Weird - Comments

  • Aww, looks like things are getting better for Andy. <3 That sucks, all these kids hating her for no reason, the poor child. But hooray for the new boy, Ryan (yesssss,) because he can be her savior, and this has the potential to be so cute (he asked her out awawawaw.) And Ryan has dimples. Unfff.

    March 21st, 2013 at 10:07pm
  • Hey, girl! :D

    Quick thing (please don't hate me D:): When you switch P.O.V.s, try to make them separate paragraphs. Like, "Well, I better get ready to go to hell.

    ~Ryan's P.O.V.~

    Looks like it's the first day of my new school..."
    And don't forget question marks! ;)

    Now that that's out of the way, I am really ready to see more and see where this is going. You've got me excited and I can totally feel for Andy (for we are one and the same) and I really like her. <3 Ryan, I want to meet him more because if he's who he says he is (nice and all) then I'm really going to like him, and gaaah, I want. You should make them longer so I have more to squeal over ('cuz I can see I'm going to be doing that a lot!) Keep it up, Bri! I'm excited! <3<3<3
    March 4th, 2013 at 11:25pm