Don't Give Up (On Me) - Comments

  • OMFG

    It's just... Wow! I thought about childhood sexual abuse, but never made the link with the piano trauma (also because no one wants to even consider the possibility of something like this). Seriously, pedophiles and rapists are the most disgusting human beings in the world, such crimes should be punishable by the death penalty, there's no redemption for them.

    Accidentally or not, nothing changes what happened. The depression/PTSD justify everything John did to Leighton, but doesn't erase it. She had her own trauma / living hell for... almost a year? The difference is that now knowing the reason of the problem, they can work to fix it together. It's not gonna be quick and it's not easy for a long time, but after chapters when I thought everything was lost and (despite all my love for this couple and how it hurts me to say) that they would end up apart, this chapter gave me hope. John opening up about what happened gives Leighton a reason to stay.

    The AA meetings and boxing classes should go on and maybe he goes to rehab, i don't know what's the procedure. Personally, I think the sequel should be 1 month after the end, you know? The recovery and healing. Like, his last days in rehab. I want to know how his mind will be after dealing with the trauma, learning to love himself, rethinking about his life and relationship since the episode and trying to win Lei back (she is his, of course, but I mean to be a better person and boyfriend for her, maybe even fiance). I think Lei will be more relieved and struggling to forget and forgive depressed-John and eager to rebuild their lives.

    I'm so sad, shocked, emotional and happy at the same time... THANK YOU for this chapter, story and couple.

    2 chapters left?!?! Oh my... I hope I have tears until there, taking into account how much I cried so far.
    January 22nd, 2014 at 04:01pm
  • I literally jumped up out of my chair and screamed "I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!"
    AND IM IN SCHOOL. (Luckily I was alone though)
    Just wait till I get home so I can dissect this chapter holy shit.
    January 22nd, 2014 at 03:52pm
  • All I know is that I want another John story; whether it would be a sequel to this or not. You're one of the best in here, I swear. This chapter flabbergasted me to a whole new level and I'm happy that John finally opened up to Leighton (and the whole 8123 but you get my point). So excited to read the rest of the story!!
    January 22nd, 2014 at 03:34pm
  • I can honestly say out of all the theories I had about what caused him to act the way he did, I wasn't even close. Wow. I very much got a "Tommy" by The Who vibe from this. (check out the story of the rock opera if you're not familiar). Despite how terrible and downright sick that whole thing was, I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY that John finally decided to open up to Lei. I get that it would be something difficult to bring up, but I feel like that was a huge step in fixing their broken relationship. I'll be sad to see this end. I will say this, initially I thought a sequel that happens a few years later would be cool, but im much more interested in the direct results of what these next two chapter contain. So maybe something like what his recovery process will be like, and potentially how his relationships with Lei and his parents go...
    January 22nd, 2014 at 03:28pm
  • I KNEW IT I KNEW IT WAS HIS PIANO TEACHER DAAAAMN (but I still had wtf moments during this chapter haha)
    January 22nd, 2014 at 02:38pm
  • As someone who has lived with a family member who has clinical depression, I am extremely impressed with how accurate this has been. Like, wow.
    OH man oh man... If you do a squeal PLEASE do a straight continuation. Basically don't ever end this story.
    January 20th, 2014 at 05:09am
  • SCREAMING WITH YOUR MOM?!? Calling your girlfriend a slut, skank, whore and bitch at the same day (or just calling her any of those adjectives)?!? Mixing alcohol and medication?! I just... I'm so pissed. It got to a point that I can't not want to punch John. Even that I feel terrible for him and know that it's not his fault, he deserved a "We're done!" by Leighton in his face. Let me take control of my emotions again...

    When things get hard you know who are your true friends and I'm glad Lei has so many on her side, she needs people who care about her when she's not doing this 100%.

    We all say how John depends of her, but this chapter remind us how much she need him too... When they are in the bath thinking about different things... it only strengthened the perception of how out of sync they are.

    When John got in the warehouse I was so afraid! I thought he was going to hurt Lei with more than words, he would push her or something. Also, great timing to introduce the engament ring situation. I loved even more when she gave the ring back to him.

    In the end I put "Say Something" to play so I'm crying so hard right now I don't know how I'm typing. It's like this song was written to this story specifically.

    "I was exhausted. I couldn’t handle this person anymore"

    My deep thoughts about: it's like Leighton is in the middle of the ocean and after trying so hard not to drown, she is tired of swimming, so she just stays there until having the strength to make a decision. My heart is broken. They are broken. Seriously... For the sake of them, an intervention has to happen.

    "Leighton, I regret to inform you, that..." OMFG please don't kill him, i watch Game of Thrones, I'm done with all the characters I like dying. I'm thinking about an accident zjsmxidlxmsjzmdkdk why you do this to me, woman?!?!

