Endless Love - Comments

  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    Update soon please love this
    February 18th, 2013 at 08:28am
  • DanaTheDanish

    DanaTheDanish (100)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds
    That's true. Even more so, when they throw it all in your face, they say that they're not allowed to do that and it's not what they do. Which is where I go, "Then what are you doing right now?" I've had a friend do that once. Needless to say, all of the arguments about her beliefs got her to stop talking about it. I say keep quiet, and if somebody has the same beliefs, awesome. But please don't push it on somebody.
    That's good, that you do that. :3

    Yeah, and then people praying on their own and such. Of course, I could also just be talking from a youth group I once went to with friends. I'm not sure how much different that is from actual church.
    I agree with you. Sometimes I wish that I was brought up more toward religion so I could figure out what it's like, but my parents always said that I could do what I wanted and believe what I wanted, especially my mom because she was forced in religion.

    When you try and force somebody into believing in something when they haven't experienced it for themselves is stupid. They have to experience it for themselves, it's like saying someone will like camping when they hate the outdoors. If they don't experience it, that's fine, just as long as they don't turn against you for believing in it.

    I wouldn't have minded as much, had you asked me to. I probably would have been curious as to why, but I still would have done it. That's just the type of person I am.

    Wow.. That's just, wow. I have no words. With all of this drug use, the world is never going to be the same again. It's so inhabited with people who kill just to get it.

    Lol! This has gotten quite long. We should take it to a message soon, maybe. I don't know, I don't think people mind that much. Well, I have no language skills, so I have nothing to respond with. Very good limited French, though! Also, I did enjoy reading it. I hope you do the same to mine, haha.

    February 17th, 2013 at 05:17pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    That's a really good point. People fight so much about their faith. I think the problem is that people don't practice what they preach. And that's actually cool, I pray at home as well. Actually I pray anywhere I go :D I find knowing about religion helps me know more about God and also how to pray to God.

    Hmm the other stuff, do you mean the stories of prophets and such? I don't know exactly what you mean. I've visited a church once though... It was very interesting for sure :) and I believe in the bible that was brought by Jesus christ peace be upon him.

    But the stories of prophets I feel like they are good examples for us. They are perfect examples of good character and strength and patience and that's why God sent them to humanity as messengers. Their examples teach us how to behave in society how to address each other better and even how to be leaders. And probably even more I'm sure you can think of. :D

    And then the revelation and message some of them brought and they taught us is what makes us believe in God and learn our purpose of submitting to God by praying and doing good deeds.

    And forcing people to believe is horrible, I believe there is no compulsion in religion. If people are lucky enough that God shows them the path then that's God's doing not anyone else's. lol and forcing someone to believe... When they don't forfeits any rewards someone would get anyways...so there's no point. It's God that brings people to faith not people.

    And yes definitely take it out. I didn't even think of simply saying that. But I guess if I did.. It would sound rude so I wanted to explain myself and hope you take it out.

    Wow I see what you mean. There are drugs everywhere and drinking. And it feels like a story just can't be without them. Seriously I was headed to university and at the bus stop I saw a man doing drugs! He was eating some powder right there in view of a police station, waiting to get on public transit. Lol imagine my shock. I just quietly stood away from him.

    Wow this comment got quite long. A story of my own just pour toi(for you). That's my limited French skill... Ahem. Very limited. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. :D

    Peace out Danish!
    February 17th, 2013 at 02:06pm
  • DanaTheDanish

    DanaTheDanish (100)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds
    I wasn't sure what you were doing, which was why I put in the belief thing, but I'm glad you weren't trying to put your beliefs on me. That is one of the most... annoying things a person can do.

    I don't believe in religion because there are too many. I wasn't raised up with it, and from what I see of it, it's ridiculous. So many people fight over the same exact aspect, believing in God, with different points. This is why I stick to just believing in God, and go with my own way around it. I would rather pray in my own home and talk to God, rather than go to a church and learn about everything except for just Him.

