Surrendering - Comments

  • This is incredible. It feels like I am reading an elegant piece of poetry intertwined into the format of a book. I love the depth of her thoughts and how that reveals her inward struggles. Very nice job :)
    February 1st, 2013 at 02:44am
  • @ factory girl
    Thanks, I'm glad it's different. There's too much filth and cliches on mibba nowadays and I'm glad that you like my story. It means a lot :D Do you have any criticisms on this? I'm trying to write more original, avoid cliches, and talk more about person beliefs instead of depression :P
    January 31st, 2013 at 02:06pm
  • @ adiosToreador
    I'm glad you enjoyed it Shay! :D I'm glad that what you expected didn't happen. That makes me very glad, that means I avoided a lot of cliches! :D
    January 31st, 2013 at 02:04pm
  • so comment swap bought me here and im glad it did cause this story is really different from anything i have read lately which is refreshing. This story is really interesting and your style of writing is unique but quite nice, i also love your laylout, really nice job so far.
    January 30th, 2013 at 05:09am
  • I like this story! I came here by way of the comment swap and I have to say I love the development of the main character as she grows stronger and meets the right guy for her. I don't know if this is based on past experience or not, but either way it seems like it could have happened to a real person, with the way you use imagery to convey the way the character thinks about things. I thought something bad was going to happen in the end but I'm really glad she got married to someone who treats her as an equal ^.^ A very interesting and thought-provoking story, if you ask me :)

    January 21st, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • @ Tipsy
    That's quite alright. A few hours ago I wouldn't have understood what I meant either. I was just looking up words for an assignment. Now that it's done I want to sleeeeeep. Why am I on mibba? What the... Where's my pillow?

    Lol it's quite amusing take out whatever you like but please finish your story first. I want to know how it goes on!
    January 21st, 2013 at 07:32am
  • Thanks! But i didn't understand the folkway part...what does it mean? do you suggest i eliminate the part where Jim does all those things? You too take care ;)
    January 21st, 2013 at 02:49am
  • @ Tipsy
    The best way to get over your disappointment is finish the story and then think about it again. Also, who says you can't change and alter those things that bother you as the story develops?

    I don't really write anywhere else, unless you mean school. I hardly believe anyone wants me to write about folkways and mores or pluralists here.. ;) Also I was just looking up those words so I wouldn't have much to say. :P

    Oh little have two other little sisters of mine that would very much be interested in claiming my salary as well. That is, if I actually gave it up! Not that money is important to me, I just have a lot of school debt to pay off..

    Jim, seems a little bit better nowadays. His strange dancing and dressing like a women are folkways(customary ways of living--the difference between right and rude) that should not have been crossed. Lol a sequel...I could write it when I have time. It would be fun. There would be a girl searching for her dream man and determined to break all mores (norms and acceptable customs) she would choose someone quite atrocious and strange. But little to the knowledge of the reader, things would become more interesting as these two personalities mix..

    I enjoy talking to you too, chatter all you like, it gives me a smile :D You're a very amusing person, when we meet in real life I might stuff your mouth with a strawberry to keep you quiet though if things get out of hand. I do know you find strawberries cute, and not to sweet...or was that Jim and Ben...anyways they will certainly disarm you! Mwahahahaha

    uhh...take care ;)
    January 21st, 2013 at 02:41am
  • @ discoveringclouds
    Thank you! I'm really disappointed by My Fair Princess, to be honest. But one reason why i can't give up on it is because i ENJOY writing it soo much! I'm glad you guys are supporting ;)

    I didn't know you weren't very active on this you write somewhere else? Anyway, i hope you graduate soon! After that you can get a job and hand over your first salary to your lil sis (that has to be me!) haha just kidding! Say hello to ur mum. And well, your prince is going to appear soon. Or do you prefer someone like Jim? I'll make a sequel called My Fair Prince hahaha XD joking joking...I really love talking to you :D Don't mind me, i'm a chatter box in real life as well XD
    January 21st, 2013 at 12:27am
  • @ Tipsy
    Heyyyy :D Of course I read all of this! One of the reasons I still come on this site is just to see your updates on my fair princess.

