Mercy on Me - Comments

  • Well, everything's gone now. I'm guessing this is the make it or break
    it point for Shane and Harper.

    My ideal storyline to AT LEAST the point when the horde of walkers attack
    the farm would be-

    Otis tells Hershel what really happened, everyone is on edge around Shane
    since the truth is out. Hershel tells them to all leave once Carl's better, everyone
    get's even more on edge and then yada yada yada the Randall thing happens
    and I just realized I don't know what I'm doing.. XD

    But anyways, I love this story so much. <3 It's really how I picture
    Daryl would be if he was with a girl.
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:45am
  • I READ IT! OMG 1. you get to meet like the coolest person ever, 2. COSTA RICA!? how freakin cool. i expect photos! lol. haha speaking of rain, its been raining non stop for like a week. my vege garden is LOVING it. my broccoli is gunna be mutant sized soon, i think. WOOHOO! and gurl WHHAAATT 6.20pm? are you sick!? hahah whatever it is, im glad you popped this one out!
    i love walmart, just by the way. i miss it so much. you have like 100 different yoghurt flavors. we have like, 5. probably an exaggeration, but honestly, key lime pie yoghurt? CHEESECAKE!? like, you americans dont know how lucky you have it! and ben and jerrys omfg we don't even HAVE that here. or mint choc chip icecream. i miss it so much :-(
    OH MY GOD. i didnt think youd bring otis back. WOOHOO. time to stir some shizzle up!
    i miss it toooo but i have game of thrones, and now the borgias are back on tv so yuss sedated for a little while haha.
    what! a character!? how freakin awesome. im tempted but... i dont think i will. but YAY lol
    April 21st, 2013 at 03:42am
  • Definitely just spent some time catching up on this and really enjoy it! :D Figure I'll join your little competition as well~ ;D Be back later with the profile~
    April 21st, 2013 at 02:19am
  • update!
    April 18th, 2013 at 09:14pm
  • I love this story!!! I have never read a Walking Dead fanfic before this but I think you've got me hooked!! I love the way you write it's so easy to read! And I especially love the long chapters!! You're an amazing writer!!
    April 5th, 2013 at 05:26am
  • Ufff this story is amazing and nice and lovely and detailed and long and i am completely hooked. I chose reading this instead of revising for my mock!! Completely worth the shit grade! Seriously love this, hope you update soon!!!
    April 4th, 2013 at 06:17pm
  • O.O damn! This just gets better and better. Still bloody brilliant.
    April 3rd, 2013 at 11:35am
  • the part with michonne and andrea made me cry too, it was just so sweet and sad :(
    but omfg the governor wow! hes on the crazy train now! i feel sorry for martinez and that other random cos now they know how far off the deep end he actually has gone! season 4 is going to be super duper good!!
    ugh; shane is just a hot piece of manly goodness! and YAY you understood what i meant! hahah that makes me so happy!!! and if you wanna swap weather omg yes please! i love american weather! the sun is so hot yet i dont burn, and the winter, it snows!!!! (i had my first white winter in america!) the weather here right now is pretty poop cos its autumn and today its been raining all day (which is actually good because just a week ago we were in drought weather, so ridiculous)
    I LOVE LOTR!!!! oh my god are you serious!? hahaha and it was filmed heeeeeerrrrreeeeeeee ahhhh its just so good! ahh i love YOU more! (should probably get onto reading the story, huh... haha ;) )

    i love that you started this with a FART omg i started giggling and my boyfriend is all "what are you laughing at NOW!?"
    OH MY GOD he told her. oooooohhhhhhhhh snap. naughty shane killing the nice people. why did he have to go crazy WHYYYYYYYYYYY
    LOVED the update, but i always do!!!
    hurray for getting to bed before 2am too! (i assume you went to sleep) YAY sleep is good. i love sleep. bed is gooooooood.
    April 3rd, 2013 at 07:53am
  • Thanks for updating, really, REALLY liked Ch 12:)
    April 3rd, 2013 at 07:24am
  • This has to be my favorite Walking Dead fan-fiction I've ever read! I love how you didn't make it exactly like the show and kept Merle and Sophia! Please update soon! Very Happy
    March 29th, 2013 at 12:51pm
  • shane was actually gorgeous with that mop of hair. i was so sad when he shaved it off and went crazy. hes a lil bit delicious ;P
    i think ive played a variation of that card game, but we call it speed. and instead of just the one pile theres 4, the middle two where you place the cards and the pile you pick up from on your side (the other player has one too) and you have to have i think 7 cards in your hands at all time? i havent played it in ages but im sure you get what i mean.
    it was a gloriously long chapter!! loved it.
    good grief you stay up late. the latest ive stay up in the week is probably 2am (watching the hobbit oohhh yeeahhhh)
    the sun is shining and its going to be hot because of the stupid drought (its autumn, helloooo weather get with it)
    anyway. LOVED this update. LOVED how long it was. im glad i saved it until this morning to read it :D
    March 27th, 2013 at 11:26pm
  • I cried like a baby for Merle. Was crying when he was shot, cried harder when Daryl started. I loved that Damon redneck almost a much as I love the character Daryl. Bloody brilliant chapter btw!
    March 27th, 2013 at 05:59pm
  • Damn this has got to be in my top 5 favorites for walking dead fan fictions.
    March 27th, 2013 at 11:06am
  • Great story. Update soon. Quick question. One that was probably already answered somewhere, but why do you put "You believe in dead people walking around?" At the end of every chapter
    March 19th, 2013 at 06:30am
  • i missed you
    its 9.44 here on sunday night. just so you know :)
    i liked their sexy time in the forest. it was niaaacceee.
    and im really glad you havent killed sophia off yet. shes adorkable. i just love this whole story. :)
    love love love this update and story and just you in general! :P have a good sleep!
    March 17th, 2013 at 09:46am
  • Still mad at Merle, but he did just lose hi hand. Am I the only one that giggled at the end with "Lords name." ? I immediately went Boondock o.o
    March 4th, 2013 at 11:00am
  • i was totally rooting for carol and axel too!! gah im so mad they offed him!! but that was a great episode. haha who am i kidding, they all are. i literally cannot get enough.
    hehehehe eye twitch. i can actually see that happening and failing. but so adorable!! eeeeeeee
    OOOOH!!!! is that how he loses his hand!? I LIKE IT!!!!
    i didnt pick up on the reference - i havent actually seen anything else that hes in, sadly.
    anyway, awesome update, as usual! have a good day :D
    February 28th, 2013 at 08:35pm
  • I'm not as forgiving, I'd of kicked Merle's ass or killed him.
    February 27th, 2013 at 09:45pm
  • i dont even care this was 'filler' you write such brilliantly long chapters!!!
    which was awesome by the way. stupid merle indeed. i like how your writing him though, cos thats totally something he would do.
    how are you enjoying the new episodes? i literally squeal through all of them. episode 10, omfg dont even get me started. :)
    great update :D
    February 21st, 2013 at 06:37am
  • I think it would be too fake if Merle was
    always nice. Lol

    This was a update worth waiting for! I just
    hope the next one is sonner. This
    story is starting to become addicting! :))
    February 21st, 2013 at 04:11am