Time After Time - Comments

  • Oh be still my heart! He's asking for permission! There's something so classic about it, gentlemanly.

    “You want to marry my baby girl?”

    I suddenly feel nervous for Brian! And I don't give a damn that it's "fast" I think that when you'r e in love, you grab onto it and you never let go. If it feels right, do it! I would want my boyfriend to ask me, if he wanted to as much as Brian does!

    I love that the dogs could sense she wasn't okay, and stayed with her. My dog is so timid and attentive when I'm upset, and for a single moment, it makes you feel a tiny bit better to know you're not alone!

    Oops Kay! You're inadvertently delaying your proposal! While Brian is sex on a stick, you're about to get a diamond, woman! Save the cuddles for after!

    Good boy Brian, public proposals are tricky. You need to have a 100% guarantee before dropping to one knee in front of friends and family. How awkward would it be if she said no?!

    God Brian is so damn cheeky. I can picture his little smirk, and I can imagine Kay going a little weak in the knees because of it!

    Ahahaha trust Brian's dad to sweep in to ratchet up the panic just a little! Sounds like Brian is going to have kittens!

    Poor Brian...nothing seems to be going his way tonight! AHAHAHAHA flat tire...but his outburst is actually kind of romantic, in a way. He wants it to be perfect for her, but really...a proposal in the rain can be just as perfect, because it's so them. Like you said earlier, every big moment they've had has been somewhat ruined, but they're still together, still in love. Maybe fucked up situations just work for them?

    I love how easy he is with her. He's not scared to be himself, or to show how much he wants her. It's pretty damn perfect, really, that he can convey how much he wants her in the simple act of unzipping her dress.

    NO MEL NO! How could you ruin perfect engagement sex?!?!?! As much as I'm happy the girls are happy...aren't Brian and Kay entitled to ONE perfect moment?! I would've kicked them out!

    I'm sad to see it finish, but I'm interested in what you will do with the epilogue! Wedding? A baby? Eternal bliss? I demand it now!

    Great job B, you had nothing to worry about.

    November 27th, 2013 at 07:47am
  • @ gothique4
    I had so much fun writing the puppy scene... Brian acting like a kid around them was possibly the cutest thing.
    Hahaha I love that Barker only steals from the Hulk (A great name for Matt by the way!)... It gives him more character and it's also hilarious to imagine!
    I think she's moved on. I guess there are just so many emotions a person runs through at a time like that. Hope you enjoy these last two chapters :)

    @ CharlieHunnam
    Thank you :) I tried to think of something different than the run of the mill thing. It turned out nothing like I imagined though hahaha but I actually ended up loving it :)
    I really do hope you enjoy the last two chapters :)

    @ StarxDust
    Thanks :) Hope you enjoy the last installment.

    @ CrazyPebbles21
    Thank you :) I'm sad to see it go, also. But nothing can last forever :) Will try to get last one out ASAP.

    @ jettabug
    J, I don't even know where to start in responding to this comment. It goes from one extreme to the other. I'd say it's scatterbrain but it's not given the context of the chapter... it matches their emotional roller coaster... I agree with the sucker punch... sometimes, you just never know if you want something until the opportunity presents itself.

    Brian is complex and I love writing my version of his character. He can be the doting partner, the asshole, the class clown, and so many more persona's. The very idea of being a dad for him is amazing. It opens a window that he never really thought about and now he's thinking about all the little moments... the possibilities.
    November 27th, 2013 at 02:50am
  • Update soon
    Amazing chapter
    I'm going to be sad it's ending :(
    November 26th, 2013 at 05:06am
  • Awww Brian around all those puppies so cute - the man just turns to mush.

    Oh my god, it's so hilarious that Barker will only steal the Hulk's food pmsl

    Damn I hope she doesn't get all freaky and miserable about the test saying that she wasn't pregnant, despite her initial misgivings.
    November 3rd, 2013 at 12:17am
  • Loved it !
    October 4th, 2013 at 08:17am
  • aww! that was a great transition into how she figured she might be pregnant. i feel really bad because she'd like pretty much hyped herself up to be pregnant and she turned out not to be. that sucks :( great update!
    October 2nd, 2013 at 07:16am
  • Update soon
    Amazing chapter
    September 30th, 2013 at 10:16am
  • Brian & puppies?!?!?!?! Could that picture be more perfect! And I love the 'meet our son' thing, what a heartbreaker! AHHAHAA it's a girl! Oh Brian, you're precious!

