Sickness - Comments

  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Daughter Monster

    If you come back to mibba, let me know. I would love to keep in touch! <3
    February 21st, 2014 at 11:48pm
  • Daughter Monster

    Daughter Monster (150)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds

    Thank you. I try to keep most things black-and-white for myself so I can stick to it easier. Life gets difficult when everything is a grey area.
    I like the word deity. It sounds beautiful and stuff. If there is a God out there I'd want to give him a beautiful title. I find possession and hauntings, ect. to be extremely interesting, because it seems like the only people that believe in it are people that have had experiences with it themselves. Like, my mom and my siblings haven't had any supernatural experiences, but I believe I have and so have some people I've met that would fully agree with me simply on account that they know there's something out there. I think also is that nobody will ever know everything about it, because it truly is a mystery, so there's always fresh things to be had in that area.
    I agree with you. I've probably told you before; I'm kind of a hippie. I want everyone to love each other and get along and I just want peace. Why do we need to have such ego problems and things of the like? Last night I went to a church service and there was this incredibly rude girl there, she must have been my age, wearing her fancy abercrombie and fitch wear and what not. Stared at me every chance she got, like she was better than me. Dirty looks, the whole works. And it's like, you know what? My family isn't as rich as yours, I've probably had more problems in my life than you could ever care to understand, but why do you need to hold yourself above me like that? I would never dare to hold myself above any fellow human being like that. It's shameful what we do to eachother in this world. Maybe I think this way because I've always been at the bottom of the "food chain" so to speak, but I'd rather be here than up on that little pedestal people like her seem to put themselves on. It must be so difficult to maintain such a perfect image. Coffee
    I think God created us because he knew he created something amazing and just wanted to share it with someone/something. It's like being an artist, whenever you create a painting that you're proud of, or anything else, it just tickles you with so much pride and joy you want to show it off to everyone. We're considered "witnesses" to His glory, aren't we? I think it makes sense like that. And we witness his glory in each other as well, because we were also created by Him.
    Do you celebrate Easter, out of curiosity? :3
    March 31st, 2013 at 12:13am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Daughter Monster
    That's a really strong stance on beliefs you have. I really like how you think about rotten apples, like, the best way to look at a religion is not through the people-even though they could be following it pretty well, but through the actual religion. Straight up.

    I believe that there is one God. (I haven't heard the word deity in over a year and I just want to keep saying it DEITY, I think my religion 101 class is resurfacing in my mind). I also believe that people can be possessed, places can be haunted, so I believe in the unseen.

    As for those specific issues, I think the morality of society changes over time, like even the laws in the U.K., U.S. and Canada enforced those as being bad or evil, but then they changed. I guess this is a really contentious issue right now, but its definitely frustrating trying to understand what's legal vs. moral because people are always changing it around. I just want a law that protects me, and has some social welfare and such so that poverty is stopped and big corporations dont have to find out sooner rather than later that they can't eat chairs and computers and that they have to sell to someone.

    Hmmm, it's true that even my ideas are based off of my personal experience, if they were based off of someone else it wouldn't have any sincerity in it. haha :P I think I know what you are getting at though, people too often want a neutral position to be presented, even if people don't know there are other sides to tell and the neutral needs to shift with them.

    That's totally brilliant! I agree, socialization is a dying art. People don't know how to act around each other. I love communities too!! :D I'm even studying sociology and it makes me realize more and more about communities like the norms and the beliefs and what works and what doesn't. I'm currently writing a paper on Settlements in Canada that were kind of inspired by Jane Addams in the U.S. Settlements are a fantastic idea, I really like the concept. It's a free place for people to gather and learn and participate and be taken care of in ways that there social "class," wouldn't necessarily allow.

    And for me, the purpose of life, the reason God created us, was to show us Mercy. Not to watch us suffer. I don't believe we were created to just be at "play," I believe its more than that and that God sent us a way to live and that he loves us. Loves us the most. Loves us 70 times more than our mothers love us ( which I can't even calculate..). Like you said, communities are amazing, and knowing each other is amazing. I believe we were made in different groups so that we could get to know each other, not so that we could hurt each other.