    YAY! Thank God (Alhamdullilah) I'm so glad you read it! You actually read it to your mom! I love her response, simply awesome. My mom (who I actually read this out to as well) was saying that my thoughts are cute. I warned her before hand the main character was baaad, lol she was so sweet listening to more than half the story before she got tired. hahaha ;)

    Awwww you're so dedicated as a friend *hug* you woke up just for me. Shucks.

    You're the first person to call me Apa! I wish my siblings called me Apa or's so cute. <3 :D I appreciate it bahna (little sis) My spelling is atrocious in Urdu/Hindi.

    And I love calling annoying characters a "git" because The Authoress taught me this hilarious word.

    I better learn how to make saywaiein! Then I can test it...on you. Don't worry I'm a fair cook, I'll make sure it's decent first. And no...sadly...the perfect fair prince has not made his appearance in my life as of yet. But I'm not too worried, university has me pretty busy(I am planning to graduate in June though...) Also, the new guy makes a pretty good role model for my prince...he better read my story and start working on himself..:P

    That's a bit exaggerant. :P haha. Anyways I am so pleased that you enjoyed it so much! I haven't written in so long and the good reviews are making me feel a lot more like writing. :D

    Take care! I hope your busyness is going well!
    January 20th, 2013 at 11:26pm
  • Aw...ignore my previous comment, this was simply mind blowing. I was forced to think.And well, after each paragraph, I wanted to say 'Amazing', wish you could hear me ;) I LOVED the last line, 'He is a black belt too' Jeez, that was great. I read this out to mum, but well that wasn't a pleasant experience. She was all like "You've got such great friends. Why don't you learn from them?" Haha XD And guess what? I especially woke up at two in the morning to read this story cos i'm busy otherwise. Really i'm a good person too ya know, i hope mum acknowledges that as well XD you mind me for writing so much? Well, if you do, then forgive me but i'll write more! :P

    Alright, 'Shallow git' made me smile, i'll accept that. XD And the end was superb! So, finally, i'd conclude with, "I LOVE YOU APA!" (i hope i'm not wrong? Apa is elder sis, right? i'm not sure XD)

    On a sidenote, are you married? If you are, then you're definitely treating me to saywaiein (I don't know the correct spelling XD) And also, I like the new guy and i wanted to kick the other dude. >:(

    Haha anyway, LOVED that. I do hope you read all that i wrote! Love you sis! <3 Hug
    January 20th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • Continue! kuhahahahaha Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil
    January 19th, 2013 at 04:38pm
  • @ Tipsy seems pretty finished in the last chapter, so far. I like it like this.
    January 19th, 2013 at 04:07pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    Don't just finish it! I haven't read the last chap...but still continue this!! Smile
    January 18th, 2013 at 08:19am
  • @ Tipsy
    Well the story is actually done. I want to know what you want to say! Tell me every little thing!

    I'll be waiting.
    January 18th, 2013 at 01:48am
  • i'm subscribing after this. Update sooner. I won't say a thing because i have LOTS to say!! Keep going!! Mr. Green
    January 2nd, 2013 at 06:27am
  • @ The Authoress
    I started this story last year, that's just crazy. It doesn't feel that long ;) Feels like four days..
    January 1st, 2013 at 05:25pm
  • @ The Authoress
    I'm so glad you are enjoying it. :) tell me what you like I'm so interested in knowing.
    January 1st, 2013 at 12:41am
  • @ Tipsy
    Lol your mom likes me? What is this news. It's quite exciting. How does she know me!!
    January 1st, 2013 at 12:40am
  • Can I recommend again? Hehe love this!! He's a black belt too hahahaha :))
    December 31st, 2012 at 08:57pm