The Basement - Comments

  • Rainisfalling

    Rainisfalling (100)

    United States
    Comment swap brought me here, so lets begin :) I've never written drabble and to be honest I don't really know about it and I've never read it before so I can't really say anything there. The layout/picture is clean and easy to read and it draws the readers attention. For some reason I found myself looking at the house picture each time you mentioned a staircase or something. The content is really interesting and I found myself wishing you had a few more chapters. I subscribed and im looking forward to seeing more :)
    April 7th, 2013 at 03:25am
  • PotatoButterfly

    PotatoButterfly (100)

    I like the idea of this. So is he not human? The last line says that she made him feel almost human for the first time. I wonder what he is.. This is actually my first time reading drabble on here. I like how fast and easy to read it is. I think someone has said this before but there's definitely a creepy vibe crawling in. I like this so far! I hope you continue!
    March 20th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • gabbin

    gabbin (100)

    United States
    I dig this so far. I really like drabble, cause it's quick to read, and if done correctly, will still convey everything. Though I am not creeped out by the story yet, t does have creep-out potential. Definitely subscribing and recommending. Also, I'm not sure if your pen name thing is your actual name or an Edgar Allen Poe reference, either way I love it :)
    March 3rd, 2013 at 05:09am
  • Annabelle.Lee

    Annabelle.Lee (100)

    United States
    I know it's short, but drabble is supposed to be 100 words long, so that's how long each chapter is. I know there are grammar errors throughout, but that's because I want Boyd's narration to sound a little bit disjointed and quirky. A lot of short sentences, ands, etc. Thank you guys so much for reading though! I'm really excited to see where this story goes. I've tried to write a longer version of this story before for people who had a problem with the length, but it was from Emily's perspective. It just... didn't exactly work and kinda burned out. So I thought I'd try it again :)
    January 5th, 2013 at 05:52pm
  • a mimosa pudica

    a mimosa pudica (2200)

    I have a feeling that I'm making my comment cheap but I am absolutely fascinated with this story. Your first attempt with a drabble is going well so far and I am definitely subscribed to this story!
    January 5th, 2013 at 09:10am
  • dream'n.reality.

    dream'n.reality. (100)

    United States
    Everything looks great. Unlike most people on here, it takes a lot to creep me out. From the start and finish, even if it merely was two chapters, it definitely fascinated me.

    Unlike the other comments below, I don't believe he is dead. If they thought he was sleeping he obviously is alive.

    The title didn't hint at this at all. The summary made me think that there probably was some freak of a chick in the attic or something. The story caught me off guard and I'd liked it. x3

    Stories are all different, and they are special that way. Yeah, some stories are played out better when they have dialogue but that's the freedom of the writer's choice. The length doesn't bother me, it's quality not quantity.

    The only thing I would say to change is the title but I took the time to actually read the status. Haha.

    Besides the minor grammar mistakes, I really like this story..I'll be subscribing. <3
    January 5th, 2013 at 07:35am
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    I see a little bit of grammar errors. :p But that all can be fixed. The layout is so cool but it creeped me out, haha. She has long black hair and pale skin, and shimmery green eyes. This should be, She has long black hair, pale skin, and shimmery green eyes. You don’t need two ‘ands’. :D Anyway, this creeped me out because I do not understand it at all. :o Hospital bed? Basement? Girl? Black hair? Pale skin? This person seems dead to me. Haha. I’m scared. I went ahead and read chapter two since the first one was super short.

    And now I start to see that he might be dead. That’s kinda scary. But this was beyond interesting. It drew me in. I don’t read stories like this because they scare me. But this was…wow. Just work on your grammar, try to make the chapters longer, and have some dialogue. Give a little bit more detail and you’ll be good. Re-read what you write so you’re sure you don’t have any grammar errors. Remember, grammar can make any story great…sometimes. But this one’s already great. So, yeah. Keep it up. :D I’m gonna recommend. And you drew me in very well.
    January 5th, 2013 at 07:05am
  • MadamnnnMisfortune

    MadamnnnMisfortune (100)

    United States
    *Comment Swap*
    Holy bajesus!!!! this is super crazy creative! You managed to thoroughly creep me out to the point where I want to keep reading! Please Update soon I see this going somewhere great. I am definitely subscribing!
    January 5th, 2013 at 05:38am