Memories Remain - Comments

  • Daenerys

    Daenerys (100)

    E desta vez foi mesmo o Syn a beijá-la ahaha fez-se homem! xD
    August 24th, 2013 at 02:17pm
  • Daenerys

    Daenerys (100)

    Omg, ontem passei o dia a ler isto e acabei agora! I just don't get tired of your stories xb
    Bem, se gostei do primeiro capítulo amei todos os que vêm a seguir... a maneira como escreves e descreves cada momento é mesmo muito muito boa! E para quem já leu todas as tuas histórias é tão bom saber que vai ler algo diferente, I mean... este Brian já é o Brian da Lara e não da Annie ou da Abby... and that's fucking huge, you know? You're the best!!!
    Esta história está mesmo a viciar-me... e não quero ficar sem tempo para a ler quando vier o tempo de aulas :( raio da universidade come-me o tempo todo xD
    Agora a história! eheh xD adorei o nome do ex-namorado dela... well há um Damon somewhere que eu adoro ahahah xD adoro o "Really ASSHOLE :<" essa foi demais xD gostava de saber qual será o nome dela no telemóvel dele... hmmm :p este enredo é mesmo fantástico, e é sempre bom ler sobre o Jimmy, é sempre tão fofo! Let's see what will happen with Avenged Sevenfold!!!

    Update as soon as you can Peki!!! :D
    August 24th, 2013 at 02:17pm
  • Daenerys

    Daenerys (100)

    Just found it today... liked a lot this first chapter! :)
    August 23rd, 2013 at 03:42pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    FINALLY! OMG if Lara leaves again, I swear you better write me into the story so I can beat her up! LOL Just Kidding.... But seriously, awesome chapter, thanks for posting!
    August 21st, 2013 at 02:53am
  • SleepPatterns

    SleepPatterns (100)

    United States
    Ugh cuteness in overdrive! They're so damn adorable. Update soon :D
    August 20th, 2013 at 10:04pm
  • a7xloversyngirl

    a7xloversyngirl (100)

    I mean, GOD! Everytime I read an update of this, I'm almost in tears :3 I just love the chemistry that exists between Brian and Lara, they are simply PERFECT for each other:) I love the way you portray Brian in all your stories anyways, but in this he's just SO adorable :)

    And with all that said, can't FREAKING wait for the next chapter, the cliffhanger is just... !! I mean, right when things sort of started to somehow function between them, after everything, THIS happens :O ! UPdate :D :D
    August 4th, 2013 at 10:12pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Aww, the flashback to how they originally got together was cute. It was nice to see how much effort Brian went to to make the moment special and romantic... it was very sweet Smile

    Huh... so they never slept together? Well, that's surprising. It's also surprising that they only dated for 2 weeks before she left... it kind of makes me think that maybe he overreacted a little bit. I mean, when she returned and he was all angry, I'd been under the impression they'd been in a long term relationship when she took off... not just two weeks. But I suppose they were friends first, so that could be why he took as personal as he did.

    “Careful with what you’re doing. You might wake my boy.”

    Lmao! That literally made me laugh out loud... you rude boy, Brian!

    The text conversation between the two of them was cute. But Jimmy is right... there comes a time when it's time to just quit fucking around and go for it. I know they have issues to worry about, but they need to decide if there's anything real between them before they go worrying about the minor detail of living clear across the country from one another! Hahaha

    Well... time to face the music and make a decision about what she's gonna do with her life! I hope it's not too hard for her and Brian is supportive, no matter what she should choose. But that would be too easy, right? Hmmm... well, looking forward to seeing how it goes!
    August 4th, 2013 at 01:53pm
  • SleepPatterns

    SleepPatterns (100)

