You'd Kill for Me, I'd Die for You. - Comments

  • daughter

    daughter (100)

    United States
    You were right, that chapter WAS amazing. :o I don't fucking know who Merle is but he's a buttfuck and deserved to get his ass thrown around like that. I'm glad Charlie stood up for herself this time. And as for Daryl, his awkward way of soothing her made me smile. :) I like that they have common ground. Their bonding is cute in a depressing way, haha.

    Write more! Right now!
    November 24th, 2012 at 04:41am
  • daughter

    daughter (100)

    United States
    Whoa! I loved chapter 2! Daryl is such a sweetheart but in a roundabout way. He's not blatantly sweet but the gestures are there. Also, I like how Charlie is depicted as a bit of a little sister to Daryl. Even if there is some tension between them, I like the way he looks after her. Too cute.

    And chapter 3 was great too! I liked the insight on Charlie's life and past. I hadn't really imagined her father to be the abusive type from the way shed spoken about him before, so meeting him and seeing his dark side was enlightening in a way. And of course, I adore how she immediately knows who to run to. <3

    As for your questions, you know I don't care. x) as long as you're writing more and more! But I really do love these back stories. Maybe you should do this as the prequel to the actual story. I'd like that!

    Lovin it as always. :) write moooore!
    November 23rd, 2012 at 06:37am
  • Ghastghost24

    Ghastghost24 (100)

    United States
    Hmm I like the idea of a few more back story chapters then going straight to the show. I also agree with rocket queen because I had moment of confusion with a few things like how I didn't realize you owned with a back story lol.
    November 21st, 2012 at 07:05pm
  • Rocket Queen

    Rocket Queen (405)

    So I figured this was a Supernatural fanfic at the mention of the word "hunter", though I was kinda confused at who the main guy was because I hadn't seen the Walking Dead (until I googled it). Maybe this could be mentioned in the summary to those who are a bit confused?

    I will say I like Charlie as a character. She definitely does seem like a bad ass and her meeting with Daryl in the beginning was really funny, the way she referred to meeting him as her first "hick sighting".

    Although I was confused again in the second and third chapter at the mention of age differences until I realised one or the other was a flashback and it was jumping back and forth between present day. Perhaps this could be made a little more clearer at the beginning of the chapter such as a "Five Years Later" heading or maybe some mention during Charlie's narration. As for your question at the end of chapter three, my opinion is you should stay with the present day storyline and then flashback every so often, just so it doesn't ump around so much. That kind of narrative can be hard to follow sometimes.

    Overall I think you've got the makings of a good story here and I believe that Charlie is a strong enough character, and I like the relationship between her and Daryl.
    November 21st, 2012 at 04:21pm
  • basket case

    basket case (100)

    This is completely amazing! There just aren't enough chapters! Update right this second. :o
    November 20th, 2012 at 09:31am
  • daughter

    daughter (100)

    United States
    Ahhhhh. :D it's good! Idk if this is fan fiction or original, but its good either way. I really like it. I like her personality and the tone of her thoughts is really relatable. And i like that she's pretty bad ass for a 13 year old girl. XD

    excited for more! Good work, babes. :)
    November 17th, 2012 at 05:39pm