The Boy with the Hazel Eyes - Comments

  • This was so adorable. It's hard to find good high school AUs lately and you knocked it outta the park! Good work :)
    October 7th, 2013 at 05:34am
  • Woah, man! This is amazing. I adored your character development and the love/hate you had between Frank, Gerard and even their friends.

    This was so freaking good, woah. I loved how it was written and ok, I can be a sucker for soppy romance sometimes because 9 times out of 10 I find superduper romantic stuff cringey and cheesey, but you managed to make me fucking squeal at the soppy romance, it was so cute! I didn't cringe. Once. It's like a record, seriously.

    Anyway I just stopped by to say that I loved this, well done, congrats and ciao.

    xo Jen
    October 3rd, 2013 at 12:19am
  • This has to be my new favorite oneshot ever. It's the best, hands down, HIGH SCHOOL AU ever written. I loved every single aspect of it, it was so incredibly descriptive and detailed and just flowed so perfectly and beautifully. Gerard's way of asking Frank out was absolutely gorgeous, it was so perfect. Then Frank's reaction when he figured out who Gerard was.. it was just so real. It wasn't like, they rode off happily into the sunset together, there was conflict. It was perfect!!! I loved every moment of this so entirely much. Thank you for writing this <3
    October 2nd, 2013 at 06:39pm
  • So much cuteness. c:
    May 26th, 2013 at 09:18pm
  • Wow you wrote a fic and you didn't tell me about it, I feel so unloved right now.
    Just so you know, I wanted to kill Frank most of the time <3 but I'm totally over that now, he's adorable and I loved it!
    April 30th, 2013 at 07:40pm
  • @ OwlHooots
    =) you're welcome!! I'm a sucker for loooove... ;) xo
    April 27th, 2013 at 10:48pm
  • @ LoverOfKilljoys
    Awww that is sooo sweet! Thank you so much, so happy you enjoyed it :) <3

    @ thispersonhere
    Ahhh THANK YOU! I'm glad you liked it :') <3
    April 27th, 2013 at 07:49pm
  • oh god wow. i just stumbled across this fanfic and it's a m a z i n g.<3 great job on it.c:
    April 27th, 2013 at 04:56pm
  • WOW!!!! I really, really love this...!! This is soooo good!!!! <333 I was actually sad to see it end... I just wanted to keep reading... =)
    March 30th, 2013 at 08:00pm
  • @ Killjoy_beanie
    ahhhh *revives you!!!* THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH <3333

    @ Angel-VS-Demons
    Omg none taken at all!! Thank you for actually reading it!!! Yes, gah, exactly, I try to make things realistic and having the EXACT opinion about everything they talked about would have been way too far fetched....Gah exactly, like Frank didn't even realize how hypocritical he was being just because he really BELIEVED that Gerard was all the stereotypes he expected him to be...hahaha well that would be pretty funny to just randomly call up a friend with that question lol so I don't blame you xD Awww well what a fabulous way to die, though, so I'm sure it was a pleasant death xD lol Thank you so sooo much your comment was lovely <3

    @ PedicuntRevenge
    omg you are beautiful and amazing and well and stop before I come right over and smother the living shit out of you because aljflkjfd YOU'RE AMAZING I LOVE YOU TOO OK! <3

    @ huggingcacti
    February 27th, 2013 at 08:07pm
  • so amazing gahh
    February 23rd, 2013 at 01:13pm
  • GAHJH YOU PERFECT HUMAN BEING. Hehehe i will always choose your stories over any hw ((final exams i swear)) because you are amazing aw <3
    I love you so much you don't even know you're the sweetest thing on the face of the earth and i just want to hug you sO B A D sobs <33
    February 19th, 2013 at 12:03am
  • Okay, I loved this so so much.. I was and am in love with this story. Honestly, I didn't think it was going to hold my attention - no offense - but then I was so into it and not responding to anyone while I read it. I loved how when they were talking about bands, it wasn't all "oh my gosh, you love all the music and exact songs I do" but they argued a little about what was better.. It made it more realistic. Then, Frank freaking that it was Gerard made me sad cause Gerard showed Frank him, you know? I loved the ending part where Frank yells at him and then Gerard pins him to his car! He fucking calls his friend and asks his orientation, which made me die laughing for some reason. This was just an amazing story and I loved it to death. It's dead now because of the love I smothered it with xD Excellent job <3
    February 18th, 2013 at 06:20pm
  • THIS. IS. AMAZING. Omgee:3 its so adorable I died of feeeeeeeels!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xxx
    February 18th, 2013 at 12:06pm
  • No problem :) you really are an amazing writer. Don't mind me, I'll just be trolling your story list...
    February 18th, 2013 at 05:46am
  • @ RayTorosArmy
    Aw thank you so much!! <3

