Call It Off - Comments

  • This was a very interesting chapter, maybe with some foreshadowing? :)
    I haven't even thought that Ben was willing to wait for Delia, but it's an amazing idea. Here's to hoping!
    I LOVED Parker's take on what's important in a relationship. And also that Delia had to think where in the whole house they didn't have sex. I laughed.
    And I liked the convo between Delia and Rich. And the song, I usually like the original song better, but this time I didn't actually like it, but the live version was awesome. So weird, but I guess they really kick ass in live performance.
    Each new chapter runs out so fast, update soon? :)
    September 11th, 2013 at 04:45pm
  • Loved the set up for future story lines. I went back and re-read the chapter just to make sure I didn't miss anything!
    September 11th, 2013 at 12:08pm
  • This was adorable! Another amazing chapter :)
    August 28th, 2013 at 05:49am
  • This was SO erotic, yet so incredibly sweet. He's SO fucking sweet. When he carried her out of the bathroom because he wanted Delia to enjoy it fully was soooo sweet.
    The sex was hot, hot, hot, and yet that ending, with him scooting him closer melted my heart.
    And I love how he basically surprised her with the housesitting business. I wonder if he planned it that way, or if it was half happy accident, half planning. I can't wait for Delia to figure out she has feelings for him!

    And man, that song! Loooove it. Will have to search for the covers you mentioned, the slow paced one and the faster one, just because i'm curious.

    Amazing chapter, i can't wait for the next one!
    August 26th, 2013 at 09:06am
  • Loved this chapter!!!
    August 24th, 2013 at 02:31pm
  • update please! this story is so adorable!
    August 20th, 2013 at 01:56am
  • This chapter was really interesting. I liked that their show was not over the top. You didn't make Delia the best singer in the entire planet, or that she makes people fall in love with her just because. Basically, you didn't turn her into a Mary Sue, and that made it so good. It was very believable and cool.
    I haven't noticed earlier the music aficionado term, but now I did :)
    The interactions between Delia and the hockey guys was so funny. And I loved the turn around about the picture. And the twitter bit.
    And the date was super cute. I liked that it was not over the top, aproppriate and... comfortable? He wasn't fake, he respected her wishes but he still tried to make it as special as he could. He's a sweetheart. I hope they start to get feelings (or should I say, more feelings haha).
    As for Pho, yum, I wish I could try it.
    As for the music, super interesting. I LOVE Make Do and Mend.
    And as always, I wish you'd update soon. (was it me or did you updated faster this time?)
    August 11th, 2013 at 10:36am
  • It feels like that chapter ended too soon:) No smut scene for us for Delia's b-day? I was a little surprised that things went so smoothly between them seeing as how she was reluctant for the date.

    Looking forward to more!
    August 10th, 2013 at 11:57pm
  • I personally think that you should put in whatever you want in your story and don't worry about boring readers, because it's your story and you have to write it as you feel best. When I write, my number one goal is to entertain myself, so what feels right to me is how I write the story.

    The indie music scene isn't something I know anything about but it's obvious that you know a lot about it. I'm just not into music the same way though so I probably can't get into that aspect of your story, but it's nothing to do with your writing. I do find it interesting to read about new topics and unique characters.

    Anyway I like this chapter with the interaction between Delia and Ben. I was actually surprised by Delia and how she reacted to him. I thought she would act less attached, so it was really sweet to see her let Ben affect her that way. It seems she is starting to figure out that Ben means something to her. It's sad that they don't have much more time together.
    July 31st, 2013 at 08:40am
  • This is SO cute. I don't know if it's your superb writing or Delia's personality (or the personality you gave her with your awesome writing), but I'm very much in tune with her. I totally understand where she's coming from, her reactions, basically everything!
    I mean, sure, I'm not a singer nor am I in a band, but I totally got the first part. Plus me being a musical aficionado, I enjoyed the recording process.
    It may be a bit tedious to some, but as you said in the extended comments, I like that you show your characters do what they say they're doing. You show, and not tell as much, which I really appreciate.
    When Delia sang I saw something in my mind, and then when I saw the live performance it was very similar to what I imagined. So kudos :D
    When he went to return her ring it was super cute, and the last part was PERFECT. I love that she doesn't want to fall in love, but I fear she'll realize she's already there. Or at least, half in love already.
    I do wonder if Ben's actions speak to him wanting to hook up with her, or if he doesn't realize he's half in love as well as her.
    Oh, and ‘the musically disenfranchised youth and the bleeding hearts’ totally spoke to me. And don't apologize, it's SO true. Indie music is not for everyone, and even though they will most likely enjoy it or even love it, it's more than fair to say that hockey players are not the usual crowd.
    I thought that was really true to life, she won't mind of course, but she's mindful of that. Plus she doesn't want to fall in love hahaha.
    Anyways, this was amazing, and I'm so glad it was that long. I enjoy long chapters, especially because there's a bit of time between your updates :)
    July 30th, 2013 at 08:34pm
  • I don't see the problem; why can't a woman be a fan of the man the player is, with all the good and bad that comes with it (fan type one, the superficial)? And why can't a woman be a superfan, fans of the team and of the individual players' talents, with knowledge that goes beyond how much they bring in. I'm not sure what 'normal' would look like; I'd classify the superfans as being normal fans, and superficial are pretty normal, too. They're all a fan of something. They're all hockey fans of a sort. I'm sure there are women who know more or less than other fans but I can't see why anyone would keep going to games unless they were invested in something!
    July 20th, 2013 at 08:27pm
  • I really, really liked this chapter. I actually really liked how you depicted the hockey fans, because those stereotypes actually exist. I'm sure there's also women outside those two types, but I think that's actually a really depiction of what it must be like for the players on their daily life.
    Of course, I have only seen hockey games through tv, but I think that it applies to all sports, in a tiny way at least. So yeah, I liked it.
    Also, it makes sense she notices the most obnoxious of people, and maybe the "normal" people are not so obvious.
    Either way, I liked it.

