A Life I Left Behind; For You - Comments

  • bam_dilligaf

    bam_dilligaf (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just read this an the when thing was awesome! Frank fancying gerard in the coffee shop ended up going soooo far into like mcr and everything! Wow! Awesome, I definately think you should write a sequel cos mikey with a likkle babbyyy would be sooo cute!!! :D xx
    September 8th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • merance

    merance (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I can't believe I'm still getting comments about this story! It's incredible. :)
    March 9th, 2010 at 06:46pm
  • Hezzarther

    Hezzarther (100)

    United States
    Just read this.
    I loved it <3.
    March 1st, 2010 at 12:35am
  • Greenpaper

    Greenpaper (100)

    I loved the story!

    You write really good, and I love your whole plot. It made me want to read on, the only thing that bothered me just a tiny bit, was that it was a lot of direct speech in it.
    I wouldn't mind if you made a sequel. 8D
    You describe everything and the words make it seem like a picture.

    January 21st, 2010 at 09:58pm
  • AuroraFuel27

    AuroraFuel27 (100)

    United States
    i'll have to say, this is THE best story i've read on here...i loveloveloveedd it.

    defidently will be waiting on the sequel.

    December 3rd, 2009 at 10:20pm
  • jepha heartbreakk.

    jepha heartbreakk. (100)

    United States
    love this story. but, you should make a sequel. please? haha.
    September 4th, 2009 at 08:22pm
  • nimrod;

    nimrod; (100)

    United States
    O_O I loveee this story.. I think it's deffidently a new favorite! =D &I agree with the person before me, a sequel would deffidently kickass =]
    August 18th, 2009 at 11:11pm
  • icey1001992

    icey1001992 (100)

    United States
    Omgggg that was amazingggg <3
    You should definitely do a sequel. It would be so kick ass.
    And I cannot believe Frank kept his virginity for Gerard. That's so sweet!
    I loveee your stories! <333
    August 14th, 2009 at 04:20am
  • PrincessFrankie

    PrincessFrankie (100)

    United States
    I think you should make a sequel! You cant just leave us hanging like that! lol ;D the last chapter was awesomely awesome! Tis sad its the last one
    August 3rd, 2009 at 08:02pm
  • jepha heartbreakk.

    jepha heartbreakk. (100)

    United States
    OH.MY.FUCK. make a sequel!! this was the most amazing story ever. i finished it in two days tops. ohmygod. sequel, this SCREAMS sequel. <3 SEQUEL OR I'LL EAT YOU!?!?! XD
    August 3rd, 2009 at 01:49am
  • septicemia.

    septicemia. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just read this!
    I loved it =D
    August 3rd, 2009 at 12:36am
  • StarCatcher

    StarCatcher (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Gahhhhh i lovee it, i'm interested in a sequel!! And i have loved this all the way through, i am sad to see it go.

    August 2nd, 2009 at 05:40pm
  • BaCkfrom_dead01

    BaCkfrom_dead01 (150)

    United States
    I don’t know just how to start this. I’m happy that you updated, but sad because this means that it’s over. :’(

    I think Frank’s starting to grow on him, finally, though he won’t admit it; when I asked, he just gave me a little secret smile and rolled his eyes, which I like to think is a yes.
    I would like to take that as a ‘yes’ as well. Aw, Mikey! I like to see how Mikey changed from ‘okay’ to ‘jerk’ to ‘okay’ again; same thing goes for Jeph. That’s more than I can say for the storeowner from earlier on, who was ‘okay’ and then turned to ‘jerk’ after he tried to pull a fast one on Frank. Then again, there’s Matt. He tops all, since he was nothing but a jerk. Looks like I’ll have to go out and find those two idiots that are still on my list of bad people and things…hmmm…

    Ha, Jeph and Mikey gossiping on the phone? Not that hard to imagine, now that I think about it. Both he and Mikey changed the same way through the story. Birds of the same flock fly together, eh? At least…that saying fits for the two of them, hahaha.

