Endless Love - Comments

  • @ discoveringclouds
    Not necessarily. Those teachers could be making porn, lol. "Student-teacher porno's".

    Yeah, I get it. I changed the rating to "R" and posted the reason on why it's rated that in the description.
    That's interesting. Kind of sounds like.. that physics (or some sort of science) competition that was on the Big Bang Theory, if you watch it.

    Also, I'm curious. How exactly did you change me? Because I haven't changed at all.
    March 6th, 2013 at 06:07am
  • And those teachers would smack the porn makers and make them be disciplined! Hahahahaha.

    I'm glad you understand now? Well either way I wasn't talking about your story so now you know. I thought it was clear. Anyways I'm only human. :P to forgive is God. And I think it's cool you want I help what's around you. Me too. I join local causes and events all the time. This weekend I'm going to a highschool competition where students compete for academic success. It's very intense and disciplined. It's called Mist. It really encourages academics and intelligence so I really like it. :)

    Lol I can't change you? Ha. I already have.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:59am
  • @ discoveringclouds
    I did not know that you were referencing Fifty Shades of Gray, considering you did not put it. You just put that my story disappointed you and that it was bad, underneath it writing that porno's are disgusting. There was no way for me to know otherwise.

    I did not understand your comment because you weren't saying what you were referencing to. You didn't state that you weren't talking about my story, therefore I took it as that.

    I don't believe porn is illegal, considering it is sold in stores. If it's sold in stores, it isn't illegal. Online uses of porn isn't illegal, either, if it is of legal consent.
    Speech does not mean much to people these days. It's all about discipline.

    There are so many people attempting to change the world that I doubt anybody will listen to them. I've learned to stick to those around me, including myself, and changing the things there, rather than trying to change the things that those people should change. Trying to change a random person who has never spoken to you before...is difficult.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:54am
  • Lets be the change we want to see in the world. We can be those parents. Porn is an illegal business still isnt it? anyways.. And we can make a change. Lol freedom of speech doesn't mean we can forget freedom of thought- something interesting I read yesterday.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:46am
  • I'm talking about that grey book! You called it that not me! I'm using your words here. Just check. I didn't even address your story content in any way again.

    Lol i never blamed you for society's problems!

    You didn't understand my comment. I was making some general claims about the sad state of the world for us to reflect on. I wasn't saying anything about you!

    No one ever understands my comments. I should stick to writing essays.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:44am
  • @ discoveringclouds
    Well, I am sorry. My story isn't a porno. And besides, I never put that there wouldn't be any sort of sex. I don't like the fact that you're putting that my story was bad because I put sexual innuendos in it. I'm leaving it, because I like it. Also, some people like "porn". People at age eleven are learning about sex in school, people at age thirteen are having sex. There's nothing that can be done about it.
    So what you're saying is that my innocence and shame was taken away? I apologize for reading something that I ended up liking. I'm almost eighteen and still a virgin, so technically, my innocence is still in tact.

    No, because they put something like that in the teen section means that our society is a lot different than it used to be. Meaning that there are no restrictions anymore. Meaning that parents need to step up, but unfortunately, people are bad parents nowadays. There are a lot of good ones, as well, but those ones you don't see very often.

    Oh well. Just because I wrote something, doesn't mean that it's going to screw up society.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:25am
  • Like I was looking forward to reading your story and am disappointed that it was so bad.
    Porno=bad and disgusting.
    Reading those things at 11 takes your innocence and shame away.

    There's no sense of shame anymore. We have to restore morals in ourselves. People need more care and reflection in their lives.

    This society is messed up. Just cause they put something in the teen section doesn't mean we attach those meanings to our inner rules.
    March 6th, 2013 at 05:13am
  • @ discoveringclouds
    I'm not exactly sure how I should take your comments, lol. I'm sad to say that I have it restricted to PG-13 because my friends read it, don't have an account, and this is the only one I put it on. Sadly. Not to mention, at age eleven, I was reading things like this. Just think of it this way: Fifty Shades of Gray was limited to the teen section, yet the whole thing is basically a porno. It's ridiculous, too.

    Okay. That works, I suppose. I should move on, instead of having them in high school, since I'm out of it now.

