The Heavenly Choir of Exorcists - Comments

  • This is very good I really enjoyed it and hope others do too. I love how this is all dialog. It is very funny and really good. I mean seriously. (sorry I'm ranting comment brought me hear but I'm glad it did). And if you could read my story I would be very greatful but you don't have to if you don't want to, it's up to you.
    December 9th, 2012 at 06:29am
  • Comment Swap: The dialogue is awesome; i know, i know, there is only dialogue, but its written very naturally. I also love when a writer never says anything 'out loud' but only hints at it for the reader to get the point or at least start coming around to it. I'm guessing this has to do with angels and such and 'downstairs' is hell. could be wrong but thats what i got from it. I'm going to subscribe to this. I'd be interested to see where it goes; impress me and ill recommend.
    December 3rd, 2012 at 09:38pm
  • I was sent here via comment swap.

    Wow, I adore the title! The minute it showed up on the comment swap page, I was desperate to have a read. Your summary is also really intriguing, and seriously, you've got me hooked already when I've not read a thing!

    I love the fact that the practically all of your first chapter is in dialogue. Usually, Id protest greatly to it, but it works really well in the way that you've used it. It kind of adds more mystery and intensifies the need for more, haha! I really do find this story really interesting. I love it when a writers keeps the audience guessing, and that's what you're doing right from the start. Your characters seem to speak in two totally different tones, which I also adore. I think my favourite is Sam, the one that seems more relaxed. I can relate to him in a ridiculous way because he pretty much has the same attitude to everything as I do.

    I couldn't see anything to worry about in terms of grammar or spelling. Your speech flows excellently, and despite the fact that there aren't any descriptive paragraphs, I can imagine the scene perfectly. This has really got me interested, and I'll be subscribing to see what comes next!
    November 30th, 2012 at 04:50pm