    For some reason, I can’t help but feel slightly bad for Matt. Yeah, he tried to kill Frank, but I guess a part of me can now recognize him as human. He was probably drunk when he did it or something. He gave himself up and confessed before any of the legal work started. I dunno. He still tried to kill Frank. I don’t feel bad at all that he’s arrested. I guess I feel sorry for the choice he made in trying to do so. Before, I guess I didn’t care. Aw, poor man. Stupid choice.

    I hate to say it, but I miss Matt, just the tiniest bit.
    I don’t blame him. No matter how screwed up Gerard was, Matt was still there for his messed-up self. He was…a part of Gerard. Even if it wasn’t the best part, it was a small part. But don’t even think about it Gerard. Forget him.

    “I’m fine!” he whines, sitting down on the bed reluctantly, but then he grins. I still haven’t got used to his ever-changing moods, but I love them.
    I love them, too! Hahaha, for some reason, a lot of people make Frank like that in their fanfics. We all love Frank’s bipolar-ness :]

    “I wanna lose my virginity,” he says proudly, pulling me down to sit beside him. I blink in surprise.
    That’s so sweet that he did that. Was he so set on having Gerard that he didn’t…? Aww, this is too cute. Frankie’s too cute! =]

    “You know, I know a way how you can keep to your resolutions…Get them done as quickly as possible.”
    A.k.a. Gerard…get on top of that ;)

    I swear I can hear fireworks in this distance.
    Their intimacy was…perfect. It was perfect the way it wasn’t perfect…in that sense. I loved it. Loved it. And then there’s the whole reference to the whole ‘fireworks and bells’ ringing in the distance when Frank described how it was when he kissed Gerard. I’m smiling like a Cheshire cat :)

    It’s nice to know that Gerard’s finally going to move on with Keith. That’s a sign of improvement. And I love how Karen always knows. She always knows ;)

    And, as I told Karen and Ray, “forbidden relationships are only forbidden if you make them out to be so. Love is love, and a few years difference in age shouldn’t stop you from being together.”
    Life-lesson, perhaps? Moral of the story, I guess. Well, not completely the whole story, but a significant part of it. Good job, Gerard. Lesson learned! :]

    Oh yeah, I can be deep.

    New Year’s resolution: stop listening to private conversations.
    Nice conclusion, man. XD I can’t believe you ended the story on that crazy note. Yet, you managed (humorously) to fit in the new years resolution thing. Hahaha! Well like Frank said, you get your resolutions done as quickly as possible in order to keep them XD. How about you walk away and pretend you never heard anything? Hehe, but nah. That’s his brother! And if Mikey’s gonna be a daddy, he’s gonna be an uncle. Yayayayayayayay! I’m kinda sad or scared for Mikey, but happy at the same time with the drama about to unfold…only to realize this is the last chapter -.-

    I hope you do a sequel, missy. I expect one, haha.

    Bossy, aren’t I? ;]

    But I honestly loved this story. In fact, I believe this is the story that actually inspired me to fix up my commenting skills to make them longer and more informative…or, actually more filled with, ‘yays’ and ‘how cute’ and ‘this is amazing!!!’. The ending was lovely, Michelle. It’s the perfect ending for a story that is SCREAMING for a sequel. I mean, how can you leave it there and even suggest that it just…end?

    NOOOOOOOO. You must continue…please? *puppy dog eyes*

    I’m sad to see this go away :( but I’m glad I subscribed. It was a joy reading and commenting. You are really, really great writer. You know how to captivate your audience and create and amazing plot, especially one that many people do but don’t manage to pull off well.

    WELL DONE!!!

    :arms: ♥ :arms: ♥ :arms: ♥ :arms:
    July 31st, 2009 at 08:55pm
  • playground eyes.

    playground eyes. (100)

    The final chapter was breathtaking! ♥
    You ended this story so beautifully, it really was lovely.
    This chapter was so romantic and positive - I'm so glad things worked out in the end! In Love
    I really, really hope you'll go through with a sequel!
    You've left it kind of open-ended, and I think the sequel could be just as awesome as this whole story was.
    I would miss this story too much if it were gone for good now; so please consider it!
    Thank you so much for writing such an excellent story and sticking with it!
    Well done - you should be proud of it!
    :hug: :arms:
    July 31st, 2009 at 08:14pm
  • Max.

