City of Glory - Comments

  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    @ P!nkPunkRockBubblez
    That's not what I meant, but okay! LOL. It's okay, I get carried away to. IT BE TEH HAPPENZ!

    So how'd yor weekend go?
    August 12th, 2013 at 03:51am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ SaaviMafia
    Hahahaha I figured as much with the whole questions thing. I got a little carried away ... Unsure But thanks nonetheless! :)
    August 12th, 2013 at 03:39am
  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    So many questions, not so mant answers. Epic update.
    August 12th, 2013 at 03:35am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ ItsMeEmily
    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Thanks hun! <3 And yes I know! I've been hardcore slacking lately! :facepalm:
    August 12th, 2013 at 03:06am
  • ItsMeEmily

    ItsMeEmily (100)

    United States
    Omfg! You updated!!!(: Yayy! But yea... Juicy is the perfect way to describe this chapter! Once again it was simply fabulous update.
    August 11th, 2013 at 08:29pm
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ Undead-Idiot
    Well thaaaaaaaaaaanks!! Hug That means a lot! And I can't stress that enough! It's like a friendly reminder that I'm actually doing something right! Hahaha
    40.) Agreed. I don't even know why they bother (with) as many girls as they do ...
    41.) Hahaha fair enough!
    42.) It took me a second to understand what you meant with this one, hahaha. I was like "JOREL DOESN'T THINK GERALDINE IS HUMAN!?" But then I realized that you were comparing her to every other girl seen in Jorel's eyes hahaha So it makes sense :)
    43.) I think so too. I would very much prefer Makeda and Matty together ... But what makes you think he has a better shot?
    44.) Why not George?! Hahahaha But I definitely agreed! Those are definitely Makeda's boys! They seem like they'd do anything for her in a split-second
    45.) Hahahaha oh yes, he is a rather rude, cruel, hot-headed cocky man. And yet, I absolutely adore him! <3 aha
    46.) Yes! That's actually what I want / planned on Geraldine to do! To test the waters! And of course to rid of the sexual tension between them 'cause you know ... it's evident and clear they have more than "friends" intentions with one another ... Hahaha
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:41am
  • Undead-Idiot

    Undead-Idiot (100)

    United States
    Soo bloody good, as always. Really love this story.
    40. I think she definitely is, it's probably the same reason that Jordon fell for her. She isn't like the rest of the girls the guys deal with
    41. Yes, on Jorel's note. But not too much in any other light.
    42. Kinda, I think it's what gave him a chance to actually think of her as human. After that it's her can do/will do attitude.
    43. I say he still likes her and thinks he has a shot over Dylan somehow.
    44. She should trust them. Probably not Jorel or George, but Danny and Matt wouldn't purposely hurt her emotionally, and would protect her. Same with Dylan too of course.
    45. Not really, but he is higher on the chain of command than they are, so they have to at least act like they like and respect him. I don't think anyone other than George likes him too much.
    46. To set her own worries aside, she wants to see what she actually wants, like if Jorel is right about them or not. She shouldn't do it though. I don't think she'll really like how it could go.
    August 11th, 2013 at 09:00am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    Oh girrrrrrrrl, every time we talk / comment on each other's things you continue to amaze me and inspire me! <3 :) Honestly. And OH. Looks like I'll have to speed-read the prequel too!!
    OMG! Hahahahahahaha! Dance with no pants!? I was sitting here like "Huh?" AND THEN IT CLICKED! Durp. Durp. Durp. Well, some people would "blame it on the alcohol." But we all know she knew what she was doing ;) ahaha
    AND YOUR WELCOME! There's more where that came from!! Arms Arms Arms !!!!!!!!!!
    August 11th, 2013 at 05:29am
  • Violetta3tears

    Violetta3tears (100)