    I'm so Brian, I would want two!

    Poor Matt! He'd be starving no thanks to that dog!

    OMG SHE'S LATE! I apologize in advance for this comment, FYI.

    Oh dear, I don't have a good feeling about his reaction. He's far too clinical! And Kay is still so unsure, despite everything. I want to smack her and tell her how much he loves her!

    He's so good right now, but I feel that his freak out is happening on the inside. Like she needs to him to be the calm one at the moment, but I can't see him being this rational through all of it!

    Aww the negative test has only made her realize how much she wanted it to be positive! It's this whole loss thing of something that she never really had but it's like a sucker punch to the gut when she realized it's not happening. It is a sort of miscarriage, I guess, because she'd been so sure the moment before she saw the 'not pregnant' and she definitely lost something. :(

    God, that's the worst thing about a pregnancy scare. It opens you up to all these feelings you're not ready to deal with. But I love how much Brian loves her. It's almost to his detriment at times, but he'd walk over hot coals for her.

    I loved getting his point of view, too. Sometimes with first person you can lose the characters, and it's nice to see his thoughts. He's so much deeper than people realize, that under the bravado he's a normal guy who finds joy in the idea of teaching his kid how to swim or ride a bike. :) he's very layered and I like that. He's also not perfect either, but he wants to be, for her.

    This comment is barely legible and I apologize, but the FEELS you induced are random. :P
    September 30th, 2013 at 09:49am
  • Damn they fight over the stupidest shit lol

    Oh lord I love Papa Gates - I was literally laughing out loud and everything he said and how Brian was cringing lol
    August 24th, 2013 at 12:53pm
  • Amazing chapter
    Update soon
    August 12th, 2013 at 05:53am
  • Just found this story and I love it :)
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:22pm
  • Great update :D
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:57am
  • I am a tiny bit disappointed it wasn't a ring, only because I'm a hopeless romantic! But Kay isn't ready for that yet, and I think a ring would've put her into cardiac arrest!

    I love how earnest Brian is, with his kind eyes and gentle insistence. He really cares about her, and wants to move forward. They've only technically been together a short amount of time, but he knows when it's right. More so than Kay. She needs his direction! Plus, it's the perfect gift she's been searching for!

    A puppy is a great idea, because no doubt Brian would be hesitant to leave Kay at home alone when he tours. But if she's got a dog, she won't be alone. I like that!

    I also love that they bicker, that moving in together hasn't been perfect. I would pitch a fit with my boyfriend if he insisted on keeping a crappy armchair! Not to mention the pad/tampon thing! Has he never them before? Pretty sure a lothario like him has encountered the monthly curse a few times!

    Kay's still such a worry wart, which is what I expected. Her empathy is so intense!

    And woah Brian! You insinuated your girlfriend was FAT?! You clearly don't value your testicles attached to your body! And the fact he doesn't know what he did wrong? ARGH!

    And SEX?! Are you KIDDING me? Oh Brian, I love you so much, but you're dense and selfish right now! Then you sulk? Oh boy...

    He's not making it any better, either. Brian, you were a pig. She's got every right to be mad at you! I think Kay forgave him too easily! That kind of "joke" is never acceptable!

    I LOVE Brian's dad! He's a crack up! So very real to as how I imagine him in real life. I love how supportive everyone is, and can see a future with the two of them. It was like everyone else knew before they (or Kay rather) knew.

    I still haven't forgiven Brian, but I can maybe find it in my heart to do so, as long as he's never that rude or obnoxious again! I want these two to work out, and they both need to learn a few things before a ring should come along!

    Great update love! I look forward to seeing more of them and their escapades! I can't imagine adding a puppy is going to be easy either!

    August 11th, 2013 at 07:26am
  • I just want to smack Kay upside the head! That poor girl is her own worst enemy and I hate that she's so insecure and down on herself :( he loves her, no matter what. I wish she could see that!

    But it is nice to see that their friendship hasn't died now that they're together. They still have the juvenile taunting thing, but Brian is very quick to jump into protective boyfriend mode. He's made for this, and I love that! So many people write Brian as a lothario, or someone that sleeps around. Your Brian is very dedicated, and very committed. He cares for her more than he cares for himself, and it's noble. But it could get him into trouble. Relationships are about give and take, and if all he does is give, then he's going to wear thin soon enough!

