Redefine Me, Redesign Me - Comments

  • I'm ready to find out about the accident and how Alex will take it! I'm really happy that Ellie is slowly starting to accept things when it comes to him. Great story it definitely holds my attention
    January 25th, 2014 at 05:27pm
  • Yay! :D An update! :)
    The font color is perfect now; thank you for changing it. No highlighting at all this time, except for this part that I'm copying and pasting because I wanted to note it:

    “He cares about you so much, and don’t tell me I don’t know,” Mallory continued, “because I’m the one who got a phone call at two thirty after your panic attack asking if there was anything I knew to do to make you feel better. He was worried sick about you, Ellie.
    “He begged me to tell him what happened to bring them on. He wanted so badly to fix this for you and you have the nerve to say that he would leave or treat you differently if you told him?” She was fuming and Ellie just sat there wide eyed blinking. “He doesn’t deserve that, Ellie, and you know it.”

    OMG, I was practically in tears after I read this. :'( I can't believe Alex did that, he... he truly does care! Not that I thought he didn't before, but... this was just so sentimental, because Mallory was able to prove it to Ellie. And now Ellie has that confidence to tell him and know he won't react the way she was fearing.
    I like Ellie's father. He seems to be very understanding and I think this final draft is good at getting to show that he cares without being too pushy... it showed his kindhearted-ness compared to Ellie's mother.
    And I'm glad Mallory spoke up to Ellie the way she did... about time someone notices Alex's side to this, you know?
    To go back to the beginning of the chapter, with Collin... :O Will this cause drama? Will Alex see the stuff that was printed about them? I hope not... if anyone can understand how harsh the press can be it's Alex.
    But I think it's cute how Collin's still there for her. A friend, willing to defend her at any moment like Brady. :)
    Hm... what else. I also can't help but wonder if Hunter's going to show up... that's just a thought on my mind, and I guess a theory I'm revealing. Hopefully not, but who knows? That'll definitely bring drama though. But other than that... I think that's all there is to cover. Pretty much. That's what my thoughts are on, anyway.
    Very much enjoyed the chapter! Can't wait for more! :D I hope my comment motivates you... God-damn, where is everybody? This deserves more comments!
    Anyway, can't wait for more! :D
    January 25th, 2014 at 07:33am
  • God, this is amazing. It's refreshing to have a story that has my stomach in knots because I'm just anticipating what will happen next. OMG, I have so many theories going through my mind right now... I have a feeling her mom's going to do something, as well as have a thought on what exactly the accident was, but due to the fact that I tend to end up embarrassing myself if I guess wrong, I'll just keep the thoughts to myself. I'll let you know honestly if what I'm thinking is what you actually have happen.
    By the way, is there any way you could change the font color? This is just a suggestion; it's hard to read in contrast with the background. For instance, perhaps a white or light gray font instead of black? But perhaps I'm the only one having this problem. Idk. I just found myself highlighting the reading as I read through it to see it better.
    This is just beautiful and I apologize for the delay in commenting. I wanted to read this so badly on the day it was posted but I only had my phone for internet and I like signing onto Mibba via computer. lol. Just one of those dumb habits of mine I suppose. Perhaps if Mibba had an app...
    Anyway, getting off topic. Loved the update! :D Can't wait for more. (I will be in torture until the next update. That I am for-sure positive on.) But take the time you need if you feel it will bring an ever better update. :)
    January 18th, 2014 at 04:49am
  • Love the update!
    I really can't wait to read more.

