Drop Me a Line - Comments

  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    Can I just...I can't..."...and readjusting his shoulder bag (that was not a purse,) I lost it that quick, THAT quick, because I absolutely love this, and Brendon being able to stay most nights with Ryan because aww, and at the moment it was mentioned that Spencer called Brendon dumb and it wasn't fought, it was just acknowledged, I started giggling incredibly hard, and Ryan immediately jumped to darkness when Brendon appeared with the cards and pen: "Are you forcing me to write a suicide note? Ryan questioned, picking up a card that had a bulldog in a Santa hat on it. Brendon couln't tell if he was making a joke. "On silly animal cards?", jeez, he's so jokingly wonderful, and it's just dismissed that Brendon was getting snapped at, and the idEA OF WRITING CARDS TO PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE IS THE MOST GENUIS THING EVER, I CAN'T. They are the most perfect couple, okay, they both have their wits about them and Brendon brings the unique ideas and Ryan goes with them because the unique is the genius.

    You drive me crazy here. So, so, sososo crazy. X3
    December 6th, 2012 at 02:19pm