Dad - Comments

  • This was the most beautiful piece I've read on mibba despite it's disgusting plot. I absolutely adore the way you show things instead of tell them and how the descriptions you write with the showing lighten up the reader's imagination and paint a perfect picture.And even without ever saying that the narrator is sad or upset or any emotion at all the reader can completely and utterly feel it as we all read along. The way you describe everything is absolutely gorgeous and I look forward to reading more amazing pieces by you. I could honestly not love this more. It deserves the recognition of everyone on this entire site.

    Not a single mistake lies within the story and I only wish that I could have as much talent as you someday. You're fantastic and I know your work will get published one day; magnificent job.
    August 8th, 2013 at 02:30am
  • This story really hit me straight in the heart. I like that you were very vague about what this drabble is really about. The air of mystery really adds to how great this little story is, you know? The title leads us in one direction but the story leads us in another.

    This was beautifully written and I like that you have the ability to pull so many emotions out of a person with such a small amount of words. It's quite a talent many writers are jealous of.

    I like how crisp the descriptions were, and your word choice made the imagery wonderful. Every bit of it was on point and perfect. Well done. I really enjoyed this!
    August 8th, 2013 at 02:04am
  • I don't even know what to think of this drabble. It was filled with so many emotions, and kind of made me sad for some reason. I think my favorite part of this drabble would have to be the third paragraph. It really stuck out to me because of the repetition of the word lie. I thought it was interesting how you incorporated it into the whole paragraph. It just, like I said before, stuck out to me.

    I really enjoyed reading this short, but beautiful drabble. I don't usually read deep, emotional stories on here, so this is a change for me.
    June 2nd, 2013 at 06:57pm
  • This was beautifully written and you have quite a way with words. Wonderful job!
    February 4th, 2013 at 12:08am