    To be honest, I got really tired of not knowing things and I started to take classes, explore the internet, watch youtube videos and try to reflect and question everything. Your reflecting is really good, I think that if you believe in God or a diety then you should pray to him and ask for guidance, to guide you to the truth.
    March 30th, 2013 at 11:48pm
  • Daughter Monster

    Daughter Monster (150)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds

    Personal or religious beliefs? As far as "religion" itself is concerned, I do believe in a deity. It could be God, a spirit, who knows. There's gotta be something out there. I also believe in supernatural things like ghosts and demons, I believe someone can be possessed or haunted, or a home, or any other physical location. This is all just based on my personal experience, I try to keep that in mind when talking to other people about it. As far as just myself and my own personal beliefs in what I feel is "good" and "evil", I tend to feel offended when religions mention gay marriage, premarital relations, divorce, the use of birth control methods, and suicide to be terrible 'sins' because I feel like it's not in their place to enter someone's bedroom/personal life like that and tell them what to do with it. I don't think it's right that they're instantly damning people to Hell for that. I also feel offended because feeling like I was 'gay' and attempting suicide were things that I dealt with in my younger life, and it doesn't feel too good to think you're going to Hell for that. I want to believe that whatever is out there, God or whoever he is, would be understanding, compassionate and loving enough to understand. I want to believe that he loves me, not that he's just sitting there waiting for me to mess up, you know?

    I actually wrote an essay in English not too long ago about how self centered society is, and how taking part in activities that don't revolve around yourself (such as helping out at a food pantry and things like that) can help with that. I LOVE communities, where everyone works together and everyone knows each other. I come from a little town area somewhat 'out in the boonies' as my mom would call it, and it's so cool to walk into Rite-Aid and know the people who work there. I think humanity benefits so much from interacting with each other, it's unfortunate socialization is becoming a dying art. (And you know it's really bad when you have a homeschooler talking about people not socializing! lmfao)

    "For some people you are the only bible they'll ever read" I think is how the saying goes. I try not to associate the rotten apples of one religion to the whole thing, but it's so hard to keep yourself from thinking about some of the negative experiences that have been had.
    March 30th, 2013 at 03:05am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Daughter Monster
    Lol..Loki Fandom...I know you had to. :P I might've done the same (who knows? ;))

    You seem like a sincere person, so can I ask, what do you believe? Do you believe in a diety?

    I don't know why, the idea of waiting till you're older sends me shivers. We don't know how long we are meant to be here.

    Oh, and I totally know what you mean about psychology. I took it in highschool ,my friends are taking it now and they tell me about it all the time.

    The individualism that's bolstered is related to the high mental illnesses. Japan is based on communities and has low mental health issues, America is based on high individualism and has high rates of mental illnesses and Canada is in the middle, somewhat based on community and moderately individualistic. I just find that when people see materialism as good thing is when things are going very wrong. Like we don't know what we have until we learn about others. We are social beings, we can't just get stuck in a box, left not knowing. So it's good you want to know more soon, but I just want to suggest you don't say when you are older. I know people who made promises to themselves l, and now they've forgotten and I feel that if they acted then they would've been happier.

    I know what you mean though, people forcing beliefs or putting human beings in the way, or in the spotlight, or the only connection to God just fills me up with sadness. I hate that idea. I always feel the need to clarify, to myself at least, that I'm not listening to this person because they are God or my only connection, but because they have knowledge and experience in the world that I can learn from.
    March 30th, 2013 at 02:42am
  • Daughter Monster

    Daughter Monster (150)

    United States
    @ discoveringclouds

    I wouldn't call it running away per se, I just find that a lot of my personal beliefs contradict those of every religion I've come across. They're beliefs that mean something to me, and I don't want anyone or anything to take them away from me. Religion has also been a source of pain for me in some cases. Like, for you it's the best part of your life. And that's awesome, I'm glad you have something that makes you so happy. Religion just isn't what makes me happy. For me, it's writing, music, family, and mibba. And Loki fandom (you know I had to...lmfao). I'm sure if I was meant to find some sort of deity, I will when I'm older.

