Miserable at Best - Comments

  • That was simply amazing Lizzy.

    I adored it, as i said before- that is you at your best. Sometimes you just come out with something so incredibly amazing and it blows me away.

    You had some incredible lines in there too.

    "That person was his soulmate, his love... his life. His name was Gerard Way."

    That one in particular got to me. It was just the moment where you feel so much for Frankie. The amount of sadness in those words was amazing, because you know Frankie isnt with him and he SHOULD be. It was just a MAJOR "aww" moment for me.

    I love the friendship between Mikey and Frank. Mikey is the best bestfriend in the world. I love how it hurts him so much to see Frank upset, even though its for more reasons then he is just his best friend. I love how you described Mikey's thoughts and emoitions.

    So while Frank and Gerard were off in the next room doing God only knows what, Mikey curled up in his bed, with his Ipod blaring in his ears to block out the sounds of pleasure coming from the above mentioned room".

    That was the line I felt best dipicted Mikey, and it was just so sad. Frank doesn't hardly notice Mikey, and his best friend is always just in the shadows. I just...that line was like woah for me. Poor little Mikey.

    Frank's emotions about Gerard's engagement was also so beautiful, but so sad. When he was talking about how he never thought he would celebrate Gerard's engagement to someone that wasnt him, that really tore me up.

    Frank is having such a hard time moving on from Gerard, he is never going to let go.

    AHH that whole thing was just amazing. It was really really special. I am so glad you did a sequel for it.

    It is beautiful, sad, moving, hearbreaking, emotional and just SO MUCH MORE.

    It was amazing though. I was reading the whole story, getting all teary and wanting to hug frank and mikey, and then i get to the dedication and just get the biggest smile on my face.

    YOU DEDICATED IT TO ME! (take that motherfuckers)


    It means the world to me. YOU mean t he world to me.

    This story was beautiful. Just simply stunning.
    May 1st, 2008 at 01:13am