Let Me Love You - Comments

  • myloveformusic

    myloveformusic (100)

    @ anacrusa
    About the next chapters, there about two or three until the story is done... And the sequel is something I have to think about it, because like I said I'm going to be very busy from May to July :s
    April 26th, 2014 at 05:44pm
  • myloveformusic

    myloveformusic (100)

    @ Xime_Stardust
    Again, I really appreciate your honest opinion and everything you said is accurate don't worry about me trying to defend my point of view, I just felt like there was a slightly misunderstanding that's all. But I always try to learn from my mistakes and you guys help me do that :)
    April 26th, 2014 at 05:42pm
  • everdeen

    everdeen (100)

    I think you should make sacrifices for the ones you love, but you shouldn't give up on your dreams for anyone, they are a big part of who you are. When you do that, in the future (when the "what-if"s start to eat your brain) you will look back and unconsciously blame the person whom influenced you in this decision.
    Also, doesn't matter Kat's decision, she and Adam need a fresh start in order to move on. Things won't be the same as they were, but they can be good again.
    Distance relationships are almost impossible, BUT I wouldn't see that as a goodbye breakup, just a "let's take a break breath think about who we are and if our love is that strong and if we are really meant to be we'll be together again" breakup hahaha
    April 26th, 2014 at 12:08am
  • Xime_Stardust

    Xime_Stardust (100)

    @ myloveformusic oh kid, I love how trully in love you are with your characters and how that comes across everytime. I am in my 30's so yeah, I kinda see how your perspective becomes so trully different for what it was in the first part of the 20's. My intention was never to make you feel like I was saying your character's personalities were wrong...they are what you have created and that is perfect in all their imperfections as the humans you want them to be, that is totally cool with me, I was just giving you my very passioned intake of what your characters make me feel, how I see them and how wrong or right I feel they are from my personal perspective as a human.
    You've given this Adam your point of view of how you imagine the real one is and my opinion about how I think Kat sees him (or doesn't is more like it) is based on what you've given me and not what I think it is in real life... because really, is like she doesn't give him credit at all, like he's going to say "you know?, you're right it would be impossible for us to see one another and we totally need to break up", when he has (at several points in this plot) made sure to express how trully open he is to give her whatever it is that she needs and how much he loves her... or like they don't trust how much they have learned from their mistakes, again this is my view of them, I'm not saying yours is wrong...you don't need to defend your choices with the story because it's yours and is the end point of hours of daydreaming and working, but always have in mind that someone is going to look at your stories and say "I don't think that's accurate" and be prepare to say "well, sorry to rain on your parade but it actually is".
    I'll be wating for the next chapter to hate on Kat and be there for Adam hahahaha and don't fear long reviews!!! If they're not hatefull and horrible you should take them because they mean someone cares about your story enough to think about it and give an honest opinion ;)...you just asked for my opinion and I gave it, that is all.
    April 25th, 2014 at 01:11am
  • blkngld87

    blkngld87 (100)

    United States
    Boo! This makes me sad. She can't give up this opportunity, but Adam can't continue to chase her it's just not fair. Either way I love it and can't wait to see what happens!!!
    April 23rd, 2014 at 07:51pm
  • anacrusa

    anacrusa (100)

    After reading your comment and that line regarding a sequel, how many chapters there are left? I understand the complexity of Kat, I don't agree with her (I'm not saying that she has to stay with Adam and let all her dreams go away, but everything has its moment) but I think you're making a good job. It's just that sometimes (and it happens in movies too) things are a little unrealistic so the story is a little more dramatic. I think I'm not gonna like the next chapters, but I'll read them anyway.
    P.S when I said I think she's black and white I refer to the way she acts, noy the way you developed the chapter, I think she's complex but tends to think that there are only two options and you have to choose one.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 07:32pm
  • myloveformusic

    myloveformusic (100)

