The Things We Do 4 Love - Comments

  • I absolutely loved this last one.

    A lot.

    My mother though? That bitch can fall off the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned. I mean seriously?! She slept with my fucking fiance?

    She's a skanky whore and I hope to fucking all things sacred that she never tries to contact me again.

    At least Matt knows why I want nothing to do with her now though, and more so he isn't gonna try and push the issue of her and I being all family-like anymore either.

    Not that anyone in their right mind would after that family secret was let out.

    I still can't believe he thought it was cool to poke at me like he did on our disastrous trip back to the guest house. I mean, really? He knew I was having a shit day, he should have just kept his smartass comments to himself.

    I won't complain to much though, because it did lead to some pretty awesome hate-you-even-though-I-love-you sex.


    As for the rest of my family...

    I cannot believe that they left us out there for two extra days without power when they'd had it.

    One day, understandable I suppose, because maybe we weren't ready to venture out to town (though seeing as they are all well aware how much I hate that place, even that's a stretch), but two?

    Yeah... they all suck.

    If we were half dead in a ditch they'd have felt like shit.

    Would have served them right too.

    At least my future brother-in-law is on his way to making it up to me by having plane tickets back to California ready and waiting for us.

    Seriously though, I loved this one.

    I can't wait for the sequel to it.

    Hurry and get to work on it!

    November 11th, 2012 at 12:15am
  • Well...

    That was a disaster and a half. Not that I expected any less from this chapter what with the doomed family reunion being in it and all.

    The highlight was definitely everyone else showing up though.

    I mean, at least then I had more than just Matt there to keep me sane. I could give two shits less what everyone else thought about it.

    As for that ending...

    You are sooo lucky I know what's going on there, because if not? You'd be getting a bitch fit of epic proportions inserted into this right about now.

    But lucky you, you're not.

    I can't wait to read numero four so hurry and update it.

    I want moreeee.

    November 7th, 2012 at 11:34am
  • Sooo...

    I loved both of these.

    A lot.

    They were both pretty fabulous... not as fluffy as I was hoping after my night last night, buuut... I still loved them.

    Besides, the smut in the second chapter made up for the lack of fluff that there was up until the end of that chappy.

    That was just fucking adorable, by the way.

    I mean, Matt was all unsure of himself, which just turns me to goo because its so fucking adorable, and then you have me all panicky thinking that he drags me out to some shitty family reunion just to dump me.

    Then again, after meeting my mother, I'm not so sure I could blame him.


    What? She's a bitch.

    At least I have one not shitty parent though.

    Though he does definitely share the blame with Matt for why I'm even going to that shitty reunion.

    Anyways though...

    I loved it.

    I can't wait for the next two.

    They better be fluffy.




    Especially if I have to deal with my shitty family some more, Loll.

    November 7th, 2012 at 01:47am