Addiction - Comments

  • whateverjk_lol

    whateverjk_lol (100)

    United States
    I was laughing so hard when Ray reprimanded Gee, Bob, and Frank and even harder when Mikey threw his shoe at Gerard.

    Freaking hilarious!!!
    June 4th, 2008 at 01:30am
  • Captain John Hart

    Captain John Hart (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    “Not my fault, you need to listen to your woman when he calls,”

    Aww poor Frank getting called a woman.

    I loved this so much.

    You're a really good writer and this was a really good idea.
    May 10th, 2008 at 11:21pm
  • i_love_rolo_cookies

    i_love_rolo_cookies (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    that was ridiculously cute!!
    May 4th, 2008 at 12:08pm
  • VickyDicamillo

    VickyDicamillo (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Awww thats soooo cute. great story very original idea lol i love thast frankie was trying to get gees attention.
    April 22nd, 2008 at 09:45am
  • Telenovela!

    Telenovela! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you were right, i freaking LOVED IT.
    i smiled like the whole way through, and it put me in a little bubble of wonderfulness =D

    you're such an amazing writer!

    susie x
    April 19th, 2008 at 11:14am
  • Saint Gut-Free

    Saint Gut-Free (150)


    Everything I write is going to look so pathetic next to Lizzy's comment. =]

    That was brilliant, Chloe!
    Seriously. =]
    I love how it was a complete reverse of the prequel, what with Frank trying to get Gerard's attention, and Gerard giving him the 'surprise' at the end, whilst the previous story was the opposite...

    And Bob.
    God. That guy is a funny man. =]
    Poor Frank though. He had to suffer through Gerard-withdrawal all day.

    You are amazing. =]
    Go write more frerard!
    April 19th, 2008 at 10:29am
  • KranK

    KranK (100)

    aw! I read the two parts...

    And I loved it!

    The emotion was so good... All of Frank's quirky attempts for some GOD-DAMNED AFFECTION! Haha...

    I liked, in part one, how it was so well-planned. Like, Frank going through all the band members, making up the reasons why they would be his mystery angel. It was perfect...

    AND in THIS story, I liked how the thing that Frank was so jealous of and evil towards was in fact what completed the story and made them all perfect again. Well, that and the fact that Gerard was horny...

    April 18th, 2008 at 05:45pm
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    You know what I forgot to mention that I loved about your story? The title. You hear ''addiction'', and you think, oh Gerard or Frank must be on drugs.....but that's so far from the case in this story. It's beautiful the way they were addicted to each other here, and all throughout you realize they both feel that very same addiction to each other. Its simply gorgeous.

    Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention, I realized why Gerard thought nothing was wrong. He was so blissfully happy with Frank the entire time, he was so busy making that picture for the love of his life... he didn't have time to see that there even was a problem to begin with, because he was in his own little Frankie dreamland.... and that to me, is freaking gorgeous.

    Again, it is the prettiest Frerard ever. This story made my heart swell and will keep a permanent smile on my face for a long, long time.

    Amazing, love. :arms:
    April 18th, 2008 at 05:32pm
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    So, basically this is the most amazing story I have ever read. Ever.

    You have left me absolutely speechless, but I'll try my best to give this oneshot the comment it deserves.

    The beginning:
    I love how Frank wakes up craving "his Gerard" (it's very important to add the "his" ). The description and detail you put into how hard Frank works to grab his boyfriend's attention is indescribably amazing. There simply aren't words.

    The lengths he went through to get that attention! WOW!

    I love how you worked through it and turned everything you thought in the beginning the complete opposite of what it actually was in the end. Like, at first I thought Gerard was simply being a jerk and not wanting to pay attention to him. I completely melted at the end, and all the way through I adore how niave he is. He's so blissfully clueless to the fact that Frank did so much as to come out in front of everyone naked as the day he was born to prove to Gerard that he wanted some attention... was amazing.

    That was my favorite attempt. Oh and the cupcake part, too.
    I simply can't choose.
    Oh wait. Frank did a little wiggle when he was naked, right?
    Naked wiggle rules everything! :crazy:

    I love the other band members.
    BOB, was hilarious. A jerk, but... a funny jerk. "HEY DIP SHIT!" HAHAH I'm still dying over that! And I love how he put his foot down before the encore, "Stop being so sexy!" Awesome.

    MIKEY, was also hilarious. "Cover your shame!" *DIES*
    And kicking him with his shoes. Ooooh my. *deep breath...*

    RAY, wasn't as funny, but he was the voice of reason and tied the guys together when they were about to rip each other's eyes out. I love that. Love love love it.

    You gave so much definiton to everyone and what they were doing. Like their little activities... Bob playing the game, Mikey and Ray bowling with fruit... very clever. And of course, Gerard drawing. Paying so much attention to his artwork... with Frank hovering around him begging for attention. I can so see the little picture you painted of them all hanging out happening! It's amazing what your words can do. They were simply amazing.

    The performance.
    Wow. Frank the guitar GOD. You did that SO amazingly well, I was simply blown away by it. Everyone noticed, and that was amazing. Gerard's reaction was priceless! *glances at your default and CAN'T STOP LAUGHING*

    I still love Mikey's shoes kicking him in the head to bring him back to earth. :D

    And in their performance, they played The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You.
    Words... have escaped me... :arms:

    Oh, and I lovehow Gerard screwed up the songs! It was all in the name of Frankie, and sure showed him just how much he means to him (Demolition Lovers, anyone?). I think that right there showed him that Gerard could never find him unattractive or any of the negative things he thought before.

    I LOVE how Gerard attacked Frank when they got off stage, how he was like hungry for him, full of passion and love for the man that he loves more than anything... and then suddenly, it was sweet. The animalistic craving he had for Frank was replaced by sweetness, and just... love. This story was full of different emotions, but the only one that stood out the most throughout the entire thing, was love.

    Everything Frank did to get Gerard's attention was out of love.
    Everything Gerard did that day was for Frank, and out of love.

    I love the clever little twist, that Gerard indeed spent his entire day... with Frank.

    And the squealing Frank made me smile like this :D

    But the ending of the story, was of course my favorite. He gave Frank his picture, that dreaded piece of artwork he'd been working on aaallllll day... the emotion put into that, the description of the picture.... all was done just so amazingly beautiful.

    "Be the Jack to my Sally?"

    That was simply... the perfect ending to a perfect story. There are simply no words for how amazing this was. It is a true masterpiece, it is truly the most beautiful thing I have ever ever read. The time and effort you put into it simply blows me away. It's so long, and simply PERFECT. Absolutely wonderful.

    And I'm so honored that you dedicated it to me. You inspire me in so many different ways, and I can never thank you enough for that.... but now I'm getting all mushy, but that's what that oneshot has done to me! :hug:

    You have brought to life the most beautiful image of Frank and Gerard as a couple that I have ever ever read. Oh and you know what? They're *my* favorite. :)

    Simply fantastic work, love.

    I.L.Y! :arms:
    April 18th, 2008 at 10:18am