    @ Xime_Stardust
    Well, for starters... You almost gave me a heart attack when I read your whole comment, because it was so loooong and I definitely wasn't expecting that. As for this chapter and everything in general, I'm going to try and explain my point of view the best I can, ok so here it goes! We all know that Adam is a grown ass man, not a teenage boyfriend like @ anacrusa said, he is in his thirties which means that phase of your life that family should be something he should consider and obviously I don't know Adam personally (I wish though) but from what he shows in interviews and even on The Voice, I always try to make his personality seem realistic and according to what he is in real life, like I said there is a HUGE difference between the Adam that I write in this fanfiction and the real one, for all I know, he is nothing like in my story and probably really isn't, I have no idea how he is in his personal life, none of us know so the way I portray him in his story is more like I imagine him to be, but anyway moving along... We all know that the real Adam Levine has a type! He loves models and he's not afraid of showing and I have absolutely nothing against the women he dates, in fact his fiancé seems like a lovely person! But for me, I wanted a more "mature" Adam even though I love how he is so goofy, doesn't take himself seriously, a real jokster but in my story I wanted he to meet someone more realistic, definitely not the "statuesque perfect-looking model", or even a Hollywood starlet and someone who had that girl-next-door but still beautiful and interesting quality.

    So now enters my original character Kat: even though it seems that she is perfect, she really is not, she's no Marie Sue far from it very far from it, all of you have different opinions about her which I completely respect but I want to point out that SHE is a real person, with real problems and just 22 years old. I know that I make her to be mature and if you really pay attention to what I write you'll see that she has a very different way of thinking and portraying herself, she is mature than other young girls from her age in the aspect that she knows what she wants in the future and not at all the stereotype 22 year-old who has a lot of friends, is always going out and etc. But then again she is also immature in her relantionship with Adam because he is a man and not at all her high school sweetheart like Rob was and dating a 34 year-old man is something intense and requires a lot of maturity, she is not at all used to date someone like him not only because he is a celebrity of course but Kat is also a very complex person, she has her demons like everyone else and like Elizabeth once said, she feels everything so deeply, she walks around with her emotions on her sleeve even though she tries to put a mask to protect herself. She is a defensive person, she was expected to be the best from a young age, you all saw the pressure she suffers from her father.

    But she loves Adam very much and sometimes you hurt the one you love, it's inevitable. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a perfect relantionship, it's not real. Kat tries to deal with dating someone famous and having the world watching her under a microscope, her family, etc. But the girl is young in her early twenties and I'm not afraid of making her do mistakes, finding herself ... Does she make a big deal out of something minimal sometimes? Yes, but like I said once she kinda had to grow up a little fast when she was young and in my story it's clear that she didn't enjoy her childhood so much like she should've had!

    Izzy is her person, her best friend, sister and soulmate. I try to show their friendship like this, more than love, for me friendship is everything in life. My intention wasn't to make her seem like she was telling Kat to make a decision, she was supposed to seem impartial and just letting her best friend make her own decisions.

    As for the storyline and your complains about how she has to move to London because of the book deal and all that, I always try to do my research when I'm writing... Sometimes, I screw up royally (like this time), other times I manage to do it legitimate. Obviously this story has a path and I want to go through with it, she really can write her novel and not travell across the world to do it, that is something that I have to admit and I definitely didn't write this thinking like this and I'm sorry for that. Everything I write is certainly for a reason and Kat probably leaving Adam because of her dreams is a possibility, she is impatient and demanding. This is something she wanted all of her life and she is not one to just sit back and wait for the next opportunity, her dad didn't raise her like that. So blame the father if you want ahahah, but yes she has a compromise with Adam and she knows it, that's the reason why she acted the way she did when she told Izzy. They have a relantionship that sometimes it's more like a marriage and they lost a son so you can all see why this is so difficult for her.

    And also unlike Adam, she is more independent and doesn't like to depend on others and just be her own person. Even though he changed her a little when it comes to open more to people but it's still incredibly hard for her, since they are weird due to lack of communication.

