Alone Forever More - Comments

  • Thingtastic

    Thingtastic (360)

    United States
    Prompt interpretation: Royalty and Metaphorical
    Originality: 4/10
    Character Development: 5/10
    Story has real promise, but it was a tad confusing. It seemed like you were just tossing in names, and expecting me to know what you were talking about. I have never read the Iron Fey, and usually when people write fan fiction, they give enough information, so that the reader can understand what's going on without reading what the stories based on.
    So I went on good reads and read a review that pretty much summed up your entire story. So it seems that you wrote this in the best friends point of you, so you get points for that. However, your story was basically a summary of everything that happened in the book, so the originality points when way down.
    For the character development? Well since it was a retelling of what happened in the character's past, there really is no character development. He remained sad and upset throughout the whole thing.
    Anyway, I think this could have been improved if you added more detail and more originality.
    Score: 9
    (Oh and the chunky paragraph is a bit off putting. Can't it be separated even if it the layout maker is working?)
    December 26th, 2012 at 01:55pm