Redefine Me, Redesign Me - Comments

  • heathyrxmisery

    heathyrxmisery (100)

    United States
    Very good chapter :) it lets you see how Ellie is starting to realize a lot with Alex even after all the crazy shit she's been through. I'm hoping to see more progression between the 2 of them
    February 27th, 2014 at 03:49am
  • heathyrxmisery

    heathyrxmisery (100)

    United States
    This made me bawl my eyes out!! Wonderful update :) I'm so glad Alex was so understanding and that Ellie finally told him.
    February 20th, 2014 at 12:11am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    I AM SOBBING. OH MY GOD. :'((((
    That was so, sad. I had a feeling this is what had happened; like, in the fact that for some reason Ellie blamed herself for her Grams's death. I wasn't really sure of the how part though but now it has been clarified.
    OMG. I am trying to gain composure as I type this comment to make it comprehensive but it's just not working. :'(((
    Oh my gosh... this line was perfect, by the way:
    It was the smile that always meant goodbye.
    Like, I believe at that part the tragedy of the situation just all of a sudden hit me and that's where I lost it. And as another thought, maybe a good revised title for the chapter? 'The smile that always meant goodbye'? When I read 'Sweet Sixteen', I was like... just kind of like, 'what?' with the title, but I guess after reading it it makes sense. Kind of sadistically ironic. And I guess with that line it may give too much away... idk, it's just a thought I'm leaving here that crossed my mind. You like random thoughts, right? Oh well. You can totally ignore me.
    Anyway, not to mention, this part:
    She was leaving her alone. She was going to die alone.
    My God. That was at the end of the flashback but that got even more of a reaction out of me. I just like, can't right now. And then Alex was so sweet and crying with her... :'(((
    I really wish I had emojis right now. They would better describe my emotions right now. Like, I would give you the teary-ended one and everything.
    Um, so anyway, I was going to point out a few things that were a bit off gramatically, but I'm kind of emotional right now so I can't even remember half the things I saw. Plus you said you just posted it without really looking at it... so you'll probably look back over it and spot them. I didn't want to be annoying, either. XD
    Anyway, I really can't wait for more! I'm so happy Alex is back and this story just has me all emotional and shit... like, right now with this sad update but just in general it affects me. Every time I see an update I get so happy and it's just like, ugh, the feels. XD
    I'm glad you're getting more feedback! Keep up the great writing; not sure that will be too hard of a task, though. ;) You're a natural. :)
    Thank you for the nice, long update. I love long chapters. :)
    February 19th, 2014 at 08:14am
  • young.c87.m71.n18

    young.c87.m71.n18 (100)

    United States
    I just love this story
    February 19th, 2014 at 04:46am
  • young.c87.m71.n18

    young.c87.m71.n18 (100)

    United States
    I just love this story
    February 19th, 2014 at 04:46am
  • AnotherOneNightStand

    AnotherOneNightStand (100)

    You're actually trying to kill us with suspense aren't you :(
    February 19th, 2014 at 03:47am
  • Bryn Gates.

    Bryn Gates. (100)

    United States
    Love this. Oh my goodness.
    February 19th, 2014 at 03:32am
  • AnotherOneNightStand

    AnotherOneNightStand (100)

    In love with this story. Pleaseeeeee update soon
    February 18th, 2014 at 07:19am
  • musiclovex3

    musiclovex3 (100)

    United States
    so goood! cant wait til she tells alex! update pleaseee
    February 17th, 2014 at 03:44pm
  • AnotherOneNightStand

    AnotherOneNightStand (100)

    I love love love this story! Pleaseeeeeee update!!
    February 16th, 2014 at 07:59pm
  • Bryn Gates.

    Bryn Gates. (100)

    United States
    Wonderful update!! :))
    I'm obsessed with Alex's sweetness. I really want them to be together already! Haha update soon please ♥ xoxo
    February 13th, 2014 at 07:33am
  • heathyrxmisery

    heathyrxmisery (100)