    Well, I'm guessing that you're going to hate Kat when you read the next chapters but hey, try to go easy on her x). If I decide to write a sequel, have in mind that she will grow up more into an adult but with the same personality, of course.

    I want to apologize for all the slips and not making my point very clear and I really will make sure to know my shit for real before writing and I don't want you to think that I'm writing so it's more convenient for the storyline :|, I will try to correct the best I can in the next chapters and thank you for your honest opinion!
    April 23rd, 2014 at 06:35pm
  • xoxo_girl

    xoxo_girl (100)

    I hate that their relationship is still a bit awkward :/ i hope something happens to make them happier again. Great job on this chapter though!
    April 23rd, 2014 at 03:04am
  • Abmora01

    Abmora01 (100)

    United States
    I can't wait to read more:) also kat is makeing me angry I feel like she knows that she hurting adam yet she still acting like Kingston's death only affected her!!!
    Plz update soon!!:)
    April 22nd, 2014 at 11:58pm
  • anacrusa

    anacrusa (100)

    I totally agree with Xime_Stardust. You can actually write a book from anywhere. It's not like she's a teacher, for example. And this ultimatum, really, Izzy? We are on the 21st century, you can live your dreams without having to choose between them and your partner. Although on this case, London almost ended badly for them once, now it's gonna be worst. You know, I agree, she has to grow up and realise Adam is an adult, not the typical teenage boyfriend. In my opinion, it's a bad time to go to London, with all that's happened they're not ready. She needs to see that there's a compromise, and that there are many opportunities, as we can see in the story, as she's a very good writer.
    Apart from that, I really like your style of writing, and the way you develop the characters. Sometimes I think Kat is very black and white, and that she really thinks she's the mature one in the relationship. But I don't know, it's just what I see.
    April 22nd, 2014 at 09:37pm
  • Xime_Stardust

    Xime_Stardust (100)

    All right kid, do to your author note at the end of this chapter, I'm going to just write while I read and make my feelings and opinions known to you. I appreciate very much you wanting to actually know our opinion and not just "you're great!! never change" coments. So, here we go:
    ...I'm pretty sure a "big" publishing house would have the tools to actually make their every author as comfortable as possible while writing, I don't see many author moving around the world to be close to their publishing houses at all, even less if they are new authors and the house is paying for them to do the move, so I'm calling bullshit on that (sorry, I'm a pain in the behind but this kind of detail makes me love and hate your story at the same time and that, I do confess, is the exact reason why I keep on reading...because I f'ing love the way you have with words, how you can actually make me feel your characters but I hate how you make unrealistic thing happen to suit the story line or some obvious reference to a little lack of research time...again, sorry)
    The twins are so beautiful, I love how you make them say things an adult wouldn't say, many times when I read a story children have this tendency to behave and talk like adults, but this children are very, very unique.

    I don't get why the book deal is such a big fuss for her...is not like she can't negotiate the actual deal for crying out loud, THEY want HER, I'm sure there are things that can be talked and she has access to freaking lawyers!! and Adam is right there, uugghh...make me angry how immature this girl can actually be, she makes a F'ing storm out of a drop of water, I get the timing is totally off and she's scare but is time to grow a pair and that's not something you grow only out of being bold and daring. I think this is where we need for their difference in age to come out and for him to help her handle it IF she gets her head out of her butt and actually talks.

    ...And Izzy is not helping, like...at all. What is it with that ultimatum thing?...so Kat makes her dreams come true OR she stays with Adam?. I|m sorry but this is a man that has had a long list of very "out of the common" relationships, he knows what it takes to make a relationship in a world like his, work...I don't get why she's not more open to the actual HIM, not the idea of the rockstar but Adam, the boy that one day made it big and now is a business man, actor, musician and etc...Sometimes I feel like Kat hasn't really took the time to really look at him and give him some credit for the things he can handle and the things he can't...like she doesn't know him at all and only lives with whatever idea she had from the very start. I so wanna go to that park and give them both a little piece of my mind.

