Did You Know You'd Show Me Your Scars? - Comments

  • hail the moustache.

    hail the moustache. (100)

    United States
    This should totally continue, I luv it! The Joker and Lyssandra are so hot together oh my god.
    December 15th, 2012 at 06:29pm
  • crazylover664

    crazylover664 (100)

    United States
    very good please continue:)
    November 24th, 2012 at 08:20am
  • paracosm.

    paracosm. (110)

    United Kingdom
    This is interesting. The plot is pretty cool, too; I don't think I've heard of any stories when the OC's brother gets caught up in The Joker madness. Mr. Green Which makes your story utterly original and awesome.

    I haven't had time to read the second chapter, but I will get onto it, promise. Just give me a day or two.

    There are a few errors in the first chapter that I'd like to point out;

    As they flashed from the joker's photo to the accomplice.

    It should be the Joker or The Joker - you don't really have to capitalize the 'The' but I do it because, well, The Joker is awesome and he deserves to have his 'The' capitalized, no? :]

    As i brewed some tea, i put the news on.

    Those should all be capitals.

    Its always so beautiful and it has a purpose in the world.

    I think it should be 'It's', because that means It is always so beautiful and it has a purpose in the world. I may be wrong.

    I didnt think anything of it since its Gotham, not much of a surprise if it were thieves.

    "Didn't needs to have an apostrophe, as does "It's Gotham"

    I had the feeling like something wasnt right, but I ignored it.

    "Wasn't" needs an apostrophe too.

    You'd think they would have learned by now that they really cant hold the joker there.

    "Can't." needs an apostrophe. :3

    This is no biggie, really, cause this story seems really good. Just a few punctuation errors.

    I'm sorry if I seem a little bitchy, I really am just trying to help, and you shouldn't really worry too much about it.

    This story is amazeballs. tehe

    Anyway, this was a very promising beginning, and I'm happy that I've found a new Joker fanfiction. Yay. Update soon! Hug
    November 14th, 2012 at 08:15pm