Horizon - Comments

  • peach kitten

    peach kitten (165)

    United States
    Pick A Photo, Write A Story Contest Comment:

    The use of second person point of view made this story very powerful and beautiful. I could feel the emotion dripping off of every word.

    "A blaring horn wakes you from your thoughts and you jump back just as a bus rushes past. That was close. You could have been hit. You wonder where that would have taken you…hospital, perhaps some permanent debilitating injury you’d have to live with for the rest of your life…perhaps even death."

    This paragraph's thoughts are amazing. I could just imagine this perfectly.

    "You bite into the bread and cheese; it doesn’t taste of anything to you, its just food, substance."

    Another brilliant line!

    For some reason I can't describe how amazing this was. The emotions, the imagery, the way you write, everything about this was above and beyond the normal. It felt so realistic. I loved it!

    Thank you for entering this story into my contest and find out tomorrow or Saturday at the latest if you won.
    April 5th, 2013 at 02:28am