    So yeah...that's what i think...see?, I've been reading FF for a long time girl...a loooong time and I see how time will give you more elements on a personal level to give more dept to it all. Thanks for sharing!!
    April 22nd, 2014 at 08:06pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    The worse timing ever, I agree with Izzy all the way before she makes a final decision she needs to fix things with Adam and tell him what's goin on u kno becuz he would be more devasted if Kat kept this news to herself and the same goes for Adam dude u need to fix things with Kat and thn tell her about the tour issue, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    April 22nd, 2014 at 07:16pm
  • myloveformusic

    myloveformusic (100)

    @ everdeen
    God bless you, I know exactly what you're trying to say about Grey's references... I love that show especially because there is no way you can not relate to the situations that happens and I get a lot of inspiration from shows like Grey's Anatomy. Just so you know, your feedback never fails to make my heart flutter with joy, it really means everything to me <3
    April 22nd, 2014 at 04:16pm
  • everdeen

    everdeen (100)

    Adam calling her on her bullshit was the right thing to do, she couldn't live in her depressed bubble anymore.

    "That's because you haven't faces reality yet, you're holding into something that no longer exists" WOOOW, this.
    Sometimes even your soul mate can't save you, only your person (sorry for my grey's references)

    Fleetwood Mac ❤️

    I read Blake lines with his accent, always.

    I think somehow they are making progress. Better feeling anger than nothing at all.
    April 22nd, 2014 at 12:09am
  • everdeen

    everdeen (100)


    I'm speechless. I just updated myself on chapters 61 and 62... I'm crying so hard.

    Sometimes life sucks so much, I believe everything happens for a reason, but it's hard to think of a reason when someone has cancer or a baby dies. Situations like that are so tragical, it's difficult to think that people could ever be happy again after it.

    Elizabeth and Patsy talk made me cry more. I agree with them, they will never forget what happened, but they will eventually heal.

    Out of context, there are a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy season 6 that the doctors have to face their friend's death. To summarize: Meredith, main character, pretends it's all okay and don't shed a tear until employees take off stuff from George's locker and it's like reality hits her and she break down saying repeatedly "O'Malley is dead". For me, this is the worst type of grief, because you never know how long it will take for reality to hit and when it does... it hurts all in one shot.

    Gonna read chapter 63 and 64 later, I promise.
    April 21st, 2014 at 08:12pm
  • Abmora01

    Abmora01 (100)

    United States
    Can you plz make them happy again
    April 16th, 2014 at 03:28am
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    I don't kno what to say just tht I don't want Kat and Adam to break up, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    April 15th, 2014 at 06:27pm
  • MoMo_92

    MoMo_92 (100)

    United States
    First of all I don't blame Adam for callin out Kat's selfishness becuz she only thinks tht losing Kingston only affected her but she did to think about Adam, Izzy or Faith the people who witnessed her losing Kingston and how it affected them I mean Izzy is gettin nightmares from tht night, I'm glad tht Izzy shook some sense in Kat to remind her tht she isn't herself anymore, all I hope is tht Adam and Kat will still be the same loving couple once they stop goin to counseling or continuing goin to counseling even after they r healed from the loss of their son, can't wait to read more update as soon as u can :)
    April 12th, 2014 at 06:40pm
  • mrsmytos

    mrsmytos (100)

    United Kingdom
    Progress .... Baby steps ... Things will get better!
    April 11th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • everdeen

    everdeen (100)

    Just want to let you know that I haven't commented for 3 chapters because I have SO MUCH to study. But I sweeeeeeeear I'm gonna update my reading by the end of the month.

    PS: The last chapter is named "healing" and I'm freaking out because I think I know what happened, but I'm afraid of reading it omg
    April 10th, 2014 at 11:47pm