To Abort - Comments

  • I don't think that there's anything else that I can add on here that mia san mia. hasn't already mentioned just that omg. I love how simply worded, yet powerful this one shot is. It's better even that you've taken to write about such a taboo topic so realistically. Beautiful.
    June 5th, 2013 at 12:07pm
  • It's so rare to find a story about abortion on Mibba and one that's actually well written at that. I love that you weren't afraid to write something taboo. The way your portrayed her character as being so calm, casual, seemingly unaffected is brilliant. Usually everyone writes a female who has had an abortion as a total wreck, but it was great to see a different side here where she's holding it together. I really enjoy that while it obviously upsets her, there is a tiny sense of relief there as well. I feel like no one ever captures the whole range of emotions like that.

    I also enjoy that you included who I assume is the father here having a different reaction. His anger and hurt at her decision was wonderful shown. You've subverted the usual stereotypes here and I think that's what I love most. Seeing the father being the one who wants the baby while the mother doesn't really isn't something that's normal in stories.

    Overall, I just love the simplicity of how you wrote this, but it's very emotional at the same time.
    June 5th, 2013 at 11:47am