The Drunk Dial - Comments

  • Thingtastic

    Thingtastic (360)

    United States
    Contest Judging Comment: (Everyone contestant starts outwith 50 points) This story was hilarious! I really felt for the main character! Oh and when he called Cody...xD That was so funny, I literally cringed. The only thing that kind of put a damper on that moment, was the fact that James lost his slurring. I feel that would have made the moment a lot funnier and significant.

    You had a lot of grammar errors but only 1 spelling error so that's okay. But your story has a serious lack of commas. So I'm going to have to give you a - 10 for that.

    The originality of the story earns you a 10 out of 10. The character relationship gets you a 7 out of 10, because I feel that the relationship between James and Cody should have been more defined. The plot earns you a 10 out of 10.

    Oh and I almost forgot! You get bonus points for using all of my Brownie Points! Huzzah!
    + 10 for slash
    + 10 for comedy
    + 10 calling someone who is not a significant other.

    So your total adds up to 100 points! :D

    Be sure to check the contest topic page on Oct. 30th to see if you won.
    October 27th, 2012 at 06:36pm