A Life I Left Behind; For You - Comments

  • M451n

    M451n (100)

    United States
    matt, that bastard. BOB'S IN THE SOUN BOOTH!
    April 22nd, 2009 at 01:06am
  • whisperedsecrets

    whisperedsecrets (100)

    United States
    ohmyfrankiegee! best ending!!!! seriously? dude! BOBBBBBBBBB!!!!! ya know...i spelt bob BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB but it sounded like boob. XD poor bob. very heated ending though. matt's a douche. you should make him get hit my a car! or kicked in the head by an ostrich. anybody ever wonder why he was kicked out of mcr in the first place?
    April 21st, 2009 at 11:53pm
  • Angelus.

    Angelus. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Aw... Frank and Gerard In Love
    I loved that chapter.
    And BAH who needs Matt!?
    Bob FTW :con:

    Can't wait for more, this is definitely one of my favourite stories Clap
    April 21st, 2009 at 11:25pm
  • baysway

    baysway (100)

    United States
    I wish Matt would just disappear off the face of the earth but I have a feeling he will be back.
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:25pm
  • Psyche Adrenaline

    Psyche Adrenaline (200)

    United States
    Oh man...Thank god Matt's gone.

    I really love the forshadowing you did, with the mystery man behind the sound booth. It really added something to it instead of just having the whole, "SUPERBOB TO THE RESCUE!" feel, if that makes any sense at all. I mean, SuperBob will still make his appearance, but it won't feel quite so random and unexpected.

    I loved that chapter very much. Ray with a beard DOES look horrible--I know, he had one at the show I went to about a yearish ago. It just didn't work for him.

    Anyway, I'll be on the look out for more!
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • shine like millions.

    shine like millions. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I finally have a name! :lmfao
    I'm niiiiiiiiiice.

    Matt, on the other hand. *glares*
    Someone should so bitchslap his ass. X3
    April 13th, 2009 at 05:23pm
  • invisible monsters.

    invisible monsters. (150)

    United States
    Update was fantastic, as always. I really hope you get more soon(:
    April 10th, 2009 at 12:45am
  • Alice Verney

    Alice Verney (150)

    United States
    go gerard!
    April 9th, 2009 at 05:33am
  • playground eyes.

    playground eyes. (100)

    This was great update!
    .. but, argh, Matt!!! >.<
    Can't wait to read what will happen next!
    Thanks for writing!
    :hug: xoxo ♥
    April 9th, 2009 at 05:19am
  • M451n

    M451n (100)

    United States
    matt's a douche bag!
    April 9th, 2009 at 01:18am
  • BaCkfrom_dead01

    BaCkfrom_dead01 (150)

    United States
    Yes! Update time :)

    Okay, I liked this chapter (like I have the rest XP).

    Good little epiphany, Gerard. I’m kinda happy he’s realized, but still kinda sad in the sense that all this had to happen before he saw the light. But I’m too happy about the fact that it’s final, and that there’s nothing anyone can do anything about it, so…I’m just about ecstatic now…I’ve been waiting for this moment as soon as they first broke up! Pathetic, but true.

    It’s nice to see him happy, now. Well, it’s nice to read about it, at least :p And the News report? Lmao

    How does it feel to be a known rockstar, Gerard? Having people recording your every move?

    I liked how you described the whole news cast thing and how they were perched out the van, waiting for more ‘news’ to happen. It just puts more emphasis on the fact that it actually happened, and it isn’t a quiet little transition, peaceful like the idea get-together-again would be. I liked it. I also liked how not everyone is happy that Gerard is ‘happy.’ I don’t know where to place Mikey; he keeps switching between the good list and the bad one…I think Mikey should have his own list. He’s just playing the role of the annoying brother that only does what he does because he loves his brother. Argh, fine, I’ll give it to him. I won’t hate him :/
    I open the window as wide as it can go, shimmying out of the gap. Maybe, someday, Mikey’ll learn to trust me, and in turn, to trust Frank when he sees how happy I am.

    As I jump down from the ledge, I see Frank, Mikey and the guys from The Used chatting happily, Mikey shooting Frank obvious glares every so often.