    Max. (150)

    United Kingdom
    I'm awful. I really am. I'm so sorry I haven't commented for the last 5897387857 chapters, but I've had a lot going on. I don't remember the last chapter I left a comment on...buuuuuut I'm gonna pick up from Chapter 42, because I think it was around then that I so awfully disappeared. I really am sorry for that.

    "Frank has now replaced Matt."
    They were always meant to be. It took them way to long to realise that :file:

    I think it's really cute that Frank was 'trying to get on Mikeys good side' and wanting to get his blessing. It's almost like meeting the parents for the first time, and you just want them to like you and to approve of you. It's adorable that Franks actually cares enough to want to work for it too :tehe:

    "Every single morning, I find a note on my pillow, written in Frank’s messy scrawl."
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww In Love
    That is all :file:

    Ahaha, I loved Frank and Gerards conversation about Gerard getting up earlier.
    ""Hey, Frank, let me get up early tomorrow.”

    “Nope, you’re so lazy you’d forget.”

    I love your humour throughout this story. There's a point in every single chapter that makes me grin like a fool :XD

    I adore stories where Bert is the awesome crazy guy, not the evil I'm-obsessed-with-Gerard-and-will-marry-him-and-kill-everyone-who-gets-in-my-way which he happens to become quite a lot for some reason :think:

    "I groan from under the covers. “Oh yeah, let’s just not bother knocking anymore, let’s all just barge into the room where Gerard’s sleeping and parade his naked body to the world—”

    “You’re naked?!” Bert gasps excitedly and rips the covers off of my body."
    :lmfao :lmfao

    "“Hey, hey, it’s not so bad... The Used’ve had negative publicity before,” he chuckles. “Apparently I was fucking Quinn for months...”

    I pat his leg, biting my lip. “Shit, what made them think that?”

    “I told them I was.”

    He's actually made of win. :file:

    I like their stage kiss, and I don't even have to go into detail as to why :weird
    But then stupid Matt has to ruin it all :grr: He's just jealous. And I can say that literally!

    Stupid Gerard must think before he speaks. Telling Frank that he was thinking of Matt while they were kissing. Tut tut.

    I feel really sorry for Frank when it comes to Gerards past. He's so desperate to know, but Gerard just...doesn't want to share, instead distracts him in a way that Franks can't refuse. It's clever of him, but I don't think it's good. I think he should be straight with Frank (not literally :tehe:) because there's only so long he can keep it all hidden.

    I think it's so funny that Laura walks in. Even though it does just widden the distraction so much more.

    I love the A7X bus, and even more so how you write about it. There's such a good atmosphere, and you totally make that apparent.

    The Used. :lmfao
    They know how to make an entrance, huh?

    When Frank left. I was yelling at my computer screen. I just...I knew something was going to happen. Just because...well, he went off on his own, didn't he? Cry

    You. How dare you end a chapter with '“Frank’s been attacked!”'. It makes me all :twitch: :cheese: Cry

    "Mikey’s suddenly not my little brother anymore—he’s simply a white flag in the night, guiding me towards my goal. He’s a bird, taking me to the olive tree in the distance, over the floods and devastation."
    Wow. That's pretty damn amazing. *____*
    Not only do you have a knack for humour, but also for stuff like this. I'm not sure what its called, but you do it well. :tehe:

    This chapter really shows how much Gerard cares for Frank. He's always cared for Frank, and it's always been obvious, but this... It's like...I can't even put it into words. This entire chapter took me an age to read though because I kept tearing up.

    I'd already guessed who it was who attacked Frank, but my heart broke a little when Gerard figured it out and thinks that its his fault. Because it's totally not Cry

    Ahahaha, Chapter 45. When I read this, I didn't understand why you're spelling had gone really bad. I was like...really confused, because I don't think I ever see any spelling errors in your chapters. And then But then it makes sense with:
    "“Nob so bad,” he says nasally and I frown a little, ghosting a finger down his nose. He groans quietly and slaps my hand away.