    United States
    You have got to update soon!! :)
    August 3rd, 2013 at 04:35pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    Oh no! Things are getting so tense and heated and now Lara has to go! Poor Brian!
    August 3rd, 2013 at 01:05am
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    Finally got caught up in this!!! LOVE it! I think both Brian and Lara are too stubborn for their own good! They just need to face the music and let fate happen LOL! Thanks for posting!
    August 1st, 2013 at 04:06pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Mmm, I don't love how Brian is kind of distancing himself from the situation in the start of this. I mean, yeah, she just admitted to him that her feelings are growing for him again... but is he really trying to act like his aren't? I don't believe that. He needs to stop for a minute and realise he's falling for her too... so she's not the only one with problems! haha

    Argh! I wanna smack him! Does he not remember the way he freaked out when he realised she'd be leaving eventually? I'm sorry, but if he just has "friendly" feelings for her, then the reaction he had to that was way over the top and ridiculous. Maybe her leaving is what it's gonna take to wake him up...

    "I just wanted to be your friend."

    Liar! And I think he's being an ass right now... it's not like the girl can control how she feels. And he has a history with her, so is it really a surprise the feelings would resurface? Hardly. Jackass needs to take a minute and realise he's not innocent in this situation... he feels just the way she does. He's just too scared to admit it.

    “I wish you hadn’t come,"

    Oh, you gutless asshole! Did you drag her back into your life (coz he did, she just wanted to set things right.. he insisted they grow close again and hang out all the time) just so you could break her heart like she did to you? Real mature. Gah!

    I like that Jane is trying to lift her spriits... but it feels like maybe Lara needed her to hate on Brian with her at that moment, rather than her defending him. Especially when she said he was "a little bit rude"... really? I think that's an incredible understatement! Hahaha

    I think it was gutless of Brian to call and text to apologise... he's not helping her impression of him not being a real man. Or mine, for that matter. Haha. If he was really sorry, he would've shown up at her door and begged for her forgiveness on his hands and knees! Hahaha

    I'm kind of mad at her now. She gave in way too easily... she should've held out and made him really prove that he didn't mean the nasty things he said. She deserves better than that... eh, I'm still not fond of him after everything that has happened so far this chapter, so the fact that she forgave him bugs me. Haha.

    “I’m gonna make you fall even harder for me,” he whispered, giving my temple a soft kiss.

    Well, here's hoping that he doesn't just make her fall for him... that he decides his feelings are genuine too. I get his apprehension to go any further considering the fact that she lives on the other side of the country. It's an issue that she hasn't even thought about, she's just too caught up with being in love to realise the obstacles that are in their way. Honestly, it's not an easy choice to just up and move away from everything she's grown accustomed to these last eight years. She's leaving behind her life, her best friend, her mother... all for a guy? It seems very risky and dangerous. I mean, how could you not wonder if one day you'll wake up and feel like you made a mistake? I would. I'd be terrified of that. But I suppose that's something she has yet to have to deal with... but she will have to deal with it. Hmm.

    Anyways, looking forward to where this goes. Hope everything works out and they're both happy Smile
    July 31st, 2013 at 02:20pm
  • HopelesslyIntrigued

    HopelesslyIntrigued (100)

    United States
    Just started reading this! Love it! The chapters are soooo long LOL! Trying to get caught up, but this is awesome!
    July 29th, 2013 at 09:13pm
  • iseepurplepeople

    iseepurplepeople (100)

    United States
    Gaaahhh! No matter what story I read, the most updated chapter is always a cliff hanger D: update as soon as possible!!!! I really wanna know what Brian is gonna say to that
    July 23rd, 2013 at 05:59am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    There’s something very innocent and kind of adolescent about the way Brian and Lara interact... in a good way, of course! It’s like they’re reverting to their childhood—or teens years to be more specific—with the playful touches; Brian finding any excuse he can to put his hands on her, whether it to be annoying or affectionate. Their bickering is very childlike as well, in an amusing and cute way… it’s like they’re back in the younger years and the past eight years just never happened.

    They’re so unsure of their emotions for one another that it feels like they’re experiencing getting feelings for the opposite for the first time all over again. Like they’re innocent little kids, not understanding why they feel the way they do about the other person and too scared to admit it. Both seem like they’re constantly silently asking the other if they feel same, but neither is brave enough to come out and say it or admit that they do.

