If You're Wondering If I Want You To (I Want You To) - Comments

  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Well now...

    Wasn't this one just eventful as all fuck. I mean, seriously.

    What the flying fuck were the two of them smoking when they decided to be the biggest fucking idiots on the planet and start dating, if you can even call it that.

    I mean... I know Johnny is not the most sensible of the guys by any means, but I thought he was fucking smarter than that.

    Clearly I over-estimated his mental functionality.

    A lot.

    And then, that shit with them trying to get Belle not to tell me? I mean, for reals? Did they really think she'd find my friendship to be of less importance than keeping their fucking secret for them?


    The fuck.


    Must've been high then too.

    I'm just glad Matt took it as seriously as I did.

    I mean... what the fucking fuck.

    Johnny's just lucky I didn't go ape-shit and kick his ass clear to another fucking continent.

    I'm just saying.

    Anyways... I know you have the update for this ready, so get a move on and effin' update it.


    May 12th, 2013 at 06:16am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    So as if I wasn't already positive of the fact that I hate my mother in this series... this just proved it further.

    Though I must say... I was really amused when she accused Belle of sleeping with my dad.

    It was pretty fucking funny.

    I will admit, however, I should have been keeping a better eye on my sister. It's Matt's fault though. If I wasn't constantly distracted by his good looks then it wouldn't have been an issue.


    At least Johnny is reliable (even if it was only because of an odd fear of my father that he has) to watch out for her.

    As for that last one?

    I think dear ol' dad overreacted quite a bit.

    I mean... sure she shouldn't have gotten wasted... but she did. Doesn't mean she deserved being grounded indefinitely. Clearly someone is taking the 'Over Protective Dad' role a little too seriously.

    And look at that, baby sister took off with kids from the wrong crowd because someone couldn't realize he was behaving this side shy of a Nazi.

    Well... at least nothing super terrible happened to her.

    Anyways, update it.


    I wanna know what happens next.

    April 11th, 2013 at 04:08am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    I loved this one.

    I really did.

    From the way Belle found out about me and Matt to me and Taryn being down right mean to Hayley.

    The awkwardness between me and my dad was also pretty amusing for me.

    Then again... it was pretty hilarious when Taryn decided to start commenting on how attractive she found Matt.

    I certainly got a little possessive then, didn't I?


    And would you look at that... Both of Matt's parents actually LIKE me.

    That pretty much never happens and we both know it.

    It's a nice change for once.

    I can't wait to see what happens next.


    I want more of this.


    Update it.

    I want more of this!

    January 31st, 2013 at 01:52am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States

    *Glances in Matt's direction*

    Hate to say it... (Okay so I absolutely don't hate to say it, in fact it's one of my favorite things to say)

    I told you so.

    I knew that was not going to go over well.

    Not. At. All.

    And what's more... I tried to tell him that. But did he listen? Nope. Sure didn't... and how did it go? Exactly like I told him it would.

    The upside? The start of this one was absolutely adorable. It really was. Made me smile.


    Matt was just so adorable and sweet and just yeahh.

    I loved it.

    Update this soon.

    I wanna know what happens next.


    January 8th, 2013 at 04:44am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Well now...

    Matt certainly is persistent in this, isn't he?

    Not that that is a bad thing, because it definitely isn't. In fact, its pretty damn sexy. Now if I could just get my dad off my back about whatever it is he and I may or may not have gotten started.

    Though really, as far as dear old dad knows, its just some harmless flirting so he has nothing to get all pissy about.

    Then again, he is the father to three girls... which is not an easy job.

    The nosy sisters need to back off and mind their own business too, for the record.

    As for the introductions to everyone... probably could have gone better... and you better believe I'm not about to let Brian get away with the stupid shit that seems to continuously fall out of his mouth.

    But yeah...

    I loved it.

    I want more of it.


    Veryy effin' soooooon.

    December 31st, 2012 at 03:42am
  • Dancing.In.Graves

    Dancing.In.Graves (100)

    United States
    Soo yeah.

    I loved it.

    A lot.

    A lot, a lot.

    It was just... yeah. I love how Matt is just a genuinely nice guy in this. It makes me smile tons. I mean, he could have totally gone the macho guy route at the bar, and he instead he went for sweet and nice. It's a little different from the norm, and I liked it.

    Also, Dad's near heart attack? Made me laugh. He needs to relax. I mean, hell... I'm grown, I can take care of myself. It is nice to know that he cares though.

    But like I said... I loved it.

    Can't wait for the next installment.

    So update it.


    December 1st, 2012 at 07:31am