By Your Side - Comments

  • Formaldehyde.

    Formaldehyde. (150)

    United Kingdom
    First of all, I ADORE DESTIEL! So, you had me there. And I adore the image you used for the banner, also.

    This story was filled with so much heartache and pain for the majority of it, but yet again you write with so much beauty it's a joy to read. And the ending was just brilliant and cute! So adorable.

    You portrayed the characters really well and the tension between Dean and Cas was perfectly executed. Some people make it too obvious but you managed to keep it balanced with curiosity.

    The starting line instantly grabbed the reader. Its dark and depressing state really sums up what Cas, and even Dean, had been feeling.

    I don't think I can praise you, your stories, and your style of writing any more than I have done. I am in love with your words!
    August 1st, 2013 at 01:28am