    The bit where the guy walked in and was making jokes about Lara’s looks was interesting. I think Brian over-reacted a little, I mean, the guy didn’t say anything insulting particularly, he was a bit of a dick but he wasn’t that bad. Brian needs to chill and not get so over-protective and jealous… won’t get him very far.

    Haha, whilst I get that she’s unimpressed to have been woken up from a blissful sleep, she can’t really get mad at Brian since she did asked to see his monster (Bahaha! Still sounds dirty). He just got her really good…

    Brian’s wrong. I agree with Lara, there needs to be boundries in their friendship. The past is the past, but it still happened and being overly affectionate if they’re in a “just friends” capacity really isn’t fair. I’m glad she’s admitted she’s developing feelings again… even if for no other reason than it should finally make him understand he needs to quit with the hand holding and over-zealous hugs. I hope that he admits his feelings too, but I’m sure at this stage that it’s too complicated for them to act on it. I mean, she still techinically lives in New York… so starting a relationship again would be difficult right now.

    Hmm, will just have to wait and see, I suppose!
    July 22nd, 2013 at 08:43am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Ooh, so Rachel is his ex. I wonder hwo long ago they broke up… before she returned, or after? Did she have something to do with their final decision to break up? Maybe her return rattled him so much that he realized things were right with Rachel? So many questions… can’t wait for answers!

    “Have you imagined how the Sun feels? Surrounded by millions and millions of humans… It must be terrorizing.”

    That is so completely random, but amusing nonetheless! Hahaha. It’s such an odd thought to have, but she seems a little quirky, so it works. Haha.

    Aww, he took her to a restaurant her father used to take her to. That’s incredibly thoughtful and sweet. I like how he makes her really feel and embrace her emotions, too. I mean, I know she doesn’t want to cry all the time, but it kind of feels like she’s seriously avoided dealing with her father’s passing. Not just because her and her mother picked up and ran away, but also because every time she thinks of her father, she seems to try so hard to push the emotions down and not cry. She needs to cry! She needs to have a crazy, heartbreaking, dehydrating, sob fest breakdown! Hopefully while Brian’s around, so he can understand better why she left… and help her grieve and move on.

    “I‘m almost tempted to stay with you tonight so I can see that monster of yours.”

    BAHAHAHAHA! I’m sorry, I have incredibly dirty mind and that just sounded so damn suggestive… Bahahaha!

    Nice of her to share the story of her ex. He sounds like a dick, glad he’s an ex. And do I detect a little bit of jealousy from Brian, hmm? I think he takes the news of an overbearing ex a little more personal than either Zack or Jimmy would have. I mean, he’s ready to jump on a plane and go hunt that little pipsqueak down!

    She’s definitely an over-thinker. I mean, she’s freaking out because he ordered one piece of cake to share? Jeez, get a grip, woman! I know her feelings are all confused and she’s finding it hard to read how he feels, but maybe stop pinning so much on the little gestures. Just go with it, wait for something a little bigger or more meaningful before you go trying to question his motives… like a kiss! Hahaha.

    Brian needs to learn to share. I know he’s disappointed to not get to spend the rest of the day with her, but they can make up for it. If Zack wouldn’t have pitched a fit and freaked, she could’ve invited Brian along as a “date” of sorts. So she can combine her time with both of them, but I suppose that’s not an option at this point.

    Argh, Zack needs to back off with the overly protective big brother act. I get his concern, but it really doesn’t concern him… and he couldn’t stop anything happening even if he wanted to. He should be focusing on the positives and hoping for the best for them, not expecting the worst. Relax, dude!

    Okay, all caught up and I’m looking forward to the next chapter :)
    July 21st, 2013 at 03:44pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Brian might want to consider how she’d feel about not leaving if they were more than friends at this stage. That would probably be a whole other story… but right now, there’s no real serious reason to move back. As much as she loves her friends, it’s not really a reason to move your life across the country. Especially considering her emotional ties to the place.