    United States
    @ P!nkPunkRockBubblez
    I am fine chickie poo! Chemo is a bitch but I am fine and all smiley<3 Knowing you, you'll absolutely love that story (if you read the prequel first that is) and thank you for calling me amazing ::blush: haha
    Yes Makeda isn't innocent at all... like seriously... her and Joel did the dance with no pants like 30 minutes after she met him... How the tittles is she innocent?
    You're welcome! Lol thanks for squeezing me to death (emoticon) XD
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:42am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ Violetta3tears
    Hahahaha OMG your answers / responses were / are just THE BEST! I was trying so hard not to be a weirdo and burst out in laughter! "Holy tittles yes they are! Why you may ask?" "She better watch herself." AND "Jorely-poo"!!! Hahahaha!And I'm actually GLAD someone finally thinks / says that Makeda seems like an easy person to get at! All I've heard is how "innocent" and "cute" Makeda is and I'm like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" Hahaha
    And awwwwww! Thaaaaaaaaaaaanks girl! That means a lot (as always)! Arms And I've noticed your story 'Until The Angel's Save Us All' AND I'M OH-SO-TOTALLY CHECKING THAT OUT! :O Cause you know ... You're amazing and everything! :)
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:36am
  • Violetta3tears

    Violetta3tears (100)

    United States
    40.)Nope Dean is definitely not seductive. She only is to Jordon. She respects herself too much.
    41.)Yes!!! Holy tittles yes they are! Why you may ask? Its because they both have their own way of getting what they want and have this heartless aurora around them.
    42.)YES! That and the fact she doesn't take shit from anyone which makes Jorely-poo like her even more.
    43.)Because Makeda seems like an easy person to get at. I mean seriously she is all over Matt when she is with Dilly-bear. She better watch herself.
    44.)Nope. Not at all.
    45.)Maybe she wants to find out more about him and try to see the good in him. Either that or she wants so sex him up. Either way Dean is a sneaky chickie poo XD

    OMG YOU FINALLY UPDATED!!!! I was soo fracking happy when I saw that you updated that I literally almost started break dancing in my hospital bed! XD
    This chapter was just perfect as always! I looooove your writing its so intriguing!!! xoxo
    August 11th, 2013 at 04:17am
  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    @ P!nkPunkRockBubblez
    On your last comment...