    Or, maybe not.
    That was cute :) I just had to say that. Aw, poor Frank! I hadn’t even really thought of him in all this; I was just so happy for Gerard! But I imagine in that little clip the media managed to get of the two getting out of the bushes, Frank hiding behind Gerard must’ve been a cute image as well. =] But to think that Frank had to spend his day with people (besides Ray) that hated his guts…eeek. O.o But I know they won’t do anything to Frank, because Gerard will kick their asses! And so will I!

    And while I read something—not someone, because Matt isn’t a person; he’s a piece of scum—I got angry. I should shoot him, or something. I haven’t made up my mind on how to get rid of him…hopefully, he’ll get kicked out of the band. He must. And I hope not to be hearing much shit from Jeph. Matt shouldn’t have touched him, but I was glad Gerard put him in his place. I didn’t like that his lips were on Gerard’s, but what more can you do? At least Gerard resisted it…and it was sweet to see how angry Gerard got at him for mentioning Frank like that. It just shows even more how much he always liked Frank, and it had never truly gone away. I just hope Frank doesn’t see and assume the worst; then the cycle would start all over :/

    But me liked the chapter. And don’t apologize for anything =] It was a lovely chapter.
    April 9th, 2009 at 12:19am
  • whisperedsecrets

    whisperedsecrets (100)

    United States
    THANK YOU! FINALLY! FUCK MATT! god! he is such a douchbag in this story. gerard really needed to teach him a lesson. it's quite true how the story is portrayed though. how anger and love can make you stand up to somebody. you forget about all the fear that dragging you down and you prove that the stronger person. it's like those stories about the mom who lifts the car off her baby. somewhere deep down, love is pulling on that heroic part of you. maybe that's why superman is super! he's full of love! and even if he's not,...that's still the way I'd like to think of him. :)
    April 9th, 2009 at 12:16am
  • Tommy Joe Ratliff

    Tommy Joe Ratliff (100)

    United States
    I like this chapter, and how Gerard stands up for himself
    But will it only bring problems? I'd love to know.
    April 8th, 2009 at 11:57pm
  • Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp

    Dr. Mrs. Vandertramp (100)

    United States
    amazing chapter! YAY Gerard told matt to shove it!!!! update wicked soon please!
    April 8th, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • Max.

    Max. (150)

    United Kingdom
    Chapter ded...to me? :brightside: :arms: Wow
    Thank you!!! In Love :arms: :arms:

    So, anyway, the chapter :brightside:

    I love Karen. In Love
    I just do. I think I want her to me my mum.
    Y'know who she kind of reminds me of?...
    Have you seen Queer as Folk, the American one? Well, she reminds me of Debbie :tehe: [If you haven't seen it...then that means nothing...:shifty]

    I think one of the things I love about the relationship between Mikey and Gerard...is that although Gerard is the older of the two, he seems a lot more like the younger. Like when Gerard and Frank got back to the bus and Mikey instantly started interrogating Gerard. It was almost like he was a parent wondering where their kid had been when they were late for their curfew or something.
    I can't work out if it's cute or annoying *:grr: at Mikey*...:tehe:

    I loved how you managed to completely change what I thought was going to happen.
    When Frank said that Gerard and him weren't together...almost like he was saying he didn't want them to be, just so that Mikey would get off of Gerards back, I really expected Gerard to get into a sulk or something; but you managed to make it un-cliche again!
    One of these days...I will guess something that's going to happen next correctly.
    Mark my words!

    Later on in the chapter; Gerard finally re-emerges as the older brother once more, and I was totally cheering for him. Actually flailing my arms yelling "Go Gerard!!!"...:shifty
    Okay, so I wasn't yelling because my mum was watching TV...but if I could have been yelling, I would have been.

