St. Peter - Comments

  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    Oh my GOSH, I'm crying, Pete and glitter, that is the most fabulous image in the ever-loving world, and it's so perfect, and oh my goodness, "Ready," he replied, brushing the glitter off of his hands. Of course he used Patrick's shirt," that is incredibly perfect and they are perfect and adorable, and Jesus, Frank, somebody's pissy this good day, "I didn't notice you around all the asshole," I AM CRYING TEARS, OKAY, oh my goodness twice, and I want more because I'm so deadly curious as to what "the thing with Mikey" is, but this is so wonderfully perfect that I suppose I can let it go, because you just gave me this: "Who said we're doing secret Santa?" Gerard chimed in.
    "I did,"
    Pete, you beautiful mofo, you, I just can't right now because how perfect are you, and ohhhhhhh, "You get a lot of pre-Christmas presents," Pete replied with a wink." Can I marry you right now? You and this, just go for it?

    Sucks? SUCKS? Every time you write something, I feel ashamed because NO COMPARISON. XD I was actually waiting for this yesterday-I look forward to these more than I do Christmas. Is that wrong? No, no, it doesn't feel like it. <3<3<3
    December 9th, 2012 at 02:17pm