    Bryn :)
    January 17th, 2014 at 12:34am
  • Hi, I just recently got into this story and I must say I adore every bit of it! Definitely keeps me interested. I'm excited for more (:
    January 13th, 2014 at 06:20pm
  • Why hello there,
    new reader here. How do you do? So... let me start off by saying that I literally started this at... hm, 10 AM this morning and have finished what you have done so far by... it's 11:30 PM now.
    If this does not give you any inkling to how great your writing is I will divulge further. I'm going to more so give positive feedback but some of this could be considered objective criticism. Idk, I'll try to explain myself with each point.
    This story, okay, I'll admit that I was hesitant with it at first. Especially toward the beginning, but then it started to pick up and I was OH MY GOD, and couldn't stop reading. I'll be honest and say when Alex entered the story, that's the hook that caught me. You needed a beginning though so I can understand it and don't really have any suggestion as to how that really could have been improved. But really in general a lot of beginnings bore me, I've only read maybe one story in the past year that didn't do that to me?
    Anyway, to go further into the objective, the summary of the story, like, for the first half of the story, didn't seem to make sense to me. But then later on you gradually covered everything else, so then it did, so I guess I can't really complain about that, but perhaps what I'm thinking is that maybe just the family and escape themes should have been mentioned, and all of the stuff about college(like the pre-law, boyfriend part) could have just been put in the story instead of mentioned in the summary, since they're mentioned at a certain point and not right away? Because generally, when I think about themes, something at least related is mentioned in the first few chapters.
    But now on to the positive...
    I sincerely commend your writing style. Oh my God, for the past, three days I've been looking for another good A. Gaskarth fan fiction, that wasn't Jalex and just had him and an original character, right? Turns out, that's harder than it seems, especially a good one. So I seriously, you're more advanced with your writing than I have seen with a lot of the ones I've come across, and you can even fact check me and go to my profile. I've only recommended two others because that's all I've been able to find that's GOOD, you know? You're the third.
    I also commend your facts with ATL because that's another thing I've had a problem with when I try a new story. It's A. Gaskarth but hardly anyone can get the damn ATL facts right. Yours hasn't exactly mentioned it as much as others I've seen but at least when you do, it's RIGHT. And it doesn't make me cringe when I read it. When it's not right it's like... awkward. Because in that way the story makes less sense and less, real, you know? So there's another compliment for you, this is REAL. I can picture what you write about, Alex or Jack or whoever doing in real life, you know? Because you have their attitudes like spot on.
    Now, onto Ellie and Alex's relationship... as I kept reading I found myself getting frustrated with them. Occasionally Alex but mostly Ellie. But this is a compliment and here's why: I'm just like, vying for them to officially be a thing that it irks me how much Ellie just puts it off. It's like, girl, EVERYONE KNOWS YOU LIKE HIM. Please just make it official already! And I'm just going to put my own opinion out there and say that they LOVE each other. I feel like at this point they truly do and are just denying it. Or are just hesitant with calling it love.
    So, my deary, I left you this long ass comment to give you my personal feelings on the story plot so far and hopefully inspire you to update. :) I would honestly get into more specifics with the story but this comment would go on FOREVER, OMG. But really, it already is.
    I spent my whole Saturday reading this! A SATURDAY, can you imagine? Eh, but don't worry. I'm on break right now anyway and it's not like I have anything better to do. Plus I wanted to read it because I finally found another good AG fan fic. This is the bomb.
    You probably think I'm insane and I totally don't blame you. Take my constructive criticism light-heartedly because honestly, the pros by far outweigh the tiny things I pointed out. But you asked for feedback continuously in your author's notes so I figured I'd leave you some once I finished. And a lot to cover for every chapter I've missed commenting after. ;)
    I cannot wait for more of this, I am sure it is just going to get better from here. To deeper reference the story, I believe these changes... will be good for them. :)
    Definitely... subscribed! :D
    January 12th, 2014 at 05:51am
  • Wonderful update I can't wait to see how her trip back home goes!!
    January 9th, 2014 at 04:55pm
  • Great update! I love how you have developed Ellie character wise. Like, each update she moves forward but retains enough mystery that it's a bit of a tug of war. I can't wait for the next chapter and congrats on being admitted to your schools program!
    January 9th, 2014 at 03:29pm
  • This is so good, I can't wait for the next update! :D
    December 28th, 2013 at 02:56pm
  • I just love this story a lot, it's one of my favorites. :)
    December 19th, 2013 at 05:16am
  • Gah i just love this story so much. It's so original <3
    December 5th, 2013 at 05:59am
  • I just love this story, a lot! Great update and good luck with your finals!
    December 3rd, 2013 at 05:58pm
  • omg... love the new chapter....actually i am in love with this story its awsome ....finally A story that is worth reading and is not too exagerated ori not so realistic keep up the good work Very Happy totallly looking forward to new chapters
    November 21st, 2013 at 07:18pm
  • This update is so so good, can't wait to see what happens next x
    Very Happy
    November 21st, 2013 at 05:04pm
  • Great update!!! Hopefully him being on tour does her some good :)
    November 21st, 2013 at 03:32am
  • I loved this update. This is one of my favorite fanfiction. Can't wait to see what happens while he's on tour. Please update soon
    November 21st, 2013 at 02:52am
  • you had me scared there! i thought he was going to leave for tour without saying goodbye and then the key thing whew. i liked this chapter a lot! can't wait for the next one! :)
    November 21st, 2013 at 12:09am
  • this is so so good, can't wait for the next update :)
    November 6th, 2013 at 06:42pm
  • I'm officially in love with this story
    October 30th, 2013 at 03:51am
  • This is the best Alex story I have read!!!Please update
    October 26th, 2013 at 04:37pm