Surprise Ending - Comments

  • SecretPiggyMafia

    SecretPiggyMafia (100)

    United States
    O.o Uh...I don't get it. So, uh, I came to either two conclusions. One: This story has legitimate rape in it, but oddly the victim discovered he liked it and wanted more. Two: The two parties involved were already in a relationship to begin with and the whole "rape" thing was just a part of their usual sexual roleplaying and the victim wasn't technically being raped because it's just an act and they do it all the time (because some couples are into rape fantasies and stuff), and the story ends with the two parties agreeing they will do it the next day as the usually do.

    So, uh, which of my conclusions is the correct one?
    January 5th, 2014 at 05:31am