    Kay needs a massage or a valium. Mel is right. Nothing is going to top New York, so she needs to cut herself a break. Their circumstances are completely different. Brian has resources and connections that make exuberant birthdays possible. I think Kay thinks she has to live up to this expectation, or that she has to keep up with him. She needs to really take stock and realize he's with her for one reason; because he loves her.

    They both need counselling of some sort! They have an ease about them when they're playing around, and being friends but as soon as it morphs into relationship time, she goes non-verbal and he goes into obsessive mode.

    Please note I am not picking on either of them! I think they've both been through a lot, and now that they've gone from friends to lovers, it's a lot to take in! But I would like to see them relax! I would like them to get through an intimate conversation without fear. They deserve that much.

    I think Kay carries too much weight on her shoulders. I feel like she automatically thinks she's going to disappoint people, and I wish she could see just how wonderful she really is. A little neurotic, but wonderful :)

    So what's in the box? I think Kay will hyperventilate and die if it's an engagement ring. But, she could surprise us all and say 'yes' without hesitation, if that's what it is! But he says 'I know what you can get me for my birthday' so I'm going to say no on an engagement ring.

    Maybe it's something personal of his that he wants her to have. Sort of like exchanging a "pin" in the olden days. Where girls would wear her man's pin on her blouse, to let everyone know he's hers ;)

    Either way, great update and I look forward to finding out what's in the box!
    July 29th, 2013 at 06:17am
  • I just want to smack Kay upside the head! That poor girl is her own worst enemy and I hate that she's so insecure and down on herself :( he loves her, no matter what. I wish she could see that!

    But it is nice to see that their friendship hasn't died now that they're together. They still have the juvenile taunting thing, but Brian is very quick to jump into protective boyfriend mode. He's made for this, and I love that! So many people write Brian as a lothario, or someone that sleeps around. Your Brian is very dedicated, and very committed. He cares for her more than he cares for himself, and it's noble. But it could get him into trouble. Relationships are about give and take, and if all he does is give, then he's going to wear thin soon enough!

    Kay needs a massage or a valium. Mel is right. Nothing is going to top New York, so she needs to cut herself a break. Their circumstances are completely different. Brian has resources and connections that make exuberant birthdays possible. I think Kay thinks she has to live up to this expectation, or that she has to keep up with him. She needs to really take stock and realize he's with her for one reason; because he loves her.

    They both need counselling of some sort! They have an ease about them when they're playing around, and being friends but as soon as it morphs into relationship time, she goes non-verbal and he goes into obsessive mode.

    Please note I am not picking on either of them! I think they've both been through a lot, and now that they've gone from friends to lovers, it's a lot to take in! But I would like to see them relax! I would like them to get through an intimate conversation without fear. They deserve that much.

    I think Kay carries too much weight on her shoulders. I feel like she automatically thinks she's going to disappoint people, and I wish she could see just how wonderful she really is. A little neurotic, but wonderful :)

    So what's in the box? I think Kay will hyperventilate and die if it's an engagement ring. But, she could surprise us all and say 'yes' without hesitation, if that's what it is! But he says 'I know what you can get me for my birthday' so I'm going to say no on an engagement ring.

    Maybe it's something personal of his that he wants her to have. Sort of like exchanging a "pin" in the olden days. Where girls would wear her man's pin on her blouse, to let everyone know he's hers ;)

    Either way, great update and I look forward to finding out what's in the box!
    July 29th, 2013 at 06:17am
  • I'm betting on a key to his house. Maybe asking her to move in in a clever way???
    July 25th, 2013 at 10:20pm
  • I think it's a promise ring or a key to his house :)
    July 25th, 2013 at 09:42am
  • I'm thinking the same thing that sup.jessay is - a key to his house maybe????? Hurry with the update
    July 25th, 2013 at 05:19am
  • omg my heart strings were torn up with this chapter i love this story. but damn you for leaving us with a cliffhanger! lol
    July 24th, 2013 at 11:12pm
  • Update soon
    Maybe it's a promise ring? Necklace? Bracelet?
    Amazing chapter
    Cant wait to find out what happens
    July 24th, 2013 at 09:00pm