Iris - Comments

  • You aint going to be thinking me if you leave me with another one of these here cliff hangers you understand??

    All joking aside I wanted to weep for her, she was treated so bad, but I'm so proud you made her stand up for herself I think you're doing amazing with this need more soon,, like soon as in yesterday lol

    Much <3 Kat
    April 11th, 2013 at 03:08am
  • :D I really loved this update I think I'm going to add this down in my siggy if you don't mind of course?

    Leana and I were barely about to turn sixteen when she was got pregnant. Sadly Iris passed away from birth complications.

    I think you might have meant to say Leana died from the complications not Iris, other then that I didn't see any thing else that was wrong or anything like this.

    I love the fact that you're going back and fourth between her and Jimmy, atleast for that one little moment any how really liked this cant wait for more dude

    Hope everything is going okay for you and you know when it comes to updating it should be about which ever one you feel like updating I mean I know you do it for the readers but you have to do it for yoursef to.

    Much <3 Kat
    March 31st, 2013 at 06:52am
  • So first let me so please don't hate me, I like to think we're good enough friends you wont mind this but still I'll ask you not to hate me for my thoughts

    Like they could make me do that anymore than already done.
    I don't know why but this just kind of reads a little funny to me like it should say then I already do, but maybe that is just me it is like almost 3 am so maybe my head just aint grasping that line it just looks odd to me but I could be wrong...

    I do not like this teacher of her at all not one little bit, people say teachers cant act like that and say such things but I had a teacher just like the one Iris has now in school he was a real prick and was my special Ed teacher or as they called it 'LD' classes so I lovw thw fact your taking an aproach to how teachers can really be..

    I love the way you depicted a guy playing a COD game its very accurate and something I would do, also very refreshing to see you go with an older one and not like Black ops or MW 3 or Blk ops 2.

    You've a way with words and already I am hooked cant wait for the next update glad you didn't wait till the end of next week

    Much <3 Kat.
    March 24th, 2013 at 10:08am
  • I can not wait for you to start this is sounds like its going to be really good

    Much <3 Kat
    March 7th, 2013 at 12:23am