    “Is that what’s making you talk like that?” I ask softly and he nods, pouting.
    I kinda like that you didn't explain straight away what it was that was making Frank talk weird (and therefore make it look like you can't spell! :lmfao) but waited until a time when you could feed it into general conversation. That makes the flow really good, so kudos for that :tehe:

    Gerard tells Frank! I was so proud of him Cry

    Karen + Ray?! :twitch:
    Who'da thunk it!
    I like it though. It adds a good twist so that the entire story isn't souly based on the fact that Franks in hospital. It kinda shows that other people have other stuff going on, and thinking about it, I don't really know of any other stories where I've seen that. I've never even really thought of it as something that should be important in a story, but now I have seen it, it's made me go ":twitch: that's right! Other characters have different lives!"
    I'm totally gonna remember that fo my own stories :file:

    I'm surprised that everyone didn't feel a little bit...let down (for lack of a better word) that Gerard didn't mention sooner that it was Matt. I mean, surely you'd think they would have noticed, but you've already pointed out the unlikelyness of that through the fact that you previously stated that Matt was always disappearing.

    I love how you point out how much of a strain everyone is feeling by Frank being in hospital. You point it out by the fact that everyone looks older, and are even acting somewhat older to an extent. I think what that does as well, is it serves as almost a reminder that they're three years older then they were in the beginning.

    And you know, that thought is so weird. It makes me think about all the stuff in the coffee shop, Gerard and Frank first meeting. All the stuff before the three year gap, it almost seems like a totally different story. And it almost stuns me speechless. Everyone has evolved and grown so much and I just...:arms: It's amazing.

    Back to this chapter though. I love how you point out Franks fear without discribing him. Without even mentioning his name.The simple line "The slow beep beep beep of the heart monitor starts to accelerate." shows that you've taken the setting into consideration, and used it for something more constructive than just a description of the setting.
    You actually think about what you write about, add in little details like that. Thats something that I don't see in many stories - even in my own.

    ""Hey, you’re drawing again.”

    I smile as two arms wrap around my neck from behind, and a chin rests upon my head. “Yeah,” I murmur, stroking his arm gently."

    And then everything is okay again In Love

    I will confess, I didn't realise this was going to be the end, but I think you've done it really well. The way you draw everything together, and even add the sex-scene.

    I like that in stories. That you totally didn't focus it around sex, to the point where you left that right until the end. :tehe:

    The last line is so funny though :lmfao
    Something really serious has just been found out, and you just add a humour to it. I love that.

    I think you should do a sequel, just because I love this story too much too see it go :lmfao

    Well, I hope that this 1,385 word comment has made up for make lack of comments for the past...waaaaay too many months.

    This story has been amazing, I'll miss it a lot. In Love
    July 31st, 2009 at 07:51pm
  • tokioschemicalparade

    tokioschemicalparade (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    In the closet:
    I think you should do a squel!
    I'd read it.Yes
    I loved the ending. :hug:
    Mikey's gonna be a dad! :brightside:
    i agree i think you should the last has such a sequel ending to it lol

    im sad to see it go but i was one of the best storys i have ever read seriously
    July 31st, 2009 at 04:47pm
  • In the closet

    In the closet (100)

    I think you should do a squel!
    I'd read it.Yes
    I loved the ending. :hug:
    Mikey's gonna be a dad! :brightside:
    July 31st, 2009 at 03:35pm
  • gerardwaySOS

    gerardwaySOS (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    that was an incredible ending... so beautiful!
    I'm staying subscribed just in case theres a sequel!
    Excellent, really, well done with this
    July 31st, 2009 at 12:15pm
  • Faitily;Yours

    Faitily;Yours (100)

    Wow....I've loved this story since I found it and after my faze with te boys was over I still read this. This story was my last joining thread to my 'Chemical' side in me. I will miss this so much and I'm only going to say this once, because it can get really repeatative.

    The Ending Was Absolutely, Unbeleivably Amazing.

    There. I hop you do, do a sequel. I will read that one and I will keep that last thread alive. Just for your amazing writing skills and Gerard... and Frank... cus they were amazingly HILARIOUS during the whole thing =]
    July 31st, 2009 at 08:59am
  • Michael Jackson..

    Michael Jackson.. (100)

    United States
    Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!



    Incredible story.

    To be honest,
    I didn't even know it was the ending until I read the authors note xD
    July 31st, 2009 at 06:21am