    The flashback to how they met was very cute. I like that they actually met randomly, on the pier, rather than the typical childhood friends or neighbours or even fellow students at high school. It’s a refreshing change.

    The idea that they own a music store and teach kids to play instruments is cool. I’m a little sad that the band doesn’t really exist, but it’s an interesting alternative to being rock stars. And they all seem happy, so that’s great.

    I thought it was cute how Brian invited her to stay at his house. I honestly thought that maybe they’d share the bed, platonically, of course. But nope. He stayed a true gentleman, which is easy to believe he is.

    I understand Zacky and Jimmy’s concern about Brian and Lara reigniting their flame, but honestly, they can warn and give stern talks all they want… if it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. They won’t be able to stop it. Haha.

    The class was very cute. It was nice to have her see him doing what he clearly loves to do; inspire kids with music. And he clearly loved having her watch, he was in his element showing off for her. Hahaha. It was all very adorable, honestly! Haha.

    Ooh, Rachel, huh? A girlfriend, perhaps? Or better yet, an ex-girlfriend… I wanna hear more about her!
    July 21st, 2013 at 02:30pm
  • gothique4

    gothique4 (100)

    hahaha Lara is like me - I turn innocent conversations into sexual innuendos all the time lol

    Brian's feelings are right there under the surface, but I think he's trying to rush them being best buddies again. Even though Zacky's being an annoying parental unit he's just worried that Lara's going to get hurt
    July 21st, 2013 at 01:28pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    I’m glad she chose to ignore Zack’s advice and go speak to Brian. No point in putting it off, he’ll still be mad, so may as well attempt to talk to him now, while she’s got the confidence to do so. And hey, Jimmy’s there, so he can step in if things get too out of hand.

    “And that’s my cue..” Jimmy remarked, running to the inside in his sloppy kind of way.

    Sheesh… I think I want to run away with him! Things are about to get super intense! I almost don’t want to read on… almost.

    Well, as hard as it was for her to stand there and hear what Brian had to say, she did need to hear it. He needed to get it off his chest and make her understand why it is he’s so mad. I feel bad for her, because she’s hurting, but at the same time I feel just as bad—if not more so—for him. She ran away from her problems and emotion, he couldn’t. He was left to pick up the pieces that she left behind.

    Haha, that story about Zack and Brian sharing a bed is so cute. It’s adorable how much trouble Zacky went to to make sure Audrey said yes to being his girlfriend. So sweet. And it’s also cute that Brian would want to help him, too.

    Naww, Johnny’s little speech really hit home. I suppose being the youngest, he took it to heart like Brian did. Poor guy. But hopefully now he’s said what he needed, he can learn to let it go and understand that she did what she did and she can’t change it.

    Her drunken appearance with Brian was cute/funny. At least he finally softened up a bit! Haha.

    I honestly thought that it was Brian who had snuck in scared Lara, too! But obviously it’s too soon for that. He’s not quite ready to be that forgiving and friendly, that will take some time. I like that Jimmy is checking up on her and wants to try and help smooth things over between her and Brian. It’s sweet and seems like how he would’ve been as a person.

    Aww! He came to see if she’s okay! And she’s stuttering… hahaha. So cute. Oh, she asked for a hug… how embarrassing! Blame it on the booze. Hahaha. But at least he finally admitted to missing her too; not that it wasn’t already clear, but it was good of him to finally tell her. She needed to hear it.

    Although her mother feels pain in regards to Huntington Beach, I don’t think it’s fair how she’s so distraught over her daughter’s choice to return. I mean, not being there doesn’t change the fact that they lost their husband/father. It doesn’t help them move on… it’s putting a band aid over the wound, instead of letting it heal naturally.

    “True love doesn’t end. No matter how many years go by, it’ll always be in your hearts.”

    So true… and deep! Haha

    Aww, they’re being all playful and cute. Just like old times (I imagine). Things are really turning around for them, the spark definitely seems to be still there!

    Haha, jeez… little bit of an over-reaction to a shark… she’s lucky Brian thinks her cute! Haha.

