Carry On - Comments

  • Hatikva

    Hatikva (100)

    First, I would like to tell you one thing : I'm not normally fond of this kind of fanfictions, I am more of a slash reader to be honest. But this story is good. Therefore, I felt the need to post a comment to tell you why. You deserve comments! And I know how much it helps having comments since I write fanfics too.
    Oh and I'm going to apologize in advance if I make any mistakes : English is not my native language.

    Okay so! What I like about Carry On is that it is not too cliché, it's not the oh so common father/daughter story you can find everywhere. The members of Avenged Sevenfold are not depict as incredible and perfect guys, Brian is not the typical "i'm more my child's bestfriend than her father so I let her do all the things she wants to do" or the exact opposite "i'm a freaking asshole i had sex with a random chick i didn't even want that fuckin' child ugh." No, their descriptions is more realistic for the simple reason that we see them as real human beings and not as magical badass unicorns.

    Brian and Liz have a big problem : they can't seem to understand each other or don't seem to try to understand why the other's acting this way. Nor do they know how to communicate. Tell me if I'm wrong but this is the feeling I get when I read your fiction. Plus, Liz is a teenager, she's in a delicate stage of her life and she's battling with a sort of depression.

    We can't blame one more than the other since our two Haners are both stubborn and lost. They're kinda alike in a way, so this is why they fight every damn time. Both must have felt abandonned by Michelle when she left. They don't know what to do, in fact. Liza is drowning in her depression, swinging in the feeling of not being loved and not being worth it. She's taking her distance with everybody. Michelle seems absent since she's not calling her daughter that much.
    Brian is a clumsy father : he has to deal with this teenager soon to be a woman and it feels like he's behaving this way because he's afraid of losing her too. I don't know if I make any sense (even in French I don't make sense) but yeah, Brian is just so fuckin ' lost. And surely must feel fuckin' guilty as hell. He loves her to death and his behaviour shows it! I think he's aware that Liz isn't feeling well too but he doesn't know what to do. To give an example : the simple fact that he got crazy when she disappeared is because he loves her. He's afraid but he hides himself behind his work, acts distant and cold, tough and not very understanding. The fact that Liz doesn't know what she wants to do with her life must scare Brian because he just wants all the best for his daughter. I don't think he's truly oblivious to what his daughter is going through, I must sense something's off but you know, parents are so afraid their children are not happy that they try to forget that possibility. It's a weird thing, a weird reaction : it's like "oh no i hope he's/she's not sad or depressed so i'm gonna try to act as if it isn't possible and hides the truth and oh hey all those rainbows above my heeeaaad. Hey dear child, you can't be sad because i said so look how happy you should beeee."
    I said it earlier, but Liz is not trying to understand her father too (let's be honest, as teens, we don't want to understand our parents. We're caught up in our own thoughts, trying to understand what the fuck is happening to us etc etc.). And why? Because it's more simple than trying to open-up, sit down and just talk.

    Oh, if I may say, and it's not a real critic, sometimes Liz seems a little bit overdramatic BUT now I was wondering if you weren't doing that on purpose? Which would give me the reason to think that Brian isn't totally wrong too. Plus, it's normal if she's a tiny bit overdramatic since yeah...most teenagers are overdramatic sometimes.
    That would definitely be a good choice because it gives a realistic aspect to your characters and the situation they are in.

    Little by little, and in this last chapter it's more obvious, more is being revealed. I mean, she finally told him some of her thoughts (and note that Brian behaves as he's annoyed but there's something more behind it. So he hides behind the anger). And so when Liz said "Really?! Because the common denominator here seems to be you, Dad! You're the only reason she's gone. At least she got out! Maybe I should save myself before you have a chance to ruin my life too!", she's just hit him with the truth. Hence why I think Brian feels guilty and therefore behaves as a close-minded adult.

    He's just lost and she's too and yeah...that's not a good mix.

    Oh and ! There's another thing I noticed (or maybe I'm reading too much into things and I shouldn't). The Matt/Brian/Zacky thing. Let me explain : it's like Brian "uses" his two friends, hides behind them too. Like Matt and Zacky are both a part of Brian.
    Matt is like the angry side of Brian. Anger is the easiest escape, a perfect mask.
    Zacky is Brian's soft side, this part which is trying to be calm, understanding, easy-going, honest too.

