND IT GOES BACK IN PAGES FJAFOEIAJFEWAFKLSJFLAKJ
    the weather here has been super duper cray cray, but its autumn so ill let it slide. lol
    i had a dream last night my boyfriend left me. i woke up so distraught. i thought he actually had left me. and then i forced him to cuddle me because i was so upset haha ahhhh terrible terrible. then i had mental dreams about zombies and it scared me so jesus what is the world coming to !?
    im watching i am legend, its making me sad, so im quite glad i have your story to distract me!! haha... i spoke to soon YOU MADE IT SAD FAKLSJFOEWIFAKDSJFALJ
    AHSFSHAFDSKAFSLKJ SO EXCTING!!! at least you made it a little better cos she found daryl again. was seriously never going to talk to you after you made her leave! EVIL. PURE EVIL YOU ARE.
    anyway. gimme your url for tumblr and ill be your most annoying follower :-)
    May 18th, 2013 at 12:08pm
  • My day = made!!!! I got super excited when I saw that this story was updated. I love it so so so much!! Harper and Daryl are wonderful! I can't wait to read the next one!! As for the dreams I'm in the same boat.. they're freaking crazy. What scares me is that they're all so real!! They've made me paranoid! Haha but anyways love the story!!! :)
    May 3rd, 2013 at 11:56pm
  • um, i think we totally were seperated at birth! youre like my soul mate or something hahaha ;P god i love summer in america! like its so hot, but its a nice kind of hot, and i dont get burnt and blister like i do here! its like sticky hot when its hot here. disgusting. man i totally would fill one out, but like, compared to the entrants ive skimmed over theyre so like, into the character and so descriptive. id just be like... uh... heres a picture i drew of what the person looks like.. lol. BORRGGIIASSS OMFG SEASON 3 IS SO GOOD i didnt think i could ship lucrezia and cesare but oh my god i do its shameful but its so damn good! why is there a "click for full something something" in the background? or is it just me thats getting that? and do you have tumblr!? right, onto the story (which youre lucky im reading because freakin hotmail isnt telling me when people update their god damn stories)
    i actually miss lori now that shes dead. even if she was a bitch. hahahaha. heheheheh farts. asparagus is so gross though. bleh. cabbage, now THAT will give you some nasty ass gas. and was it a walker!? or was it someone having SEX!? SEEEXXXXX. was it glenn and maggie? or was it someone having sex WITH THEMSELVES OH THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS!!!
    girl, this story is never stupid, or too short, or boring. ITS NOT LONG ENOUGH! hahaha. god i love this story. and i love that you rant right back at me!! youre the best
    May 3rd, 2013 at 12:47pm
  • Yay a new chapter! I'm glad Harper and Merle are on better terms, but I guess that's only going to last until Merle screws up again (bets, anyone? j/k)

    So I initially wasn't going to enter your contest, but then I figured, why the hell wouldn't I? I really got into this character and I really like her. For several of the blanks I answered from a pre-apocalypse view point, but it all still applies to her even after the apocalypse.

    Name: Nikole “Nikki” Meyers

    Gender: female

    Age: 26

    Date of Birth: May 7, 1987

    Eye Color: blue

    Hair Color: dirty blonde

    General Looks: Nikki stands around five-foot eight-inches tall with a slim and athletic figure. She’s more your everyday sort of beautiful rather than supermodel gorgeous. Her hair is about shoulder length with no bangs and is naturally wavy, not curly. She’s generally dressed in shorts or jeans and a tank top with an old leather jacket. Prior to the apocalypse, she never really worried about makeup; she would occasionally maybe wear mascara or eyeliner, but that’s it.

    Personality: Nikki is free-spirited and nomadic. She’s kind to those that are kind to her, and doesn’t really bother with those who are not. She’s not naïve and over trusting; it takes time for her to build relationships and trust. Even the friends she does make she still keeps a distance with because she doesn’t usually stay in one place very long. She tends to keep herself on the outskirts of social events; not necessarily as an outsider, but she prefers to be the one watching rather than the one being watched. She’s not a pushover; however she does not like to push her thoughts onto others. She’ll offer her opinion if it’s asked for or necessary, but she doesn’t butt into other people’s business. She stands by her beliefs and doesn’t fold easily without a good cause. She takes responsibility for herself and her actions and doesn’t blame others for her life or her mistakes. She doesn’t judge people by their appearances or other people’s words about them. A very important thing about Nikki: she is not afraid of men nor uncomfortable around them despite her past experience. She also hasn't let the apocalypse change her; though, this may be due to her lack of human connections before and after the outbreak.

