City of Glory - Comments

  • @ Circles
    It's wonderful because we (can) all inspire each other! We're almost like family ...
    March 19th, 2014 at 06:56am
  • I seriously love how all of the HU fans are reading the same fanfics and ah it's just like we're all in a large circle reading off our fanfics to each other :)
    March 19th, 2014 at 06:00am
  • I hope it goes well^_^ I seriously love, love, love this and I don't wanna wait a long ass time again but if I have to... oh well. It's always worth it!(:
    February 21st, 2014 at 02:03am
  • @ ItsMeEmily
    Emilyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Arms Awww yaaaaaaay! Thanks girly! :) I'm trying to push out another update in a week! So we'll see how it goes! Hahaha
    February 21st, 2014 at 12:37am
  • *Takle hugs you* OMFG! YOU'RE BACK!!!! I missed this story so much^_^ this was a fabulous way to bring this back^_^
    February 21st, 2014 at 12:18am
  • @ rockstarsNredpants
    DID YOU JUST COMMENT!? YES. YOU. DID! Twitch Girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl! I thought you were GONE! But you're ALIVE! Crazy AND I almost had a stroke in the middle of the bus terminal when I saw you commented!
    And say whaaaaaat!? THUNDER BAY!? MORE. NORTH? That's INSANE!
    Q64/65: You're exactly right! I couldn't even imagine what could of happened if she was left there! Dean doesn't deserve that kind of treatment ... And IF she was sent to the hospital, what kind of shit that would start! I know exactly how those kind of scenarios can escalate hahaha & I totally agree. I had thought that Jorel's actions were kind of like he was going behind the backs of his men ... I definitely think he should have called too. I mean, they are suppose to report back to each other, according to George anyway (and yes, I had to go back and find this to see if I actually wrote this or was just imagining it aha)
    Q66:I totally agree! I'm all for Jordon and Dean, I mean, they balance each other out PERFECTLY. And I would totally ship Jorel and Dean, but I think it would be completely unbalanced. I'm afraid that either Jorel will become soft and vulnerable because he'd finally open up and love with all his heart, or Jorel would make Dean cold and heartless such as himself. It'd be that aggressive/"tough-love" type deal ... Either way, that's NOT what Jorel is about or Dean. And I don't want to change them because - let's face it - they're pretty awesome as they are. They're two of my favourite characters, but I don't think I could ever make them an "actual" thing ... We'll see, I guess Shifty But I will DEFINITELY ask you then in a couple chapters or two ;)
    Q67: And I definitely agree with you here! I probably would have been yelling at him at the top of my lungs to shut the fuck up and fuck off! I mean, she pretty much nailed it when she said “Pull yourself the fuck together, Jorel! I’m sorry you feel this way about me ...” It was definitely unfair of him to corner her with this once he had her alone, I think.
    Q68: Agreed. He has some major ass-kissing to do! I mean, that's probably the MOST disrespectful thing he could have done to JORDON, let alone Dean. And AFTER he lost his shit in the club for that man laying his hands on Dean. He seemed pretty adamant about guys who lay their hands on women, and then he turns around and does the same thing ... But NO worries. I have a good idea of what I want to do with this Sly
    Q69: YES. I wanted it to happen SO bad too! But I would have been pretty mad if it happened also. Hahaha Hence the "almost" because I was so indecisive
    Q70: This is a fact! Jorel DEFINITELY can deal with his emotions/feelings a LOT better than he is ...
    Q71: This is definitely interesting ... I mean, I wasn't too focussed on Jordon when I wrote his character in the last couple of chapters. But now that you've said 'he's still pretty defensive with the way the night turned out' is VERY true! It totally makes sense. With everything that happened between him and Jorel even BEFORE they went into the club ... I think you understand my story better than I do sometimes hahaha !Pat
    Q72: VERY true.
    Q73: This is ALSO very true! If George were to let Jorel go and do his own things whenever he wants, how serious is everyone going to take George. By controlling the hardest person in the room, you control everyone else because no one else would even think twice about challenging you ...
    Q74: I really don't want the boys to fight each other, but things are extremely heated between Jordon and Jorel ... HOWEVER, I AM going to make Jorel fight one of the boys later in the story (possibly story 2). And you'd NEVER of imagined who and for what reason Whistle ....... Muahahahaha!