    And daaaamn, I love their bed interactions, either them having sex, or talking, or Roscoe, or sleeping, I think all of it is deeply sweet and sensual.
    I love how their relationship is evolving, and how Delia is not so inmune to Ben's charm haha.

    And I don't know the band Comeback Kid, but I'll definitely google them.

    Great chapter!
    July 15th, 2013 at 04:14am
  • Great chapter, and I loved that you threw Comeback Kid in there, they're my favorite hardcore band.
    July 14th, 2013 at 12:56pm
  • Great chapter, and I loved that you threw Comeback Kid in there, they're my favorite hardcore band.
    July 14th, 2013 at 12:56pm
  • Not too fond of Delia's opinions on female fans. It just doesn't make sense to me. I haven't been to a NHL game in Canada but I've been to probably around 75 games for my home team the past few years, with mostly sold out crowds, and I've never had that experience with female fans. So why was she ignoring all the normal people? Unless Canadians fans are different, the female fans I see are probably 95% normal people.

    I am wondering how it will go for them once Delia leaves. Ben seems pretty attached to her at this point.
    July 14th, 2013 at 08:08am
  • Ahhh! I love the ending of this chapter. But I'm scared because the summary tells me that this story will not end well....poor Ben :(
    July 2nd, 2013 at 04:52pm
  • This is one of the most real-feeling stories I've read in a while. Or ever, in some aspects. I've never seen the friends with benefits aspect shown so realistically, with so much detail.
    I love that we got to know each of them more, though Ben is still more of a mystery, and I love that Delia has a personality that doesn't fade through the chapters just because she likes Ben. She feels real, with real motivations, with a history, with feelings. And even though both of their lives are so far removed of what my life typically is, i feel them close, and I think I understand them.
    I have a feeling that, just like the synopsis of your story, this will not end well, which will break my heart. Or maybe it will end ok and I'm just worrying too much, but either way I'm sure I'll enjoy the ride.
    And yes, this felt like the last chapter, but maybe that's because everything happens in the same scene. Either way, it was really good.
    As always, hope you update soon, you always make my day when you do :)
    July 2nd, 2013 at 03:43am
  • This is one of the most real-feeling stories I've read in a while. Or ever, in some aspects. I've never seen the friends with benefits aspect shown so realistically, with so much detail.
    I love that we got to know each of them more, though Ben is still more of a mystery, and I love that Delia has a personality that doesn't fade through the chapters just because she likes Ben. She feels real, with real motivations, with a history, with feelings. And even though both of their lives are so far removed of what my life typically is, i feel them close, and I think I understand them.
    I have a feeling that, just like the synopsis of your story, this will not end well, which will break my heart. Or maybe it will end ok and I'm just worrying too much, but either way I'm sure I'll enjoy the ride.
    And yes, this felt like the last chapter, but maybe that's because everything happens in the same scene. Either way, it was really good.
    As always, hope you update soon, you always make my day when you do :)
    July 2nd, 2013 at 03:42am
  • Very interesting chapter. I feel like I got to know both of them better. I think they have more of a relationship than Delia realizes. Not that she is right for what Ben wants to have.
    July 1st, 2013 at 04:52pm
  • Very hot chapter! I like how they are getting closer.
    June 24th, 2013 at 04:52am