    Likes: Nikki is an old movie guru; anything pre-70’s, black and white, Cary Grant or Doris Day, she’s seen. She also loves musicals. She prefers the classic rock station over anything else on the radio; her absolute favorite song ever is Dobie Gray’s version of “Drift Away”. She unfortunately has an addiction to cigarettes; she’s not really bothered by it, though, and doesn't see it as an issue or plan on changing it. Her favorite color is green. She loves the beach; the ocean; water. Swimming is her favorite thing to do. Photography is something else she used to love before the apocalypse. She likes meeting new people and collecting their stories and photos. She’s also fond of nature and sceneries; she likes to keep pressed flowers. She’s definitely a people-watcher. She likes cooking and is fairly good at it. She also loves trying new things and new experiences; there’s not really anything she’s too afraid to try at least once.

    Dislikes: She hates the color orange; it doesn’t really matter and there’s no real reason behind it; she just doesn’t see why anyone would want to look like a traffic cone. She is irrationally terrified of bees and wasps (anything that stings). She’s not overly found of cats. The traits she doesn’t like in people are judgment, disloyalty, or dishonesty; she can’t stand being lied to or betrayed, which is one of the factors behind her nomadic lifestyle.

    Strengths: She’s a fantastic swimmer. She’s also very good at keeping a level head and thinking clearly in almost all situations. She has learned to handle a gun since the outbreak, but prefers to avoid using it. She’s good at slipping in and out without being noticed.

    Weaknesses: Nikki starts feeling restless when she stays in one place very long; the exact time frame depends on the place and the people she’s around, but eventually she does grow restless and leave. When she starts to feel restless but continues to stay, she tends to get reckless and do things she wouldn’t normally do. She doesn’t know how to “put down roots”.

    Interests: Swimming and photography.

    Body Type: Slim and athletic.

    Medical Conditions/Problems: She’s allergic to bee stings.

    Extra Information/Notes: Nikki grew up in a drug abusing home. When she was seventeen, her mother died of an overdose, and Nikki went to live with her aunt in Austin, Texas. During the eight months she lived there she was sexually assaulted by her aunt’s boyfriend; her aunt did not believe her. Upon turning eighteen Nikki immediately moved to Corpus Christi and severed all connections with her aunt. She lived there for nearly a year before she started her journey around the U.S. She continued moving through the south-western states from Texas to New Mexico, all the way until she reached San Francisco, California. She then started heading towards the east coast, this time traveling through the states more in the middle of the country: Nevada, Colorado, Missouri. When she reached Tennessee she decided to head south again and wound up in Georgia. Whenever she felt like leaving, she packed up her old ’69 Ford pickup and would just drive until she came across a new place she felt like staying; sometimes she drove just a few hours, and other times she wouldn’t stop until she reached a new state. She wasn’t big on goodbyes and usually would just slip out of town and she never really stayed in touch with anyone. She usually only stayed in one place for about 3-7 months. She had been working as a bartender in a town around Atlanta for almost 4 months when the outbreak happened. She was about to leave town again so all of her belongings (which really isn’t much) were in packed in her truck. She was going to work one last shift at the bar to get her paycheck, but the town was overrun that same day. She took the gun that was kept behind the bar and got in her truck and drove off. She’s been on her own since the dead started rising and she’s gotten good at being alone. She has a thick, leather-bound journal in her bag filled with photos, pressed flowers, and notes that she’s written about the places she’s been and the people she’s met. It’s her most valuable possession. Her old leather jacket places a close second; it was given to her by someone while she was in San Francisco when she was 21.

    I hope I wasn't too detailed for you to use her. And a question: are you going to announce the winners, or are you going to make us wait until you post the chapter to find out when we read it?
    May 3rd, 2013 at 10:56am
  • Teaching the redneck to dance aint easy! I'm still tryna teach my redneck to dance lol.
    May 3rd, 2013 at 09:23am
  • After much deliberation I’ve decided to go out on a limb and join your character contest. I figure I’ve got nothing to lose so here it is:

    Name: Blake Emerson

    Gender: Female

    Age: 23

    Date of Birth: May 18th, 1989

    Eye Color: Hazel (*changes colors)

    Hair Color: Brown

    General Looks: She is 5’5”, with long dark brown hair that goes to mid-back and has a hint of auburn highlights. Her eyes are hazel, at least that’s what she put on her drivers licenses. They are more blue-green, and depending on what she’s wearing some days more blue than green and vice versa.