    I like the term "on fire" because ice just doesn't work when describing such throes of passion tehe

    Aw cool, I'll keep my eyes peeled. And I know you don't find me to be a hypocrite, that's a relief. The world is quite intriguing when you think about how people work; how they justify saying one thing and then doing another, how they lie, ect. I think psychopathy is becoming more common because everyone is becoming more complex, more layers, and less sympathy for fellow humans. I've seen a lot of it in real life, up close, and it's really interesting once you get by the hurt, if you experienced it first hand. (I'm into psychology, can you tell?)
    March 30th, 2013 at 02:18am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Daughter Monster
    That's an awesome way to describe it. Thank you.

    Why are you running from religion? It's like the best part of my life. I feel like, at times, it's the only thing that makes me human. Maybe not just at times...all the time. Especially learning about crazy things people do in society that's just animal like and hopeless makes me feel despair, and the only thing that stops that is praying and reading about my beliefs and finding out why I want to believe these things at all.

    lol, I wasn't always very focused on religion though ( I should take the lol was quite sad when I reflect back on it) but when I got to start questioning everything, that's when things got fun. Being challenged intellectually, approached morally and having my beliefs is really important to me. I love how you describe it, on fire with beliefs, haha Although I hope i'm never on fire. o.o

    Talking to you has given me an idea. A new story coming soon. I think I'll call it Hypocrite.
    (and no, I don't find YOU a hypocrite, you're just very thoughtful and point out a lot of the ironies/hypocrises in the world)
    March 30th, 2013 at 12:23am
  • Daughter Monster

    Daughter Monster (150)

    United States
    I love how it rhymes, and you seem to lay it all out before the reader and be completely honest. "we live in a world of Victimization, where people are much more comfortable being Victimized than actually standing up for themselves" ~Marilyn Manson. This whole piece reminded me of that quote, you made yourself detached from everyday "needs", citing that God is the only need you will ever have.
    I don't follow any religions (though my family as Catholic, like I've told you) and I've made a decision to put some space between myself and religions in general for the moment, but when I see someone that is truly on fire with their beliefs and follows it faithfully, it exhumes beauty. This was beautiful. In Love
    March 29th, 2013 at 10:37pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ polka

    JazakAllah Khair!
    Do you think it was appropriate to use the Quran ayahs? I'm glad it seemed good :) Alhamdullilah.

    I have to tell my sister about you. *runs away*
    March 9th, 2013 at 12:38am
  • polka

    polka (100)

    South Africa
    You are an amazing writer :) you really have the most lovely way with words and it's like... It just flows. It's really very wonderful. And I loved how you added the Aayats of the Quraan in it. It just made this even more powerful. Yet another beautiful piece of work
    March 9th, 2013 at 12:25am
  • Tipsy

    Tipsy (100)

    @ discoveringclouds
    anything for ya sister! :D
    February 28th, 2013 at 02:38pm
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Tipsy
    Thanks tipsy! To make even more sense I'm leaving links at the bottom. Some about healthy eating and good messages and even one about a little kid trying to inspire people.
    Now I feel like writing more, you're encouraging :)
    February 28th, 2013 at 03:54am
  • Tipsy

    Tipsy (100)

    @ discoveringclouds
    Naw, its quite cool and kinda striking! Forces you to thiink, its incredibly original! :D
    February 28th, 2013 at 03:41am
  • discoveringclouds

    discoveringclouds (200)

    @ Tipsy
    Thanks, I think the flow of words in my head rhyme. I also love how spoken word artists use their voices to emphasize things, so in my head I speak dramatically. The voice, I hope, is not lost in writing.
    February 27th, 2013 at 07:57pm
  • Tipsy

    Tipsy (100)

    As always, I'm amazed by the powerful delivery of emotion. I don't think i've read another writer express him/herself so strongly! Loved this! Kinda reminded me of Surrendering, just that this seemed to have a pleasant rhyming scheme haha Thumb up Mr. Green
    February 27th, 2013 at 02:24pm