Butterfly Kisses - Comments

  • bona drag.

    bona drag. (935)

    I don't think I've ever read a story about Pansy Parkinson before, especially one from her point of view, or even one where she wasn't being a complete nightmare, so that really sets this apart. I just love that you showed a different side to Pansy: a normal teenage girl side. She's so unpleasant in the books, but she's a girl so she's clearly going to have crushes and insecurities as well.

    and that number could be compared to the stars in the sky, the number of products made in China, or the number of times I thought about him in a day.

    I loved this line. The number of products made in China is a really awesome description and something different so I found it rather creative.

    Overall, I just adore this story. Although brief, I think you added some depth to Pansy's character and dare I say made her a bit likeable/relatable actually. I also like the way you described Victor and his obsession with Quidditch. The little details like that and Pansy having been with Draco keep it tied to the novels. My only criticism is I see no connection to the title or the layout, but the layout doesn't really matter. I am wondering about the title though.
    June 17th, 2013 at 07:01am