You & I - Comments

  • I had this brilliant, eloquent comment all written out in my head...but then that gif literally made every single word fly right out of my head. Shit you not, I have been sitting here staring at it for God knows how long and only stopped because I realized my jaw is almost on the floor and I probably look like the world's biggest loser. So thanks for that. And now to tell you (not as brilliantly or eloquently as I had originally planned) that I absolutely love this chapter. Their banter and chemistry is perfect. I can't wait for the next one. Please update soon!!
    April 3rd, 2013 at 07:53pm
  • ahhh this is great! I want more! Please update soon!
    April 2nd, 2013 at 03:12am
  • I love this girl! She is so quirky. And Chris seems to sweet...but is he really? Please update soon!
    March 21st, 2013 at 09:02pm
  • "that's why my hair's so big." Just little quirky lines makes me love this story so much <3
    Its too fantastic! I wish the chapters could be longer! I always wish its longer once I reach the end haha
    Keep up the good work!!!!! <3 update soon ::D
    March 19th, 2013 at 10:43pm
  • I'm interested to see where this goes! I love Chris Evans!! Update soon!
    March 19th, 2013 at 11:36am
  • Ahaha this story just makes me giggle. I love how real it feels. It's just so know minus the whole meeting a fabulous actor and hitting it off with them :)

    Cooper was so busy trying to make a rather demanding music show diva happy, that he entrusted me with the task of styling another client.
    Climb that ladder, Grace, climb it!

    When Cooper was done he came over. Carrie went to on to tell him that I had talent, while I stood there doing the awkward dance. I find it difficult to take a compliment.
    I do the same exact thing, oh man! I just love Grace so much. She is just so real. Nothing about her is over done and she is just so...human. With her insecurities and wants and everything!

    "Are you stalking me Grace?"

    He spotted me before I saw him. "How did you know?" I turned to Chris, rolling my eyes. A grin broke out across his face. Damn. Did that grin have to be so contagious?

    I really love how comfortable they are with each other despite not knowing each other for every long. Their joking makes me giggle.

    "Do you require more dinosaur tips before you go out in front of the cameras?"
    I want more dinosaur tips!

    "Do you want to get coffee tomorrow?" It came out abruptly, and Chris seemed slightly shocked by his own question.
    Don't be shocked, Chris. Embrace the attraction you are feeling! Embrace it!

    "I mean, because I like talking to you and it's hard to meet genuine people in this town. I'd like us to be friends."
    Right, friends.
    L I A R

    sdaljkgl I just love this! I truly do! It's such a relaxing and fun story. I love the jokes and how quirky everyone is. Chris, Oh Chris. You are perfect!

    Coffee Date! Now I am excited for that! <333
    March 19th, 2013 at 12:06am
  • I really like this song! (: please update soon!
    March 17th, 2013 at 03:36pm
  • Loving this story, you are doing very well with it.
    =) Can't wait to see more
    March 9th, 2013 at 07:02am
  • This story is perfect. I just need you to know that.

    Like how Bobby plays dubstep super loud when he's getting ready for work in the morning.
    Who the heck listens to dubstep? LOL

    Okay, yes this dog, his name is Fudge. That is the most adorable thing I have ever heard. And I thought making my pet snake Burrito was great haha.

    "Fudge!" I sprinted over to the chaotic scene. A young woman stood horrified, while her boyfriend or whatever tried to pry Fudge off their golden retriever.
    AHAHAHA Oh Fudge, he needs to control himself!

    "Hey Dino girl!"
    She is never going to live that down.

    He chuckled, "Man, do you ramble."

    "It's a condition."

    I really love how she has these great one liners. It just makes me laugh through reading.

    Yeah, sure. Like hell you will.
    Oh hell see her around. They are drawn together. I have decided that it is their fate to be together and nothing will convince me otherwise. BE PREPARED FOR SOME CHRIS EVANS, GRACE, BE PREPARED.

    This chapter was fantastic! Seriously, I love how casual is it and how much humor you have in here. And the budding relationship between Grace and Chris, I love it. It's just so awkward like one of those times when people find each other mutually attractive and they pretty much have no idea what to do. I LOVE IT! And I can't wait to read more! <3
    March 8th, 2013 at 05:10am
  • Haha I just love her rambling! She hasn't much a sensor haha! Updae soon!
    March 7th, 2013 at 06:52pm
  • "...the vet fecked up and somehow left him with half a ball-" Oh my God, so funny! This is quickly becoming my favorite story. Thank you for updating!
    March 7th, 2013 at 05:36am
  • Haha this is so great! And that t-rex thing is gold. My boss told me once that if I was ever feeling upset, all I had to do was picture a t-rex trying to make a bed. Best ever haha :)
    March 7th, 2013 at 02:30am
  • I'm gonna have to remember that TRex thing for my presentation. Anyway- wonderful. Just, wonderful. I'm already swooning over this man, and you've barely introduced him into the story.
    March 4th, 2013 at 01:03am
  • I was creeping around the site for something good to read, saw that Raychel recommended this and decided I had to read it. So glad I did. You are such an amazing writer, I don't even know where to begin. And I have to say, I literally lol'd at her comment, "I don't think the whole 'imagine the audience naked' thing really works, but if I ever get overwhelmed I just think about a T-Rex trying to get back up after it's fallen over." Funniest thing I have read in a long time. I love this! I hope you update soon!
    February 28th, 2013 at 09:53am
  • Oh my gosh this, what is this? It's beautiful, that's what it is!

    There's only one thing I crave the most in this world. One sole thing I'm searching for; to need somebody and be needed in return.
    Perfect opening line. It's so relatable.

    I'm just going to sit here and cry over how wonderfully written this first part was. Oh my goodness it was stunning. Can stories be stunning? I'm not sure. BUT YOURS ARE!

    Now you may be thinking that this is a glamorous job role. You may even be a touch envious. The reality being that it's hot and stuffy backstage, and the celebrity folk are often flustered, many nervous of going out in front of a large crowd (yep, even media darlings get stage fright) and hoping they don't miss their cue.
    I absolutely LOVE how you squash all thoughts of it this being some high status job where it's where everyone wants to be. Real life, man, it sucks, and they are good at hiding it.

    I read once that he thought he was a physical let down in the flesh...

    "I don't think the whole 'imagine the audience naked' thing really works, but if I ever get overwhelmed I just think about a T-Rex trying to get back up after it's fallen over."
    I'm just going to steal that idea because omfg I just laughed out loud so hard! I love the comedy you slide right in there. Subtle funny is my favorite!

    That was the first time I met Chris Evans. And there were many times after when I wished I never had.
    First meetings are always awkward and that was definitely one of them haha.

    DOMINIQUE CAN I STEAL YOUR TALENT? Because that was absolutely flawless. I love this so far and I cannot wait for more. Chris Evans is just such a beautiful person and it makes me smile. This is going to be full of funny and fabulous, I can feel it.

    February 28th, 2013 at 03:17am
  • That Trex comment made me laugh so hard! I can so picture it xD this is awesome I can't wait for the next chaptetr fort what's gonna happen! Update soon! Xx<3
    February 21st, 2013 at 02:37am
  • I'm glad I found this, this story is going to be great I can already tell.
    I hope you can update soon!! its a great start and I can't wait for more! <3
    February 17th, 2013 at 07:31pm
  • I love this already, the tone and voice of this story is just excellent. I can't wait to see more, this is lovely and I'm in awe of how you described love.

    Excellent work.
    February 14th, 2013 at 04:08am