    @ NaturalBornKiller.
    Thank you!!

    @ blessedbybroken
    Yay! Glad you thought so, thank you!

    @ sheriffetteofemotown
    Thanks soooo much, love <3

    @ nergis2324
    sldjflajf omg thank you! <3

    @ Unexpected.
    Gahh I'm so happy you think so, thank you!

    @ Frankenberry.

    @ rainydaydarkness
    Awww man this comment had me smiling for so long you have no idea, it was so sweet! <3 That means so much to me, love! <3 And gah perfection nooo I have none baby you are fabulous and amazing, though! aljfsfkjk

    @ PedicuntRevenge
    omg choosing this over hw ahahaha so many people did that, best. compliment. ever!
    Baby I want you to think the same of yourself ok? I love you <3
    and the time for cute smut is always... a l w a y s

    @ MyGlitterGeeks
    Thank youuuuuuuuuuu <333 I'm so happy you enjoyed it <3

    @ Forgotten Memory.
    ahhhhh SERIOUSLY THE BEST COMPLIMENT my fic>hw this makes me happy :D thank you! <3 haha it has been SO LONG xD I updated, though :D

    @ Irbisfreak
    yayyyy *hugs your inner faggot* :D
    Hahahah omg yes we have discussed this xD And you may feel free to reference it anytime, because I will be too lol
    Gah right! He was kind of an asshole and totally did NOT see how much of a hypocrite he was being since it was not as major of a thing as "being gay"
    Hehe masochists 5ever baby! :D
    I am so happy you loved it, thank you! <333

    @ Zombiewalk
    Awwww whaaaat THAT'S SUCH A BIG THING TO SAY OMG THANK YOU! <3 Thank YOU for taking the time to read it, love <3

    @ SquiddyTheMouse
    THANK YOU! <333

    @ ShotToRemember
    omfg thank yoooouuuuuuu! ahhhh FAVE I CAN'T GET OVER IT WHEN PEOPLE USE THAT WORD CAUSE WHAT! <33 You are amazing, really, omg subscribing even if there's no other updates *squeezes you* Thank you SO much <3
    February 18th, 2013 at 05:24am
  • Oh my god, this. Was. Too.good. Too. Good. Too. Good. Shit, no words I have. Loved it. <3 if there was a button to mark as a fave fan fic, I would mark this one, but there's not, so I'll just recommend and subscribe (yes, even though it is a only a oneshot) instead:) too effing good. I loved everything about it!
    February 18th, 2013 at 05:02am
  • I loved this so much <3 it was beautiful :)
    February 18th, 2013 at 04:39am
  • I am so in love. Beautiful, really, I liked your story a whole lot. You are awesome!! It's definitelly one of my all-time favorite fics. Thx for writing it <3 xoxo
    February 15th, 2013 at 03:22pm
  • OMFG this story made my inner faggot shine seriously this was so great in its high school au glory :D my fav things were when Frank said that he wanted to date a guy not a girl with a dick man you know what my opinion is on that topic, so yeah, i screenshooted that line :D also the fact that Frank is such a hypocrite and doesn't realise it??? Because it was so obvious he is going against every rule he believed in, but whatever, it made my heart hurt in a truly nice way (well, nice for fucking masochists, you know sth about it C; ) so those things i liked the best out of the whole thing, but it was all awesome okay and Gerards character reminds me of some anime okay this is stupid but he does omfg
    it was so sickly sweet and cheesy there's no way i could ever not love it *-* you did great baby <3
    February 14th, 2013 at 01:00am