Vacant Expression - Comments

  • Xeroxierox

    Xeroxierox (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ locals
    I appreciate your comment a lot as most, especially comment swap comments consist of some tedious form of 'I like the character and update soon plz' so that's nice (:
    Also, I am aware my writing style needs improving, I only do this because I suffer from insomnia and it take up time. I find editing tiresome as well as finishing stories so I generally don't do it, my apologies. Another thing, I am known for my dreadfully long paragraphing, it ha always been a major fault in my writing as I forget to paragraph a lot.
    Also, the narrator is Frank Iero from the band my chemical romance as I fun it easier to use characters I can base the stories on and I like recreating them.
    Also, I'm not sure how to make a layout as I hardly ever use this site and I don't have many viewers and I doubt that's going to change :p
    Again, thanks so much go commenting, it really means a lot. I dd have another chapter written up ages ago, but I lost my Phone in the Process :c
    ~Xerox xo
    May 7th, 2013 at 12:23am
  • lady of the sunshine

    lady of the sunshine (100)

    United States
    May 6th, 2013 at 03:36am
  • lady of the sunshine

    lady of the sunshine (100)

    United States
    Here from comment swap.

    I liked this story. I thought it was a clever, unique idea and it was carried out well. I was intrigued with your writing style as well. It was almost choppy, but in a good way, in places, and it added to the tone of the story very well. Like the narrator is a bit crazy, which I'm pretty sure he is. Who is the narrator? Watch your paragraphing, though. It was kind of hard to read at points. I also suggest making a layout for this story. It makes it more appealing to potential readers and more enjoyable to look at. It can even add to the mood of the story if you do it well. Keep up the good work! You should update. I subscribed.
    May 6th, 2013 at 03:35am