    PS: after reading the end I can give an opinion about the sequel.
    January 19th, 2014 at 02:57am
  • Wow okay i cried a bit... And by a bit i mean a whole heck of a lot. i know that it's hard for John, but he was a bit of a jerk back then, hhh i just feel so sorry for the both of them.
    But that fricking preveiw is what got to me!! My mind is jumping to all sorts of conclusions, and neither of them are happy (obviously), i'm just so intrigued for the next chapter now
    January 18th, 2014 at 11:07pm
  • Wow. I just... WOW. Uh, poor Lei, I feel so bad fot her and John is fuuucking-fucking asshole, I swear. But also... uh, I know it's so hard on him too. I want things to get better, I need them to be happy, like...seriously but is it even possible? Especially with -> "Leighton, I regret to inform you, that..." Don't do that.
    January 18th, 2014 at 07:27pm
  • Why do you do this to me??
    I feel like crying after reading this chapter. I don't know what I'm going to do during next chapter because it is THE chapter!

    I feel so bad for Lei and I want to hate John but i just cant, it is so hard on him too. When I saw the title I was like yes he is gong to apologize then it ended up being her, its just so sad. I want them to have a happy ending soo badly they deserve it so much.
    As usual I can't wait for the next update, especially after the little preview. :)
    January 18th, 2014 at 12:04pm
  • Too sad omg. I want things to get better :(
    January 18th, 2014 at 08:22am
  • I My emotions are all over the place right now (hate being a girl. tmi sorry), and this just didn't help. When John went into the warehouse, I was like omg no. I just hate seeing him like that. I thought things would be at least kind of fine when Lei went home because she needed to see John but then that happened and just... I'm not prepared for the next chapter. I don't know what to think from that little preview.
    January 18th, 2014 at 05:43am
  • I don't think my emotions are strong enough for the next chapter...they're all torn apart after this chapter. I want to hate John, but I feel so bad for him. Leighton can't help him though...the only person that can help him is himself and he's not doing it. Something has got to change.
    January 18th, 2014 at 04:41am
  • Ok, I finished reading it now, and while I was reading I was listening to Daughter and "Still" had never made so much sense to me, it is the perfect song for this story! Anyway, I think this chapter is the one that mostly afected me, I wasn't expected that. My emotions are all over the place right now and I truly can't express what I'm feeling. All I can say is that this chapter was beyond perfect!

    About the sequel, I agree with everything that chelsea13 said!
    January 18th, 2014 at 04:25am
  • I was biting my nails the entire time I was reading and I knew there was a reason for it. My God Im going to cry. I just...need a bit to process everything before getting my thoughts together.
    January 18th, 2014 at 02:22am
  • oh my gosh...the suspense. i'm going crazy here! mostly with trying to figure out exactly what Lei is going to do in terms of her relationship with John: is she going to leave him or just continue to put up with it? She seems to forever be on the fence...but I'm glad that over the last few chapters she's been gradually standing up to John more about the way he treats her.

    As for a sequel, which I'm very much in favor of, it sorta depends on how you end it...though I won't lie, I think it'd be pretty cool do one a few years down the road with occasional flashbacks that happened between the end of this story and the next one. But honestly, I'd be cool with whichever you end up doing because I love your writing :)
    January 18th, 2014 at 02:05am
  • OMG, i was just about to comment "i can't wait till monday" (cause you normally post new chapters on mondays) and i saw you updated!!! ok, i'm manking no sense right now, i'm freaking out and i even haven't read the new chapter yet!
    January 18th, 2014 at 02:00am
  • I haven't commented in forever because class has been throwing me through the ringer and I just haven't been able too but I have been keeping up.
    But I literally couldn't NOT comment this time.
    My heart is so heavy and god this was just so emotionally charged. I don't know how I'm going to handle the next chapter because my god this one was so....intense.
    John can't keep doing this to Lei and him finally finding out about New York and Lei realizing he thinks she's been cheating. So much turmoil.
    I'm not sure there's any winning in their situation, I feel so bad for the poor girl, but John would definitely not make it without her.
    I loved their dialogue in this chapter and the way they interacted and the scene at the end made me tear up.
    So so so good.
    I can't say it enough. :)
    January 18th, 2014 at 01:46am
  • I haven't commented in forever because class has been throwing me through the ringer and I just haven't been able too but I have been keeping up.
    But I literally couldn't NOT comment this time.
    My heart is so heavy and god this was just so emotionally charged. I don't know how I'm going to handle the next chapter because my god this one was so....intense.
    John can't keep doing this to Lei and him finally finding out about New York and Lei realizing he thinks she's been cheating. So much turmoil.
    I'm not sure there's any winning in their situation, I feel so bad for the poor girl, but John would definitely not make it without her.
    I loved their dialogue in this chapter and the way they interacted and the scene at the end made me tear up.
    So so so good.
    I can't say it enough. :)
    January 18th, 2014 at 01:46am
  • John has gone completely psycho. Hurting Leighton and then kissing her like nothing happened? Umm...heck no. She needs to give him an ultimatum like either he gets more help (because he obviously needs it) or she's out.
    January 17th, 2014 at 03:03am