    Do I sense a soft spot for Danny boy?! Hahaha No worries, Danny will definitely be fixed up, as well as Dean :)
    Thanks my love! Your comments are always MORE than appreciated!
    February 20th, 2014 at 05:31am
  • @ Violetta3Tears
    MY BOOP! It's so nice to hear from you! Arms I feel as though I have not heard from you in SO long! Which is actually, true! Where as the time gone!? I hope all is well with you! <3 I know a lot has happened since the last time we touched-base and never forget I am always here if you ever want to talk! :) xoxo
    February 20th, 2014 at 02:53am
  • OOOH BOY?! Did you just update? fuck yes you did. Did I do a happy dance in the middle of an arena where people were already looking at me funny because they all know I'm from out of town and clearly don't belong? FUCK YES I DID!
    I read this when you first posted the update, but I've been visiting my best friend from university and she lives more North than Thunder Bay, where I go to school, and service is kind of brutal since I'm not with a northern carrier.
    Q64: I am glad that Jorel did go out of his way to help Dean. Besides, who knows what would have happened to her if he hadn't. Makeda, Dylan, and Daniel all split, and the rest of the group had no idea what was going on until afterwards. She could have been left there, found by the bouncers/thugs that they had been fighting earlier, or she could have been picked up by someone with an objective viewpoint and sent to the hospital. Despite the fact she really should end up making a trip to the ER, being sent there from the club would only open another can of drama causing worms for the crew. I'm going to lead into Q65 here, because though I agree it was probably best that Jorel got himself and Dean out of there as fast as possible, he was stupid to not let the rest of the guys know that he was bailing with Dean. Had he let them know, Jordon would probably be less accusatory, though in a sense he has every right to be. Perhaps George would have been a little less angry too.... hahah just kidding.
    Q66: AH! Don't ask me that question right now. I'm currently perched atop the fence on this one. I always loved Jordon and Dean. They were so much fun and I really hoped that Dean would be able to pull Jordon out of his no love slump and kind of help him along the way, but now that Jorel actually broke down and let Dean into his head... UGH. can I wait a chapter or two and come back to this question?! haha
    Q67: Do you think Geraldine reacted fairly to what Jorel had to say?
    I think she reacted as fairly as she could have possible done, given her situation. I mean, she's intoxicated, she beat to shit, and she's frustrated and confused as fuck because she doesn't know exactly what goes on in her friend group, plus she's lead to believe that Jordon left her. Throw in Mr. Hard Ass' confession and I feel that I would have honestly handled the situation similarly. I might have been a little angrier. So I'd say she reacted fairly given the situation. If the conversation comes up again, I hope she at least hears him out without shutting him down completely.
    Q68: Absolutely not. He crossed a line here. Dean was on the phone with Jordon and he's throwing her around? I get that he's angry and frustrated with her, and sure he's intoxicated, but this was too far. Treating her like this, injured as she is to boot, is not going to help his situation in the least. If anything he should be trying to get on her good side.
    Q69: What do YOU think of the "almost" kiss? Was it wrong?
    Wrong? Yes. Did I want it to happen? Yes. Would I have been mad if it happened? Yes. Am I mad that it didn't happen? Yes. What do I think? This group needs a few group therapy sessions.
    Q70: He definitely is starting to. He's finally letting his emotions be known. For someone like Jorel, who is always turned off from emotional connections, letting someone in is his way of slowly losing control. Especially since he doesn't handle admitting his feelings very well. This is unknown to him and he doesn't know how to react to it.
    Q71: I think a part of this may be because he feels guilty that he wasn't there for her, also he's gotta be pissed that Jorel was there when he wasn't. There's also the fact that he's not telling her everything about what he does and is trying to keep her sheltered. I think the high energy of the situation caused this confrontation to escalate quicker than need be. Jordon was still in a defensive mode from how the night had turned out. Though he shouldn't have turned it onto Dean, I can see why he did.
    Q72: George had to keep control over the group somehow. By lashing out on Jorel he shows that he's still the one in control and that all of the guys are to do as he says. Humiliating Jorel just reasserts his dominance over the group.
    Q73: Easy. Jorel's the biggest threat. He's the one that is most like George. If George loses his handle on Jorel than he loses control of the entire group.
    Q74: I think his message came across well, for now. This could possibly change once they all get together again. I'm sensing a fight between Jordon and Jorel that will cause a lot of upset in the group's dynamics. This may completely nullify George's demands.