    Personality: Blake is a quiet person; very rarely does she speak her mind. Even if she has an idea, she keeps it to herself for fear of possibly sounding stupid. She is nice to everyone even when they’re not nice back. It takes time for her to open up to people and really be herself but once she’s comfortable she’ll show you that she’s extremely funny, slightly witty, and at times sarcastic. This is a different story around kids though. She is amazing with children and is never afraid to be herself around them.

    Likes: She loves reading because each story is a new adventure! She also likes watching sports; hockey is her favorite. She likes spending time with those who are close to her. She has picked up a passion for archery, and has gotten pretty good over the years. And she loves kids.

    Dislikes: She doesn’t like being in big crowds or small spaces and gets claustrophobia easily. She has a fear of heights and snakes. Just thinking about snakes makes her squeamish. And she has a strong dislike for stupid people, but then again who doesn’t?

    Strengths: She is very open-minded, has the patience of a saint and is great with kids. She always takes responsibility for everything she does, no matter the outcome. She is also a quick learner which has proved to come in handy. And she is very aware of and thankful of the good things that happen.

    Weaknesses: She tends to trusts people too easily which has gotten her into trouble in the past. She is often shy and afraid to speak her mind which limits her potential. And while she tries to remain strong she becomes fearful at times.

    Body Type: She is slim and fit by staying active.

    Medical Conditions/Problems?: None

    Extra Information/Notes: Before the apocalypse Blake was an elementary school teacher. Her love of children, lead her to a degree in early childhood education. Blake is originally from a small town in the Midwest, but upon graduating college she was offered a job as a 1st grade teacher in Georgia, that she couldn’t refuse. She lost contact with her family not long after the outbreak. Since the start of all this mess she has met and lost a lot of people. In that time she has acquired a few skills. She has become pretty handy with a gun, though she prefers to use it only in emergencies. She has perfected her archery skills and has become a pretty good campfire cook. Recently she has lost the last of her group, but she still continues because she believes it will get better and she wants to be around when it does.

    I tried to be as vague as possible when it comes to explaining what happened to her, so you can choose how she comes to find the group. Please feel free to change things so they fit with the story. And I apologize for any grammatical errors, and anything that doesn’t make sense, AND my repetitive use of “She” at the beginning of almost every sentence. I am not a very good writer which is why I choose to read instead.
    April 23rd, 2013 at 08:24pm
  • I'm really enjoying this story. It's after 4am and I have to get up for school in the morning, but I stayed up to read it all, that's how much I like it.
    Harper and Daryl need to do it already, lol
    Good luck in the contest! (I'm in the same one, that's how I found your story)
    Sorry for the less than articulate comment, but I've been up way too long and can hardly keep my eyes open.
    Update soon! pretty please Very Happy
    April 22nd, 2013 at 11:24am
  • I'm really enjoying this story. It's after 4am and I have to get up for school in the morning, but I stayed up to read it all, that's how much I like it.
    Harper and Daryl need to do it already, lol
    Good luck in the contest! (I'm in the same one, that's how I found your story)
    Sorry for the less than articulate comment, but I've been up way too long and can hardly keep my eyes open.
    Update soon! pretty please
    April 22nd, 2013 at 11:21am
  • Well this certainly took my mind off of everything that is going on! Now I think I can go to sleep thank you my dear! I would enter your contest too but I have a little bit too much on my plate to write a good character description. Night y'all!
    April 21st, 2013 at 11:00am
  • Loved the update!! This definitely helped with my Walking Dead withdrawals!! I miss that show so much (even though it gave me crazy walker dreams for a solid month straight.)....and I am extremely interested to read how Otis survived!! I love how you change things like that.. keeps me on my toes!! I'm excited to read the next one!!
    April 21st, 2013 at 06:13am
  • I realize my last comment was a little bit of a crappy review, so I just figured I would add that I really like how you portray both Daryl and Merle, for that matter. Your twist on the show is interesting and yet still just as believable of a storyline.

    Aaaand here is my contest entry!

    Name: Evelyn "Evie" Ludovica
    Gender: Female
    Age: 27
    Date of Birth: 4 April 1986
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Brown, highlights since she's been in the sun
    General Looks: She's around 5'5" with shoulder length, straight brown hair that she typically always keeps in either a ponytail or a bun. She was a regular runner before the world went to hell and despite the usually inadequate nutrition, she has managed to keep a moderately healthy appearance. She has a medium-sized tattoo of the Ford Mustang logo running across the back of her left hip, and a bit of a nasty scar on her left shoulder from, in her words, "Some dumb ass kid who thought he knew more about what happened to coolant under pressure in a hot radiator than she did." She tends to always wear an old snapback with her ponytail hanging from the back and when asked why, she will only shrug and say "sentimental value".

