Sugar, Sugar - Comments

  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    "And most of those girls were interested in getting in Alex's pants," I am SO THROUGH, this is beautiful, and oh, "Then he'd be ditched for one of those plastic candy cane bitches." and also, "He reallly needed to stop insulting his boyfriend for things he didn't do. Aloud," I absolutely love Jack, and the candy cane thing is so perfect, and hahaha, "Jack was aware," I could just quote all of the beautiful things in this, but I can't because EVERYTHING is either wonderful or funny and I absolutely lovelovelove this, Jack "being happy" with Alex's popularity, and Alexjust being Alex, and he has fans, okay, how wonderful, and I'm jealous of Jack because fate was indeed nice, he got an end locker and I'm smashed inbetween TALL GUYS, but okay, Alex, ALEX!, "Because I heart you, dumbass," this is so freaking adorable and sweet and the last line, "I mean, you bought me an entire bag of candy canes." Because it completely and totally measures someone's love. I am in love. This is so sweet and perfect and, yes, aw!

    I would say it's my favorite, but I can't choose because they're all so beautiful and this one made me want a candy cane. MOTHER! I HAVE A REQUEST. XD Off to your other beautifulness! Lovelovelove. <3<3<3<3
    December 6th, 2012 at 02:13pm