    Also, I'm confused at the last part. "Omg. Why?" What exactly does that mean?
    March 6th, 2013 at 04:28am
  • You should ask your friends as well as question yourself and such. It makes for a more meaningful story... But this last chapter. Omg. Why?
    March 5th, 2013 at 03:10pm
  • Maybe you should increase the rating. That was really dirty. I wouldn't let me 13 year old cousins read this. It's just me, but I would rather rate higher rather than scare a 13 year old with this overly sexual information and detail. Even I don't want to read it.
    March 5th, 2013 at 03:09pm
  • @ Nataley2610
    Don't worry, I'm going to update soon! I had to change the chapter I was writing. Just be patient c:
    March 1st, 2013 at 04:59pm
  • why you no update???????????????????????????
    March 1st, 2013 at 12:48am
  • @ discoveringclouds
    Just curious, ask who questions? My friends, or in the story? Or was that a hypothetical term.

    I hate to say it, but with this society, people are getting pregnant at twelve, so it is definitely possible to have experience at that age now. But I will definitely not put that in my story. I agree that it's way too young and ridiculous.

    Oh, I know that. But I also watch the old sitcoms like Boy Meets World, which goes by everything. I'm not into soap operas or anything, but most of them appear to be based on reality. And not all of them are made by older people, lol.

    Well, old player. He moved, remember? Clearly he's running from sooomething, haha.

    I like that you're critiquing. I wish more people would do that, because I like when people point out mistakes. Unless they're rude about it. Um, I want some ideas on how to make the next chaper, so if you have any, please send them in a message. Thanks! And I will read your story. What's it about?
    February 22nd, 2013 at 10:04pm
  • @ DanaTheDanish
    I'm glad you understand. You not knowing about actual highschool makes a difference. Ask them some questions! And focus more on school and classes, those keep students so busy they don't have that much time to gossip.

    The cliche player.. if he has years of experience at 17...when did he start? 12? I'm only pointing that out because that is way too young. I know 12 year olds, they are very busy playing basketball and playing with their friends...even 14 year olds... so that's why it doesn't add up. But it is just a story...at the same time though, a well written story is better. All the years adding up and such would be good.

    Lol and movies and shows are made by older people that are like over 30 or 40. It's easy for them to give younger people characteristics like this because its their own idea and its made up too.. and then people copy it sometimes so that could make it real.. but my point is that movies and shows don't give an accurate portrayal. They won't go through the important stuff like a class, or a teacher or a paper or family or even beliefs. They don't even explain where characters gain confidence from. It's all about one girl and one guy. In love. The end.

    Why does he have to be a player (I read too many stories about players)... maybe even my story has a player...hmmm HMMMMMMM *dramatic wondering*...uh oh.. *runs away*

    Well, it's also easy for me to critique...lol.. Go on and read my story, I'd like to know your opinion.
    February 22nd, 2013 at 08:01pm
  • @ discoveringclouds
    I do understand your logic. Also, I'm not sure what high schoolers talk about because I was homeschooled for those four years, I am just going off of movies and books. But nowadays, apparently freshman are talking about doing weed on the bus (I hear stories from my friends) so I am also going off of that.

    I know that I am making him into a player, so he has basically had years of experience, but that'll come later. People will find out what his secret on why he refuses a relationship and so on. Also, I am not quite sure what you mean by his voice sounding too strong and sure, so if you could please elaborate? If the answer is obvious, I apologize. Sometimes I'm not the brightest, lol. Anyways, thank you for the pointers!
    February 22nd, 2013 at 06:32pm
  • I enjoyed reading your comment as well... But I'll move my response to messages as you suggested.

    So my comments are on the story. Are high schoolers really always talking about sex and alcohol?? Its been about four years so i can expext some changes especially from how dirty notmal television is getting. From what I remember the kids at school would be pretty quiet about these things. Without fully formed intentions it seems. They didn't seem to know the full affects of these things. Especially the dangers. So what Im saying is... Sometimes Fallon's voice is too strong or sure ... He also sounds like a forty year old man stuck in a teenagers body... Lol because of the way he talks about girls and especially because the way he seems to have years and years of experience behind him without any focus on his work. Do you understand my logic?
    February 22nd, 2013 at 01:30pm
  • freaking update love this so much
    February 20th, 2013 at 09:02am
  • Pleasee update soon! Very Happy
    February 19th, 2013 at 12:48am
  • Pleasee update soon! Very Happy
    February 19th, 2013 at 12:47am
    February 18th, 2013 at 09:55pm