    Also, please fix Danny. My heart hurts for that poor boy. </3
    Flawless as always my dear. Keep it up. :)
    February 19th, 2014 at 08:27pm
  • 64:)YES HE LOVES HER!!!!
    65:) errr noooo....
    66:)Yes, he needed to let it out.
    67.)Well after everything, no. She needed to let him vent to her.
    68.)No. Never.
    69.)It was wrong only because one, Jorel wants to be able to say he had her. and 2. He needs to realize that is he does get her, then what?
    70.)Yes! He is slowly starting to show his human characteristics. He is showing that he actually cares and feels things like everyone else.
    71.)Bdcause I thnk he is using her. No.
    72.)George probably senses that Jay is slowly becoming weak an he is trying to toughen him back up
    73.) Because Jay is the most "cold-hearted"
    74.) No.
    February 16th, 2014 at 09:22pm
  • So glad you updated, totally worth the wait though.
    57: I think she should've left, only to save all the fighting it just caused, but she still did what was good because of how Cleo acted
    58:He did the right thing trying ot stop them, he actually did a good job, but the other guys weren't gonna have any of it.
    59: Yes and no, because they definitely got more hurt than they would've otherwise, but it was pretty much a fight over the girls honor, so them coming in just fit because they kinda started it
    60: They Undead won the fight, but it wasn't close to fair after the bouncers came in, if they had just been more of Cleo's boys, they would've won the fight, but being bouncers, Dylan knew they had to bail
    61:Not even close, she stopped fighting, and was only in an advantage at pinning someone down. If her boys hadn't stepped in the sisters would've finished her in now time
    62:George is gonna be pissed, but I think he'll understand eventually, the girls are gonna have to be the ones to fully explain it though.
    63: I don't think they left, which really worries me, I think no one in the fight was actually that high ranking, which doesn't help me worrying, I doubt they would've left.
    I saw that title and immediately thought of Deuce and foreshadowing, you assuring that is amaizng. This is probably my favorite story on here, and easily the best fan fiction I've read ever. Good luck with school, hope all goes well and you can balance this out too.
    October 17th, 2013 at 10:38am
  • I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE. I KNOW WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN. IT'S SO OBVIOUS. I know who Cleo is, and who she is with >;D
    October 16th, 2013 at 02:40am
  • Question 57.) She should have left. She shouldn't have let those comments get the best of her but hey, bitches get stitches.
    Question 58.)Yeah, he did a great job. He was just trying to make the situation better before it got worse. He was thinking of the benefits.
    Question 59.)Yeah, homies got to stick up for one another.
    Question 60.) The guys and yes.
    Question 61.) YEs, I think she is Duecy's girlyfriend.
    Question 62.) He would probably throw a bitch fit, slap some of the guys and drink a shit load and blaze it up.
    Question 63.) They didn't want to be a part of it. And yes I do, I think Matt left because he didn't want to be caught up in it and Jordon left because he slowly loosing feels for Deany-bear.
    October 16th, 2013 at 12:21am
  • @ brianna7x
    You're ALIVE!!!! Hug No cake is required, your comment will do! :) ahaha
    Precisely! I don't think it's something anybody would want to pursue years down the road ...
    That's a good point! Sometimes it's better to push people away or even let them go - if you love them - if it means keeping them safe. And yes, considering the business Jordon is in he definitely can't "get his hopes up" with long-term stuff. He's lucky to even be in a relationship, let alone for this long, I think.
    That makes total sense! It's like he's "testing" the waters, I get it. ahaha Poor Matty ...
    You are the first person to suggest that Geraldine has feelings towards Jorel Clap I was waiting for somebody to suggest this ahaha
    I agree. But then again, I don't think she should be so jealous because Dylan didn't have a problem with Makeda and Matty dancing ... Well, at least not that we know of. Ahahaha
    September 8th, 2013 at 02:00am
  • I'm soooooooo sorry I haven't commented lately :(
    I feel like I oughta bake you a cake and give you a lot of hugs or something.