    Moreover, Brian is kind of..."distant" with Zacky ; Liz visions the latter as her "so called" father's bestfriend. Therefore, it's like he's trying to stay far from that tenderness Zacky embodies.

    Well, I'm sorry for this long, messy and not that interesting comment but I needed to open my mouth. Keep up the good work !
    February 17th, 2013 at 06:47pm
  • Matt Sanders;

    Matt Sanders; (455)

    United States
    Not everything is rainbows and butterflies, I have to keep telling myself this when I read it D:!! I usually don't read anything like this but I like it, I love how it's written!
    February 17th, 2013 at 04:01pm
  • deleted_gone

    deleted_gone (100)

    I love it so far c:
    February 17th, 2013 at 03:24pm
  • kierstlovesyou

    kierstlovesyou (100)

    United States
    I love this story. I like the title now but if it may not fit the story later or if you just dont like the title then you should change it. But when i first started reading this and found out you were the author i was like omg this is going to be amazing and pretty much instantly subscribed. Your an amazing writer sucks this is your last story. Cant wait for the next chapter :)
    February 17th, 2013 at 02:44pm
  • heyjude;;;

    heyjude;;; (100)

    United States
    I can only imagine how much trouble she's going to be in! Beautiful as always, Love.
    February 17th, 2013 at 01:50am
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    Uh oh. Busted! She us going to be in so much shit!!I can remember having a few of those " fuck it" moments myself when I was in highschool and had snuck out. It made me feel like such a rebel, but I always got in so much shit. Being older now, I look back and realize I only got in so much shit because I worried everyone so badly. Lol... Live and learn I guess.
    February 16th, 2013 at 06:25am
  • Norman Reedus

    Norman Reedus (400)

    I love this. I can feel like the way she feels, you write so amazingly good and I can't wait for another chapter. I'm so obsessed with this right now and I don't understand how oblivious Brian is and let alone Matt, when he's starting to get involved in their business.

    The pressure she must be feeling. :(
    February 15th, 2013 at 11:25pm
  • BeenDownThatRoad

    BeenDownThatRoad (100)

    Jesus!! I love this do much. It's so raw and refreshing. It's nice to read something where the guys aren't portrayed as like mythical creatures or some shit! Don't get me wrong, I think the guys are awesome, but I could totally picture everything in this story! It's great. I feel for her. As parent mostly are, Brian seems totally oblivious to the emotional turmoil his daughter is going through. The fact that she truly believes her father views her as a complete failure is heartbreaking! I'm sure that's not the case. Brian does need to take a fucking percocet or something because he is starting to resemble an iron fist... It's kinda scary...and really Matt?... I mean really!?...Cmon, she's getting it from both of them? Where's Val or Zacky hiding? They need to be voice of reason or mediators or something!?

    I can't wait for more!! I'm in love!!
    February 15th, 2013 at 11:07pm
  • NY Excuse

    NY Excuse (100)

    United States
    This is so beautiful. I think this is going to be your best story yet. Can't wait for more.
    February 15th, 2013 at 06:28pm
  • heyjude;;;

    heyjude;;; (100)

    United States
    So glad you've decided to put this up, Love. It's only been a few chapters, but there's something raw and haunting within it that just makes it so beautiful. A perfect balance between reality and fiction. I adore this story.
    February 15th, 2013 at 06:22pm
  • YourVengeance

    YourVengeance (100)

    United States
    love this.. love how real the characters feels..well Liz that is!!!
    February 15th, 2013 at 06:50am
  • saint james.

    saint james. (160)

    United States
    I already love this story. The emotions and thoughts of Liz are lifeless because that is how she feels so your writing allows the reading to feel the emotions of the character. I feel bad for Liz because no one truly understands what she is feeling and no one cares to ask. Please update soon because I am anxiouly awaiting the next chapter.
    February 14th, 2013 at 09:29pm
  • Skarsgard

    Skarsgard (110)

    United States
    I just can't help but wonder what's driven them to this point, if they were ever a happy family. I suppose you wanted it that way though. I can't wait to read the rest. I'm sad that this is going to be your last story though :( I love your stories!

    Update soon! If you can :)
    February 14th, 2013 at 09:26pm
  • pawnsinplay

    pawnsinplay (100)

    Beautiful banner. It caught my eye as soon as I opened this story. Awesome first chapter. I can't wait to read more.
    February 14th, 2013 at 02:41pm