The Moment I Knew - Comments

  • Wow. I love this. It was completely different from what I was thinking but that's why I love reading other people's stories especially when they right about something I've come up with my own idea of and then completely interpreted it in a different way.

    The letter format of this story was great and really showed the emotion of the song. I think the letter format did a better job than a "normal" story would in this case. I also like how you made it a letter to her dad. I assumed in the beginning that it was about a crush or boyfriend but when I got to the end I saw it was her dad and that made me even more mad that he didn't show up. Dads are supposed to be the one guy that never disappoint you yet they sometimes do and this story was the perfect showcase of that.

    Once again, this was amazing. Thanks for entering!
    December 4th, 2012 at 11:47pm
  • I've been sitting here for the past few minutes trying to come up with a comment that could be worthy of this, or just something that doesn't make me sound like an idiot. I honestly don't know what to say so let me start with the story itself, which I absolutely loved. It is realistic, heartbreaking, and quite literally perfect. In the beginning, I assumed she was referring to a crush, and then to a boyfriend that was late. I never expected her to be waiting for her father and when that was made clear...not going to lie, I teared up. Not only because the emotions were so clear, but because it hits very close to home with me. I won't go any further, this comment is for you and your one shot so I will end this by saying once again that I loved this. Excellent job <3
    December 4th, 2012 at 03:48am