    United States
    So happy to see an update!! I'm waiting on Ellie to flip on her mom for inviting Hunter talk about a low blow!! Hopefully she will be back in Baltimore soon and Alex will know what the big secret is :) update soon :)
    February 13th, 2014 at 05:34am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Aha, man, sorry for the double post. Mibba was being a bitch. XD
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yeah, girl, yeah! An update! :D
    I wanted to read this when I first saw you posted but I was dealing with the damn college life. So believe me when I say I know how school can be. Fucking rough.
    Anyway, honesty hour: for some reason I did not take into consideration that that was what her Mom was going to do. Invite Hunter, I mean. Call me dumb, or hey... I guess I would just say call me optimistic. It didn't really cross my mind that she would do that, but yet, she DID. Any respect I thought about having for her just went out the window. She's reached a new low. Does she not know how Hunter treated Ellie? I mean, c'mon now. Or maybe she does but that would make it even WORSE. My God I hope it's the first option. Give her some humanity.
    But, like, she is just the must uncaring person ever. She definitely makes the "worst moms" list.
    What I thought was going to happen was that her mom was going to bring Alex somehow. Not that that even makes sense logically, because, Alex knows Ellie pretty much hates her mother, so why would he agree to do something like that without Ellie knowing? Idk, I guess I was just thinking along the lines that Alex would have liked to surprise her, and... again, with the optimistic-ness. In reality, he probably couldn't have done that anyway. But I just... I guess I just don't like reality enough to consider it. XD
    But in a way, I like how that didn't happen because now reflecting on it that probably would have been seen as predictable. Maybe, maybe that's what you were thinking and ergo why you didn't have that happen... I like how you don't really go with predictable in this story, but anyway... not doing that probably helped things because as much as Alex says he's not scared, it might have been a little too much especially since they haven't officially announced they're together yet. And knowing Kathleen she would have been all prying and GAH, so I guess I'm glad you didn't have that happen.
    I'm going through Alex withdrawl alongside Ellie. Damn tour. Ughh... I hope it's over soon. XD
    Like, what am I saying right now? You probably think I'm insane, which is okay, but, yeah, I'm going off of lack of sleep right now so there's my excuse. If this comment sounds insane and rambly and whatever the hell else, blame it on that.
    Um, oh, and for the record, my mom has never given me the "soul mates" talk, so I would be surprised as hell if Ellie's mom did for her. XD I just wanted to point that out to in some way defend even though it was kind of in a joking manner. Maybe her grams did... I have a feeling she would have over her mother. My own mother isn't as optimistic; she still cares, but, God, our perspectives in life are so different... anyway, I had to learn that stuff from the movies. And books. And stories... like yours! :DD
    Anyway(I use this word a lot), great job with the update! So happy you finally posted and I hope that this comment inspires you (with the chance of another update soon, hell yes, all this typing will be worth it!!).
    But I seriously would have left this much feedback regardless, because, this is all of what I wanted to say and I hate shortening things more than anything. You can't get thoughts out in a paragraph that needs a description a page long! You just can't!
    Hope to see more soon. :)
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:45am
  • Nanook

    Nanook (125)

    United States
    Yeah, girl, yeah! An update! :D
    I wanted to read this when I first saw you posted but I was dealing with the damn college life. So believe me when I say I know how school can be. Fucking rough.
    Anyway, honesty hour: for some reason I did not take into consideration that that was what her Mom was going to do. Invite Hunter, I mean. Call me dumb, or hey... I guess I would just say call me optimistic. It didn't really cross my mind that she would do that, but yet, she DID. Any respect I thought about having for her just went out the window. She's reached a new low. Does she not know how Hunter treated Ellie? I mean, c'mon now. Or maybe she does but that would make it even WORSE. My God I hope it's the first option. Give her some humanity.
    But, like, she is just the must uncaring person ever. She definitely makes the "worst moms" list.
    What I thought was going to happen was that her mom was going to bring Alex somehow. Not that that even makes sense logically, because, Alex knows Ellie pretty much hates her mother, so why would he agree to do something like that without Ellie knowing? Idk, I guess I was just thinking along the lines that Alex would have liked to surprise her, and... again, with the optimistic-ness. In reality, he probably couldn't have done that anyway. But I just... I guess I just don't like reality enough to consider it. XD
    But in a way, I like how that didn't happen because now reflecting on it that probably would have been seen as predictable. Maybe, maybe that's what you were thinking and ergo why you didn't have that happen... I like how you don't really go with predictable in this story, but anyway... not doing that probably helped things because as much as Alex says he's not scared, it might have been a little too much especially since they haven't officially announced they're together yet. And knowing Kathleen she would have been all prying and GAH, so I guess I'm glad you didn't have that happen.
    I'm going through Alex withdrawl alongside Ellie. Damn tour. Ughh... I hope it's over soon. XD
    Like, what am I saying right now? You probably think I'm insane, which is okay, but, yeah, I'm going off of lack of sleep right now so there's my excuse. If this comment sounds insane and rambly and whatever the hell else, blame it on that.
    Um, oh, and for the record, my mom has never given me the "soul mates" talk, so I would be surprised as hell if Ellie's mom did for her. XD I just wanted to point that out to in some way defend even though it was kind of in a joking manner. Maybe her grams did... I have a feeling she would have over her mother. My own mother isn't as optimistic; she still cares, but, God, our perspectives in life are so different... anyway, I had to learn that stuff from the movies. And books. And stories... like yours! :DD
    Anyway(I use this word a lot), great job with the update! So happy you finally posted and I hope that this comment inspires you (with the chance of another update soon, hell yes, all this typing will be worth it!!).
    But I seriously would have left this much feedback regardless, because, this is all of what I wanted to say and I hate shortening things more than anything. You can't get thoughts out in a paragraph that needs a description a page long! You just can't!
    Hope to see more soon. :)
    February 13th, 2014 at 04:44am
  • frankieraepain

    frankieraepain (100)

    United States
    This story makes me happy.
    February 12th, 2014 at 11:01pm
  • BeautifulBreakdown

    BeautifulBreakdown (100)

    United States
    My love for this story only continues to grow. Great update.
    February 12th, 2014 at 09:45pm
  • kayleighgallagher

    kayleighgallagher (100)

    United States
    Dear lord this story is fabulous.
    February 3rd, 2014 at 06:26pm
  • Katie Mosing

    Katie Mosing (33815)

    United States
    I can't wait for the next chapter!!
    January 25th, 2014 at 05:58pm
  • Bryn Gates.

    Bryn Gates. (100)

    United States
    Really enjoyed the update! :)
    I can't wait for her to tell Alex!
    January 25th, 2014 at 05:55pm