    August 5th, 2013 at 01:27am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ rockstarsNredpants
    I SAW YOU IN MY ALERTS AND I ALMOST DIED!!!! I was like OMG! There's NO way! Is that ... Is that WHO I THINK IT IS!? OMGYES And then I saw how LONG your comment was and then I was like O-M-Gawshness! Hail I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!! <3 But yessss ... I took a break too. Updating like every other week ... *siiiiiiigh* But I seriously thought you fell off the face of the earth! And I died a little on the inside at the thought of never hearing from you again Cry
    ANYWAYS ... I would never leave you in the dog house! You can sit right on the porch next to me! I'm just glad you're BACK. Whether temporary or whatever! *clears throat* Well ... it looks like I have 2 months of comment to reply to!
    That's exactly how I pictured it too! Hahaha Well I'm glad you got a workout from it nonetheless! And YES! The whole speculating over Makeda's pregnancy was actually one of my favourites! I really loved it! (especially writing it of course). Jorel definitely made / completed that scene! And I totally agree with your way of thinking! It should definitely make him more cautious when it comes to how he runs the streets! He wouldn't be so reckless anymore and what not ... And OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH! Hahaha George's speech there was something I struggled with. I did it and redid it and edited and revised it so many times ... I wanted it to honestly be something "special"? As lame as that sounds hahaha I just know / knew that a lot of people could connect / relate to it! :3 But yes, seeing as to how Jordon is the / considered the "grunt" of the group, it would definitely jeopardize his ranking! You'll definitely see more of his position / duties further in the story (obviously). Ahaha
    YES! Geraldine is usually the strong character! But I wanted to show how weak she is with Jordon and how Jordon makes her weak ... Geraldine goes against what she believes in a lot with Jordon and yes, particularly because she feels the need to "comply" with him hahaha And with your whole logic with Jorel ... That just BLEW MY MIND! Hahaha Seriously! I never looked at it that way ... *strokes chin* I have plans for Jorel's character though. I know how / why he is the way he is (which will once again be explained later) but I just don't know when is the right time to explain all of it. Because timing right now (for the plot and events in this story) is crucial and it's stressing me out! Hahaha
    Oh yes, there will be lots of trouble there! Don't you worry ... Ahahaha Yes, I agree. The girls should totally have been filled in at this point! Not having to go along and figure things out and try to piece things together themselves ... I'd be frustrated with the boys! But about the "scene" with Jordon and Geraldine ... well ... I thought it was LONG overdue! Hahaha And I seriously contemplated whether or not they would actually have sex in the car with George and Jorel right THERE. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I kind of want Geraldine's character to start falling apart. Like seriously going against who she is and what not ... Yes! Jorel is totally jellin'! Hahaha Is it that obvious? And YES! How Geraldine is with Jordon when they're in the mooooooood is ... something else. hahaha! No, it's definitely a different side to Geraldine no one has seen. I mean, she's so sweet and honest and follows and aids Jordon, and to see her overpowering him and "dominating" him / giving HIM orders ... well, it shows a flip-side to their relationship and shows how submissive Jordon is to Geraldine.
    I'M SO GLAD YOU SEE GEORGE'S SIDE / POINT OF VIEW! I mean, not a lot of people can! You've definitely got the right mindset for this story! <3 Clap I trust George. And I KNOW he knows what he's doing ... aha
    36.) Definitely! I don't doubt that for a second ...
    37.) I agree! Jorel does have a tendency of disrespecting and humiliating women, so why wouldn't he hit a woman? I mean, probably out of a fit of rage, but he wouldn't mean it (I hope). And that's correct, he definitely wouldn't!
    38.) Yes ... I'm still thinking of how and where I am taking their relationship ...
    39.) YES. And you will figure it out oh-so-very soon! In the next couple of chapters ... Sly
    Aaaaaand LORD! I AM DONE! Hahahahaha! That's my novel answers ahaha And YES! <3 I SO FEEL LOVED AGAIN In Love Awwwwwww YAY!! I'm SO HAPPY to hear that!! And don't worry hun, though this story is coming to its end shortly, I'll DEFINITELY have a sequel to it! Sooner or later ... What you'll do in between them, well ... I haven't the slightest clue what you'll do with yourself! ;) Hahaha But I WILL say one thing ... the ending to this story will be TRAGIC. I don't know if you'll want to continue Cry
    <3 xoxoxoxo
    August 2nd, 2013 at 07:20am
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ Violetta3tears
    Awwwwww! Well thaaaaaanks girl! <3
    1.) Thaaaaaat's a good observation! Though Jordon better be crushing on Dean! Considering they're dating and all ;O
    2.) Agreed! It is a very yes and no situation ...
    3.) Hahaha! Hopefully later ...
    4.) You don't think Dean can be trusted?! *la gasp

    @ SaaviMafia
    Oh well gosh! Thaaaaaaaanks hun! <3 Hahaha That means a lot! :D
    1.) Yes! Yes! YES! You have a good way of thinking! You definitely can't trust people / people's actions and words when they're drunk and / or high ...
    2.) Agreed! There is definitely more than one reason the two are at each other throats!
    3.) Hahahahaha! Oh my god ... that's just too perfect!
    LIFE WITHOUT INTERNET SUCKS! I was completely shut out from the world for TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS ... Went back on, and BAM! Everything's change! New trends. New music. New this. New that ... Lord, it was SAD! It felt as though I'd gone mad! mrgun

    @ Undead-Idiot
    You started this story last night!? Daaaaaaaaaaamn! You're GOOD! Clap
    1.) Yes! That is true ... and how do you think Jorel had burned Jordon before?
    2.) Fair enough! Haha
    3.) That is definitely how it looks! And when things look like they're heading a certain way, that's usually the way it goes ...
    4.) Yes! It is clear that he does! What his intentions are, who knows? But you've definitely got an extremely goooood way of thinking! ;)
    And thaaanks soooooooo much! I definitely more than appreciate it! <3 :)
    July 31st, 2013 at 07:38am
  • Undead-Idiot

    Undead-Idiot (100)

    United States
    I started this last night, #36 Jorel has burned Jordon before and is stepping way over the line on his turff #37 no #38 He'll tell her he loves her eventually, but only after she gets way to hurt by something #39 Jordon shouldn't trust J! But Jorel want's more than friendship off of Dean, just to hurt Jordon. Such a good story though, best I've read in a long time!
    July 31st, 2013 at 04:40am
  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    Oh geez, where to start. First off, amazing chapter! You blow me away every chapter! :D

    As for Jorel, I don't thonk he'd hit a girl, bit you know how people get when they get drunk/high. I do think Dean should watch her back around him, ESPECIALLY when she's trippin'. Who knows what might between them.