    Personality: Chances are that if she's been around you for more than a day or two, you've figured out that she can be quite the sarcastic hard-ass in most situations. A result, of course, of her upbringing surrounded by her father and three older brothers. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and "run with the big boys", so-to-speak. She's very much the type, however, not to speak unless she has some actual input or some sort of snarky comeback for someone. When she knows she has the upperhand in a situation or argument, there is always a proud, conniving smirk on her lips. In an argument, she does not like to admit she is wrong…at all, but when backed into a corner, will begrudgingly back down. She has a very soft spot for pets, and has a, sometimes shockingly, perverse sense of humor. When it comes down to it, though, she will do everything she can to protect those she cares about. Screw with her loved ones, and the fiery temper that used to make her brothers immediately back off in fear was turned on you. She will often say that she was born with racing fuel in her veins, as reflected by her lack of patience and love of high speed and adrenaline. She often says that one of the worst things about the zombie apocalypse is that the roads are finally open, but fuel is scarce. She’s about as headstrong and stubborn as they come.

    Likes: Cars, races, dogs and other such pets. She likes what she knows, and those are some things she definitely knows. She also secretly used to love dressing nicely in heels and dresses…although she never really admitted it to anyone.

    Dislikes: Spiders, crying (herself and others; she never knows what to do), drama and participating in gossip (doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to “overhear” it, though) and people who make assumptions about her based on her actions and gender. She's also not too keen on motorcycles...or most imports. She'll be the first to pin mechanical failure on "shoddy tuner work".

    Strengths: She can drive and handle just about anything on four-wheels with the skill of a trained professional and can fix them just as well. She has a nursing background from her father’s last-ditch attempt to get her away from the automotive world, but is still better at diagnosing cars than people. She can also hotwire cars in an unnaturally short amount of time thanks to said knowledge. She’s also handy with a gun…and wrench. She’s also gotten quite good at using her car as a weapon.

    Weaknesses: She has a rather irrational and almost entirely crippling fear of spiders: the only time she’s been known to scream in fear. And as strong-willed as she is, too much talk of her father is likely to bring tears to her eyes and set her off to sulk by herself until she calms down.

    Interests: Racing, drifting and car restoration (obviously on the backburners of her life at that point). Surviving.

    Body Type: Definitely athletic.

    Medical Conditions/Problems?: She can get a little anemic from time to time, although it usually isn’t anything serious.

    Extra Information/Notes: When everything really went down, she was participating in a Georgia meet. Most people left and went home to their families immediately, but her phone call home to South Carolina had her father insisting that she just stay put until it all blew over. So with the supplies she’d kept to enjoy herself at the track, the owners let her stay behind the fences for a while, and she slept in either the F250 she used to pull the enclosed trailer with her car and supplies or in the trailer itself. She kept in contact with her father until the phone lines went dead…and the last thing he’d told her was to find somewhere safe there and they would find her. She remained at the track for as long as she could, scavenging supplies and gas on every run she made and going increasingly stir crazy when she stopped encountering people…and then more walkers started to show up, clawing along the poorly maintained fence until her lack of supplies and the failing fence finally drove her to move on. She kept both the F250 and trailer for as long as she could, not willing to give up the race-modified, twin-turbo 2010 V6 Mustang and finally choosing to ditch the truck and trailer. She managed to fit as many of her supplies as she could in the trunk and was quite glad she hadn’t gotten around to completely stripping the interior out. At the very least, despite its power output, it still managed much, much better gas mileage than the truck and was quicker and more nimble to boot, if not a little loud. She found groups here and there, but often didn’t stay in one place for too long.
    For offense, she took to using a large, heavy crescent wrench in favor of the small pistol she’d carried with her just in case. She had a small pocket knife and another larger, heavier duty, military-grade knife for emergencies. The soft skulls of the decomposing dead usually fell pretty quickly to a few bludgeons to the head, though. To keep herself entertained when on her own, she has made a sort of game of clipping walkers with her back bumper or fender while traveling. This, of course, led to a few scrapes and dents here and there that she, at first, was upset over, but as long as they stayed at the back, she gradually got over it...sort of.
    April 21st, 2013 at 04:54am