Redefine Me, Redesign Me - Comments

  • I'm still here! I promise!
    Sorry about the delay in commenting. The past few weeks have been hectic because I've started up with college again. But I finally had some time to stop and read the update.
    I didn't have a chance to read it last weekend because that was when I was actually meeting Alex Gaskarth! :DDDDD
    And Jack Barakat. And Zack Merrick. OMG. And in Baltimore which couldn't have been more perfect.
    May I say they are all such cutie bears in real life. :) Aha, like they are in stories. ;)
    But OMG I still can't believe I've met all of ATL now. I met Rian back before their concert I went to in May. :)
    But anyway...
    I'm glad that you finally updated this! I've missed this story, and was worried on whether you would be continuing it... I've seen so many stories abandoned. :( But I hope this gets an ending. :)
    I will be here as you continue. My comments may be a bit delayed at times because of school now but I should eventually comment.
    Can't wait for more! :D Kind of a filler with this one but I'm glad his birthday was addressed and I liked the secret smile at the end, aww. :)
    September 6th, 2014 at 07:28am
  • I've missed this story!!!
    August 23rd, 2014 at 05:00pm
    Very Happy
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:20am
    Very Happy
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:20am
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:20am
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:20am
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:19am
    August 23rd, 2014 at 12:19am
  • I adore this story, please update soon:):)
    June 15th, 2014 at 07:26pm
  • Sorry for the delay in response, haven't been on.
    But aw, yeah, gotcha. I was just wondering. You can do whatever you feel would be best. I was just thinking it would be a day for Ellie to be sweet to Alex... like, the cuteness! Awww... :) lol.
    And like I said, with her mother, it'd definitely be an interesting thing if she didn't do anything. Because we're all kind of expecting her to and then if she didn't, well... that would definitely be something. :o
    But yes, can't wait to see what you have in store. :)
    April 20th, 2014 at 03:50am
  • definitely one of my favourite Alex Gaskarth fanfictions and I've read a hell lot. I can't wait to read more of this story. You're an incredible writer! x
    April 18th, 2014 at 03:49pm
  • definitely one of my favourite Alex Gaskarth fanfictions and I've read a hell lot. I can't wait to read more of this story. You're an incredible writer! x
    April 18th, 2014 at 03:49pm
  • Greatest chapter by far!!! I'm glad they're finally together :) but worried to see how cruel Kathleen will be at Christmas.
    April 13th, 2014 at 12:45am
  • @ Nanook
    I've been playing with some ideas for Alex's birthday. I don't want to leave it out but I'm not really sure if it works as a main focus for achapter it might just be mentioned as a way to tell that time has passed, ya know what I mean?
    Ellie's mom is definitely the worst human being I have ever thought up and I'm hoping she comes off as more human and less wack job in the coming chapters because she's turning into a ridiculous villain. I don't know we'll see.
    April 12th, 2014 at 07:29pm
  • Girl, do I ever feel you on those papers. I've had many of them myself, not to mention, just college life in general. Whew. I really can't wait for the semester to be over, that is for damn sure.
    Anyway, I'm so glad you updated though! I've missed this story, truly. I was getting worried there because you took a little longer to update but I'm glad you're still thinking about this, keeping it in mind. :)
    One thing I found interesting that you didn't cover was Alex's birthday? Call me stalker but it's in December. Or is this before that? By the way it was talking, it seems like it's closer to Christmas but maybe they'll be going back to Ellie's hometown earlier for some reason. Idk. Maybe you just skipped over that, didn't think to put it in... whatever the reasoning, just something I was wondering about. Because I'd think since you put about hers you'd put about his... but what do I know, maybe you just made the choice not to. You are the writer and whatever you say goes.
    Hm, this should be interesting, though, for Alex to join the family for Christmas. I am right behind Ellie in knocking her mother out if she says anything wrong (LMAO, jk, well... kind of. Not really. XD). OMG but I'll be pissed right along side Ellie if she says anything wrong. Like, the audacity of if she actually does that; she's the one telling Ellie to invite him, yet if she were to critique him when they got there... how disrespectful can she get?
    I guess we'll find out. It would be interesting, though, if she didn't do anything. That would actually make it different as well, hm...