    As for Jordan & Jorel, there's two reasons why they're at each other's throats: there positions, and Dean, considering the fact that she's in the middle.

    As for everyone else, who the fuck knows? Everybody else is off in there pn world. can't wait for the next update! :D

    Anyway, how was life without internet? Sucks, doesn't it? Mr. Green Mr. Green
    July 30th, 2013 at 09:50pm
  • HerMajestyYoungblood

    HerMajestyYoungblood (100)

    United States
    Oh geez, where to start. First off, amazing chapter! You blow me away every chapter! :D

    As for Jorel, I don't thonk he'd hit a girl, bit you know how people get when they get drunk/high. I do think Dean should watch her back around him, ESPECIALLY when she's trippin'. Who knows what might between them.

    As for Jordan & Jorel, there's two reasons why they're at each other's throats: there positions, and Dean, considering the fact that she's in the middle.

    As for everyone else, who the fuck knows? Everybody else is off in there pn world. can't wait for the next update! :D

    Anyway, how was life without internet? Sucks, doesn't it? Mr. Green Mr. Green
    July 30th, 2013 at 09:49pm
  • rockstarsNredpants

    rockstarsNredpants (100)

    Oh My God how embarrassing on my part is it that my last comment was two months ago. I'm the worst, I know. I took a little break from Mibba to get my life back together because it was a total mess. From high school ending to drama with friends, vacation and my overall lack of motivation... I kinda took a break from pretty much everything. Though this is no excuse, I could have dropped a line telling you I loved the update, since I did read them as they came and I always do love each update, but I'm lazy and an asshole and I'm sorry.
    But here comes the fun part. I have two months worth of comments to catch up on so I'm basically going to write you a book about how much I love what you've posted in hopes that it will take me out of the doghouse and at least to the front porch (hopefully).
    I pretty much died when Dylan described Matt as a whack-a-mole back when he and Danny walked in on Dylan and Makeda. I honestly had a little fit, cause I pictured one of those machines with Matt's adorable face popping up and whew. It was a great ab workout let me tell you. And then how intently Danny looked over Dylan's towel. Poor guy. That was so gross but so funny at the same time. I actually pictured that happening. But when the guys were all speculating over Makeda possibly being pregnant and Dylan told them that wasnt the problem and Jorel goes "Dylan, I was just kiddin’ bro. I know neither of you can afford an abortion." I also laughed way harder than I should have. Leave it to Jay to crack a joke like that too. But this leads to the L-Bomb. I think its good in a way that Dylan is accepting the fact that he does love Makeda. Maybe it will make him a little more careful when it comes to dealing with life running the streets. I also think Jordon does love Geraldine, though George's speech was spot on. (Good job on that btw) Jordon's just worried that admitting he's in love will jeopordize his ranking in the group (I may have read ahead ahha)
    In the next chapter, I have to say I was actually a little surprised Geraldine let things go as far as they did between her and Jordon in the deli. She's normally a pretty strong character, but then again, Jordon makes her weak. I think she feels like she needs to comply with him for fear that he'll get bored and move on. As for the whole deal between her and Jorel, I'm not exactly sure what his deal is. I think he's a little jealous that he's not in a steady relationship himself, even though he would deny that profusely. Then again, I think he feels threatened by both of the girls because he knows that they could potentially tear apart their little empire, especially now that we're dealing with some serious love business. What better way to tear the couples apart than to tempt the girls. The guys may or may not stay mad for long. "Bros before hoes" afterall.