    Just curious, would you like me to take it out, put something better? I wished that you would have asked me to, instead of putting it as gross, y'know? But hey, that's how I feel.

    Thank you. That's true. I attempt to make my stories as realistic as possible, which.. sadly means I have to put drug use into it. I hate drugs, so much, but it's not realistic if it doesn't have it in it somewhere, especially with the drug use nowadays. It's just hard to imagine somebody calling the police right away for looking like a creep. I would have had her do so, but the guy had already disappeared and she didn't know what he looked like. But, there will be more on that later.

    Also, if I seemed to have an undertone of annoyance, or, dare I say bitchiness, I apologize. I feel as if I weren't as polite as I wanted to be, only because I couldn't figure out how you were being. But anyway, thank you, again.
    February 17th, 2013 at 06:49am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    Thank you for being polite. I wasn't trying to be rude. Lol there's only so much emotion that can come through a comment.

    I wasn't trying to force my beliefs on you. And since you believe in God you probably know what I mean now. It's just a cultural statement but it's kind of offensive for not just me. That's why I said i think it's offensive- meaning more people may take it as strange.

    Anyways I believe in God as well and I believe Jesus is the prophet of God because he brought revelations from God for humanity to follow.

    That's a really interesting belief, why don't you believe in religion? Maybe you should learn more about God in other religions. I see religion as a way to live so when I get to the day of judgement I have something that brought me to acting good and leads me to the straight path and that day will god willing be good.

    You have a capturing writing style. And I hope your stories get better and better. :) lol and about the creep... You as the author very well know what's about to happen... But that was your plan. I just like questioning character motives and actions for fun and to get the author maybe think of more possibilities and details to make their story better.
    Peace out.
    February 17th, 2013 at 06:20am
  • DanaTheDanish

    DanaTheDanish (100)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds
    Alright, I'm going to be polite, but blunt here. Look, I get that you don't like how I associated God in this, but I'm not actually referencing "God". I said sex god, meaning any type. Also, I believe in God and I believe in Jesus. I do not believe in religion, and I despise people throwing how they feel about God or their beliefs at me. I have my own, and you have yours, leave it alone. If you don't like how I use my terminology, don't read my story. Simple as that.

    Also, since the person hasn't done anything, why should she call the police? There are plenty of people who will describe a person as creepy but since the person hasn't done anything, they can't call the police.

    Besides all of this, thank you for the comment, I believe.
    February 17th, 2013 at 04:48am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    They hate each other... But can't help be in love...your summary is so cliche dude... Lol

    Your writing style is kind of capturing though.

    Hmm your story got really gruesome. Why would she walk right up to a scary person with a Creepy smile and not call the police first? Or pretend to call someone?? Lol she has a pocket knife... That's interesting. At least she's prepared.

    I find it really gross that you used the word "sex God"... God created the universe he isn't human and doesn't have human desires. He is unique. So don't associate or talk about God is strange ways its really offensive I think.

    Peace out.
    February 17th, 2013 at 01:09am
  • DanaTheDanish

    DanaTheDanish (100)

    United States
    @ Star Angel
    Will do c:
    February 15th, 2013 at 04:53pm
  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    love this please update soon
    February 15th, 2013 at 07:07am
  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    update soon like right now please and thank you
    February 6th, 2013 at 08:25am
  • ScreamingNYhurEarzz

    ScreamingNYhurEarzz (100)

    United States
    Awesome ! Please Write More : D
    February 6th, 2013 at 01:45am
  • Star Angel

    Star Angel (100)

    United States
    love this please update soon
    February 3rd, 2013 at 07:38am
  • DanaTheDanish

    DanaTheDanish (100)

    United States
    @ FicticiousDreamz
    Thank you! I will be able to write some of it today if my computer decides to cooperate c:
    February 3rd, 2013 at 04:05am
  • FicticiousDreamz

    FicticiousDreamz (100)

    United States
    This is really good. (: Update soon?
    February 3rd, 2013 at 03:23am