    Anyway, I'm just kind of brainstorming some ideas, just what I have on mind, maybe it'll give you some ideas, who knows. I'm currently suffering from lack of sleep right now so I apologize if this comment makes no sense. XD Or if it just sounds downright cooky. It wasn't intentional, I promise.
    But can't wait for more deary! <3
    April 12th, 2014 at 10:05am
  • I don't know if I've commented before (usually I'm lazy and don't oops) but I really love this story! this chapter was so cute aw aw aw I can't wait I read more! I tend to postpone homework all the time like this morning I did half of a take home test due first block because I was busy watching American Horror Story. Anyway your story is rad and it's probably one of my favorite Alex stories :)
    (sorry if this doesn't make sense I'm really tired and I had to make up two exams today so I'm a bit fried)
    April 12th, 2014 at 07:24am
  • okay I just found this and i am in love with it. I read it all in under two hours. Ugh your writing style is amazing. I enjoy it, and character development ohhhh myyy it is done really amazingly well! I can not wait for your update.
    March 11th, 2014 at 05:22am
  • Yay! An update!
    A few things have happened to me since the last one, like for instance, I broke my wrist!
    So in a way I'm kind of glad it will be a while until the next update because hopefully by then I'll be able to type more fluently again. This sucks. So to say the point of telling you this... this comment won't be as long. In my own words, anyway.
    Few things to point out:
    The whole thing came off very exorcist-esc but Ellie decided now wasn’t the time to bring that up.
    I believe at the 'esc' part you meant 'esque'? I have never seen 'esc' used before which is why I point it out.
    Lisa huffed but held out her had for Ellie to shake on it.
    Ellie eyed the pale pink shirt curiously, she definitely remember ever buying that, but it was pretty.
    Before 'remember', add 'didn't'. Or maybe put 'didn't' in place of 'definitely'? It doesn't sound right without that word or perhaps you should just word the sentence differently.
    She was really hoping that this date wouldn’t end in with an ‘I told you so’ in place of a goodnight kiss.
    Get rid of the 'in' before 'with'; it's not needed.
    “You know,” Ellie said poking a finger into his chest, “I did have a no kissing on the first date policy but you’ve blown that right of the water.”
    'no-kissing-on-the-first-date policy'. I know it seems a bit much, but I think that's technically what you should do here, to show the whole phrase describes the policy? Just a suggestion.
    I think that's all I saw. Great job with the update, otherwise! I loved it. I'm glad they finally went on a date... so cute! :DD And this update in general was just cute! :')
    Can't wait for more! :D
    March 10th, 2014 at 03:48am
  • Amazing update!!!!!! I can't believe she let him finally take her out and they had a great time too :) can't wait to see what the future holds
    March 10th, 2014 at 12:33am
  • Damn, you always post the update for this while I'm at college and I'm just like, grinning ear-to-ear when I see the email, while the people around me look at me quizzically and wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
    This is truth.
    But then it's annoying because I have to wait until I'm home to read and it's just like, ugh, THE TORTURE.
    But anyway, pointing out this little tidbit before I forget:

    I strange noise escaped Alex that made Ellie worried.

    A instead of I. Minor, but yeah, just thought I'd point out some proof-reading.
    Um... I liked how you had Ellie kind of retract her statements with her town. Ya get what I'm saying? Like at first all of the blame was there, but then she remembered people that somewhat helped her and I found that refreshing. Many other stories I have read, where like, people are isolated in similar situations, play the total blame game. I'm not about that because I'm always there thinking, there was SOMEONE that had to have helped them at least a little, you know? And you made point of that and I applaud you.
    I thought it was good that you kept the story going and didn't just move on right away. That definitely kept it real because you can't just move on right away from that. It's a lot and I think it's good it was over two chapters. I think I pointed this out before, what I like about your writing: you don't just move on, like with him being on tour. You drew that out and made it real, which can be difficult which is probably why a lot of writers don't do it. I'll admit I can't even do it; not really, maybe if I really tried.
    So great update! :) Really can't wait for more and at this point I'm just thinking all of my comments will be pretty long. I apologize if I just go on and on... rambling is my specialty. But then again maybe it's because I'm actually interested in this story; you have me interested with your writing of Alexander William Gaskarth.
    Can't wait for more! :D
    February 27th, 2014 at 08:28am