    The whole new place that they're going to makes me nervous. I smell trouble. Of what kind, I have no idea. I'm just gonna wait patiently an see. But I'm not sure I like that they are forever dragging the girls around without filling them in on the situation. Perhaps its to keep them safe, but I think they've been around enough to at least be let in on a few things. And poor Jordon. She's always teasing him. Of course he's gonna be frustrated. I can't imagine living with constant blue balls is any fun. But their little sex scene in the next chapter. well ;) ... and we'll leave it at that. But seriously though, I loved how George intervened, totally ruining the moment with his comment. And Jorel, he's totally jellin. If he wasn't he would have just said something snarky like George did, not make them smack their heads. I seriously (this is gonna sound super weird) love how Geraldine is when her and Jordon are doin' their thaaang. She's so demanding and witty it't hilarious. Her Easter comment made me chuckle. I quite like her character. & I could only imagine how hard it is having sex in a car, let alone doing it while you're being mocked by your friends in the front seat.
    Jordon's little rant about Jorel bossing him around all the time made me wanna hug him. I totally understand where he's coming from, but I think that George is making the better decision in all honesty, because if Jordon is high up in their operation that puts Geraldine at a higher risk, and Jorel really has no attachments so he's better fitting in that way for the position. That being said he does abuse it a little because he doesn't need to flaunt it in Jordon's face all the time. Shit got real though when everyone was told to stay in the car. I was on high alert waiting for something to go wrong and when Geraldine was in her fit I got so nervous. Apart from the little tiff though, we're all good... so far. However, this brings me up to date and I'm going to hop back onto the discussion question train.
    36.) The little bit of insight between Jordon and Jorel's struggle for power is definitely the reason behind the tension between the two of them.
    37.) I have no doubt that he would hit a girl. As for Dean... Maybe, depending on the situation and how well she was getting along with the group. Jorel wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his position in their little operation.
    38.)I really like them together, but I just have this feeling something bad will happen between them. I'm not exactly sure what or why at this point.
    39.)Jorel's that charming badass that every girl secretly wants. I don't blame Jordon for not trusting them, not that I'd put the blame on Geraldine. I think she could hold her own against Jorel and his advances, but that may falter depending on her impairment. I don't really know what's going on between Jorel and Dean to be honest, but I think there's something that we don't know about.
    So there, that's my novel. Hope you feel loved again. I do honestly adore this story, and you have never lost my interest. <3 Also, the fact that this story is half done is terrifying and exciting at the same time. I can't wait to see what you have planned, but I really don't know what I'm gonna do when it ends.
    July 29th, 2013 at 10:22pm
  • Violetta3tears

    Violetta3tears (100)

    United States
    36.)Because Jordon and Jorel are crushing on the same girl???
    37.)Yes and no. Yes if he had to and no because Jorel has at least some standards. No I don't think he would hit Dean.
    38.)I have none yet...
    39.)She keeps her distance but she is still an acquaintance of some sort. Nope... Just no. Jorel is too much of a fucking asshole to even trust her.
    July 29th, 2013 at 07:36pm
  • P!nkPunkRockBubblez

    P!nkPunkRockBubblez (100)

    @ brianna7x
    Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl! OMG! Where have YOU BEEN!? Hug I could like CRY right now! Ahahaha YAY. YAY. YAAAAY!!
    I'm glad you've noted the PRIDE. Ahahaha It's not a trait of theirs that I've truly focused on, but it's something I've ... ummm ... dusted upon them? Ahaha I'm picturing "Pride" in like a powder substance and I'm like dusting it on them ... Like FAIRY DUST! *coughs* ANYWAYS ...
    "Business partners" ... Girl. You understand this story COMPLETELY. It kind of scares me ... hahaha! I'm trying to break it down as much as possible so that the "average reader" has some idea as to what's going on. Hahaha But with you, it's like I don't have to! But as for his "soft spot" ... well ... you'll see ;) hehe
    I'm glad you see potential in their relationship! Hahaha Sometimes I even doubt them!
    Yes! Fair enough ... Me personally, I don't trust Jorel. Haha But I LOVE him regardless.

    @ ItsMeEmily
    Awwwwww well THANKS! :3 That really means SO MUCH!!
    July 29th, 2013 at 07:32am