    Ooh, I didn’t see that coming at the end of the chapter. It was so nice… right up until he she had to mention that her home is New York now. I mean, I understand that Brian is only just getting used to having her back and considering how she left last time, the idea of her leaving again isn’t a pleasant one for him. But he has to understand that she’s built herself a life across the country and it’s not so easy to just up and leave it all permanently.
    July 21st, 2013 at 01:14pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    So, I must admit that I saw this story when someone on my friends list recommended it and I liked the layout and the short description, it piqued my interest so I saved the link to the story so I could read it when I had time.

    And then honestly, I kind of forgot about it (my bad!) and got caught up reading other random things… actually , I generally always check out anything you recommend, as you seem to recommend the better written and more original stories and I’ve liked everything I’ve checked out, thanks to you. Anyways, back to the point… I decided to finally catch up on your story so I’m gonna write my thoughts as I read (coz that’s how I like to do it) and I’ll leave a comment for every two chapters I read. So here goes!

    Okay, first of all, I love how you started it. I’ve read maybe ¼ of the first chapter and I’m already so intrigued by why she left Huntington and why she’d be so nervous to return. You’ve built up some awesome, yet still light, suspense about what might happen when she gets there and I’m really looking forward to learning more about her back story.

    Aww, the scene with her on the beach mourning her father was incredibly sad, but touching. I like that she has a ritual of writing a letter to him and tossing it into a body of water. I can understand how it would feel like it’s ripping open old wounds, but at least she’s got a personal way to remember her dad and reminisce on things that have happened to her over the past year. I think it’s sweet.

    Her mad dash from Brian and Matt was interesting. I was kind of hopeful that maybe Brian would’ve chased after her, but it makes sense he didn’t. I mean, he would’ve been very caught off guard to see her after such a long time… he might not have believed his own eyes that it actually was her. Haha.

    Jane seems like a great friend. I like how persistent she is to cheer her friend up, even from such a distance. It’s cute how she’s already prepared jokes and funny videos to distract Lara from such a painful day.

    Aww, Zacky showing up at her door was so cute. And I loved her reaction, it so genuine and realistic, since I’m sure that he was one of the last people she expected to see. Haha. I’m glad that he put aside his annoyance and was just happy to see her; it made for a much more comfortable reunion. Very sweet!

    Ooh, so Brian is pissed. Well, that’s going to make for an interesting reunion when he finally sees her again. At this stage I can only assume that he (and the others) would only be made because she maybe left without telling them she was going? An abrupt move after the loss of her father, I assume. But I’ll just have to wait and see!

    The relationship between Zacky and Lara is cute. I like that even though it’s been eight years, they have easily fallen back into an easy and comfortable friendship like I assume they used to have. It’s cute that even time hasn’t damaged their bond.

    Way to go, Zack. Just spring it on her and expect her to be ready… doesn’t he know she needs time to prepare? Both physically and emotionally! Girls need a least an hour to make themselves look awesome… especially when confronting people that haven’t seen you in years. You need to look amazing! Hahaha.

    Oh, she fell done! Bahahaha! What an entrance… way to take the tension out of the room. Hahaha.

    I’m happy that everyone (well, almost) is happy to have her back and they’re willing to give her a second chance. Shows maturity and a lot of growth on their part… not to mention she did have a good excuse for leaving. Maybe not for leaving without saying goodbye, but still.

    And when I thought he was going to give in, Brian leaned in to me and whispered right next to my ear, “Fuck you.”

    As mean as that is, I kind of like that he stuck to his guns and stayed mad. I mean, I’m glad you didn’t have him instantly melt and forgive her. He’s clearly still extremely hurt by her abandoning him, so it’s only normal that he’d be resentful of her return. I think he’s got a lot more he needs to let out and vent to her, before he could even consider forgiving her… and unfortunately, she’s just gonna have to take it.
    July 21st, 2013 at 11:09am
  • wasp.revenge

    wasp.revenge (100)

    United States
    I am seriously loving it! :D
    July 8th, 2013 at 07:12am