    I think Matt wants out because he looks at the big picture. He just seems like he's seen what all the "business" entails and maybe he just doesn't want to be a part of it when he's older.

    I think Jordon does maybe see a future with Geraldine, but that he's just trying to be careful and not get his hopes up, especially because of what he does for a living. Another part of me thinks he subconsciously pushes her away sometimes because he's trying to protect her, no matter what he has to do to do it.

    I honestly don't know what Matt's reasoning is behind the attitude. Maybe he's tired of feeling under appreciated or something and wants to see what he can get away with? If that makes any sense.

    Geraldine probably just wanted space from Jorel. I feel like, she knows she shouldn't feel anything towards him, but she does (but I mean, have you seen his face? Come on). Maybe she's trying to distance herself to see if she can rid herself of those feelings.

    I'm not sure why Dylan was so persistent about dancing with that woman but I don't blame Makeda in not wanting him to, nor do I blame her for being pissed off/jealous. Now I'm just wondering what the hell is going on with that bitch and what Makeda is going to do next. X)
    September 3rd, 2013 at 04:49am
  • @ rockstarsNredpants
    AT LEAST YOU'RE BACK! Pat I read all of your comments (like you do my updates) but they're just sooooo long and I stare at them like Cheese BUT I LOVE EVERY SINGLE FREAKING ONE OF THEM! And I'm just too lazy to reply to them ... BUT I always do! Sooner or later ...
    Anyways ... *clears throat* I completely agree. I've never noticed before how alike both Jorel and Geraldine actually were and then I was like, 'Oh damn!' And I really never realized that either. There really isn't much to Geraldine and Jordon's relationship because of the lack of communication they have between each other. I mean, they both are there with each other, but it's almost like they have to be. Like Makeda's and Dylan's relationship seems stronger and better than J & G's relationship and they've only been going out for a month. But I guess we'll see ahaha
    Very true. Dean has too much self-pride and self-worth to be disrespected by Jorel like that. She would never let that happen ...
    Ahahaha definitely. I just love Matty's character in general! I just think he's too young to know any better. Aha And too innocent.
    Exactly. I want to emphasize on the fact of how child-like Makeda's character and decision making and rationality is. I would definitely not be so buddy-buddy with the men in this group just because of the scene they are in. So much can happen ... And yes, I want the men to actually be like realistic business partners. I mean, just because they all work together, doesn't mean they're going to necessarily like what the others say or do. But they tolerate it, and generally get along / have a good understand / perspective of one another ...
    Totally agree. I'm having a hard time with Geraldine right now. Hahaha I mean, I don't know if she knows what she wants, if that makes any sense. Ahaha 'Cause when I write, I develop these vivid characters with all these personalities and when I write, I just let the characters do their thaaaaaaang. Ahaha The characters write themselves ... If THAT makes any sense ...
    Anyhowzer ...
    YES! I think that moment was too brief. Maybe I should have emphasized on it a little more ... She definitely needs to make up her mind with the whole relationship with Jordon and figure out what she really wants out of it. I just hate how JOREL (of all people) is the one to make her realize this ... Then again, he is a brash asshole ... I think Jorel and Geraldine should bang. Hahaha Buuuuuuuuut, I think it'd just be wrong. Like a waste. What they have right now is soooooooo good, considering how Jorel practically walks all over females and looks down on all of them, and yet, here he is, by Dean's side and practically on his knees at her feet Hail ... It'd get ruined if they slept together, despite what Jorel believes ...
    *Takes breath* But yes, thanks soooooooooooooo much for the WONDERFUL comment / feedback / support! <3 I love them as always! xx Hug
    September 2nd, 2013 at 02:24am
  • @ P!nkPunkRockBubblez
    Awww go to sleep hun! You're welcome hun! I can't wait to read more updates! I loved this one!
    September 1st, 2013 at 09:12am
  • @ Violetta3Tears
    52.) Very true! Oh Matty <3 He's just a baaaaaaaby! aha
    53.) Definitely true / agreed! Aside from Jorel, Jordon is a very strong, bold character. And I think it's because of his brick-like wall he has up with everyone / everything
    54.) Definitely. He's seeing another side of the whole business ...
    55.) Yes. She's a very independent person. Definitely my favourite "sister" of the two ahaha! And YES. YES. YES. You're right on the money with that one hun!
    56.) True ... That's definitely one way to test the trust between them.

