Thirty Shots of Morphine. - Comments

  • Ashes to Graphite

    Ashes to Graphite (100)

    United States
    @ MrBlackwaterPark
    Ah, I see. It might have helped if I read the other story. :P Thanks for the explaination, I see what you did there now. :)
    January 10th, 2013 at 04:58am
  • UnearthlyDesire

    UnearthlyDesire (150)

    United States
    @ Ashes to Graphite

    There was no desert.

    What the man was seeing, was only a figment of his hallucinating subconscious. He envisions himself on his honeymoon, which was several years ago, on a vacation to Kashmir, a beautiful place near northern India. He has been away from his wife about several years now, and has found the drug, morphine, as a way to cope with the pain over all the lost time, injecting about two shots everyday...In the story, it is their anniversary and he remembers her promise to return after the war.

    When she does not come, the man feels as if it his fault, and recalls her statement, "I'll be back, my love, it will be forever in the thirty minutes i'm gone." Unfortunately, the man is severly addicted to the drug after ten years use, and he forgets that was only an exaggeration. Thirty minutes is actually about three hours, but he is much too dazen to even think for himself. He overdoses, and the woman never comes.

    Because she's dead.

    She died in the war, killed in the line of fire, as her body was never buried...that is what he is searching for, but he doesn't know that she died shortly after the honeymoon.

    As for "The Gold?"

    Ghost. Yes, that's right...her ghost ;) Make sense now?

    ALL my stories have an even deeper meaning, and I'm glad you asked. These were for a songific as well, and even though my songs were completely different, there is nothing, I repeat nothing, that I can't convey in my words.

    Thanks for reading, once again. :)
    January 10th, 2013 at 01:10am
  • Ashes to Graphite

    Ashes to Graphite (100)

    United States
    *Sorry, in the second paragraph I left out a few words. I meant, I thought the vagueness was interesting, because it allowed a lot more imagination.
    January 10th, 2013 at 12:22am
  • Ashes to Graphite

    Ashes to Graphite (100)

    United States
    *Sorry, in the second paragraph I left out a few words. I meant, I thought the vagueness was interesting, because it allowed a lot more imagination.
    January 10th, 2013 at 12:22am
  • Ashes to Graphite

    Ashes to Graphite (100)

    United States
    Alright, so on the other comment I left on your story The Thickening, I also commented on the layout, but this one affected my reading more than the last one. The blue letters, for me at least, is difficult to read on the purple backdrop, so that is something to consider. If the words were a little lighter there would be more contrast, which would help.

    Now, to the story: that was pretty intense. There are a lot of unanswered questions at the end (why was he in a desert? Who was the woman, and what promises did he make her?) which can either be taken as a cool thing or a confusing thing. I thought the vaguness because it allowed a lot more for the reader's imagination to take over. I'm not going to lie, though, I didn't really understand the three stand alone words at the beginning. they didn't really add anything to my understanding. Maybe I'm just slow and missed some artist thing you are getting at here, but I didn't get it. :/

    I thought your flow and such was nice, and no grammar or spelling errors were evident. Over all, I liked it. Good luck in the contest! :)
    January 10th, 2013 at 12:20am