    Thaaaaaaaaaanks hun!!! Arms Can you tell I was tired!? Those damn italics got me ... ahaha :3
    September 1st, 2013 at 09:07am
  • 52.)He doesn't want to be looked down upon anymore and he wants a relationship.
    53.)I think he does, he doesn't want to admit it because he is afraid to look weak even in front of Matt.
    54.)He is trying to stick up for himself and is now learning the ways of the streets which is twisting his mind. He doesn't want to be looked down as the bitch of the group.
    55.)I think Dean didn't want Jay to come with her because she needed to handle this on her own. She didn't want to him to hang all over her and try to get at her or her sister. I think Jorel wanted to go because he is actually developing sincere care for Dean since he respects her so much which tears him up inside because it makes him weak which is the complete opposite of his mind-set and character.
    56.)Dylan persisted because I am guessing he wants to show Makeda that she needs to learn to trust him and that he actually truly genuinely loves her. I think she should have if she trusts him. If he cheats thats on him not on Makeda.

    Love the update boo! Can't wait for more!
    September 1st, 2013 at 08:20am
  • Oh boy, I was camping without electricity and missed more updates. sigh. I find that Dean and Jorel are very alike. They always seem to get what they want. & asking if they're seductive people is like asking if the fat kid wants cake. First there was how easily Jorel got with Makeda. Then there's how much of a hold Geraldine has over Jordon. There relationship isn't exactly deep, so if what she holds over him to keep him around isn't seduction, I don't know what is.
    I do think that Jorel only respects her because she hasn't given in. He's not stupid. He wants her and he knows that if he doesn't show her that respect he won't ever get her.
    With Matt and Makeda, I think partially he's still trying to win her over, but I also think he's kind of just the flirty character. His advances don't ever seem strong enough to make me think that he is actually making a solid effort. They're always subtle and sweet enough to make them seem like part of his personality.
    When Daniel says she shouldn't trust them, I feel like he's not saying this because they are going to intentionally screw her over. I think he is more or less warnning her that she is blindly putting her faith in a group of guys she barely knows. I think this warning is his way of trying to protect her from anything that may happen because of the business they are in. As towhether or not he and Matty like Jorel... I'm not entirely sure. It seems like they are almost indiffferent about him. They don't mind him some moments and then others they're talking shit.
    & Geraldine? She's about power just as much as Jorel is. She wants nothing more than to prove him wrong and put him in his place. But I think that admitting that she was frustrated with him was a bad move on her part because that's halfway to letting Jorel know he's won her over.
    BUT BAM GIRL. Jorel totally called her out on not loving Jordon and I'm actually glad that he did it! I hope that this makes her realize that she needs to figure out what she wants out of her relationship with Jordon, and I really hope that she and Jorel don't go off and bang and then she realizes that she fuckkkked uppp. And I dont know if I agree 100% that it is the drugs/alcohol that are making them behave this way. It may contrubute, but Jorel and Geraldine always seem to act this way when theyre together.
    As for a prediction. I hope that nothing happens, though I doubt that's how it will play out because at this point, Jorel has weighed his options and believes that sleeping with Dean will not be too big of a hiccough for the group. Now that he realizes this, I doubt much will stand in his way..
    These updates were flawless as usual. much love xx :)
    August 27th, 2013 at 08:40pm
  • THIS! ohhh buddy, I hope she doesn't do it!!! Shocked
    August 26th, 2013 at 04:53am