    I loved the ending, it was totally bittersweet in the way that Frank made the point that if nothing had gone wrong three years ago, they could have ended by now or something. It really puts things into perspective...almost like things really do happen for a reason...:cute:

    I'm really worried about Matt though :shifty
    I have a feeling he's going to be coming back at some point...and it's not gonna be fun for Frank or Gerard...or us poor unsuspecting readers omgno:

    Thank you again for the dedication and I can't wait for more of this :tehe:

    ps...I took far too long to comment this...I'm really sorry omgno: :arms:
    March 28th, 2009 at 11:34pm
  • whisperedsecrets

    whisperedsecrets (100)

    United States
    awh! this chapter should so be dedicated to gerard! i like how frankie lies to get him out of shit but gerard just wades in the deep waters, carrying frankie so he doesn't get wet. he admits that he was a total idiot and lets the band know that he's sticking up for frankie, when in the reality of the situation, frankie had always been the light shining in the dark for gerard. frankie didn't do anything. and as they always say, "absence makes the heart grow fonder." tis very true! loved this chapter. it's the little moments in the story that keep me reading! :)
    March 28th, 2009 at 05:18am
  • Eugene.

    Eugene. (100)

    United States
    It took me three days to finish reading up to chapter 40, but it did it and i'm so happy i did! Reading i thought to myself that this had to be one of the sweetest love stories i've ever read. I got a little iffy when Frank and Gerard split. I hate stories like that, i'm a sucker for a happy ending you know. But i didn't give up reading like i usually did. And i'm glad i didn't. Your writing has this kick in it. I just always want to read more. I may not be making sense right now, because i'm half asleep, but plain and simple, this story ROCKS! =D
    March 26th, 2009 at 05:43am
  • BaCkfrom_dead01

    BaCkfrom_dead01 (150)

    United States
    Dude, I loved the second to last Chapter, Chapter 39? Sorry I’ve been gone all this time, but I’m trying to take it one story at a time. I had stupid testing -.- Now that I think about it, I have ACT in April...Ooops.

    Anyways, I missed this story :)

    And I forgot even that Gerard had un-expectantly kissed him! And they came out with the truth and told each other what they’ve been wanting to tell each other for years! And I was kinda shocked at Frank’s reaction.
    “Because you wanted to?” he repeats, breaking away from me quickly to stare at me in fury. “Because you wanted to?!”
    “I... well, yeah, I—”
    “Gerard, you can’t just do things because you fucking want to!” he says in exasperation. “You have to do it because you’ve finally forgiven me! Because you finally want to let me explain! Because you want us to... to...”
    Whoa. Frankie was all…but, I see that he had a reason to be like that. Nonetheless, Gerard wants to talk to him, and they do! I’ve been waiting for this moment forever! And stupid Matt had to join at the wrong time…but Gerard’s told him ‘No.’ Hahaha fucker XD

    I like how Gerard’s gotten his voice back, demanding things for himself again, out of Matt’s hold. I missed him =]
    I can’t help but snort. “Frank, in love with me?”

    “How do you know what he’s thinking? Maybe he is, maybe... m-maybe he sees what I see in you.”
    Yeah, Gerard. Don’t you know how lovable you are? =D And I completely agree with Gerard feeling as if he and Frank have always been together. Because they have! They just had a long fightish thingish thing going on…but they were meant for each other! We all know that…now all’s we gotta do is make sure Gerard’s eyes STAY open! The bush idea is funny XD, btw. And I love how they go to this gloomy kinda lake thing…reminded me of my own XD. Sweeeeet :)

    I bet Gerard felt stupid after Frank told him everything, too. He had no reason to brood for three years. But, I can’t help but wonder whatever happened to the skank?
    “I’m so sorry,” I mumble, squeezing my eyes shut as my head starts to spin.
    “Hey... I got over it. Uh, sort of.” I look up and it’s his turn to blush. “So... w-where do we go from here?”
    I swallow, trying to keep down the bile, and lean over, kissing his cheek slowly. The red tinge on his cheeks grows stronger.
    “Oh. Right. Uh... g-good.” He clears his throat quickly. “Good.”
    Awww, how cute! How fucking cute! I want to hug them both! Go all ‘mom’ on them. I’m so proud and happy! Dude, it’s nice after testing to just sit back and read stuff like this…and they’re together again! I like that about this story too, like I was telling WaayTooObsessed; stories that are cliché don’t hold as must interest as the ones that are the same in every single way. You have the whole drama of the 3 years holding up, which caught my attention. And even then, your writing style is so…yay :)

    And the author’s note for the ‘believing in you’? You deserve it, you awesome writer! Thank you for keeping up with updates and creating this awesome story that makes people like me that are supposed to be sleeping, stay up against their parent’s orders to read and catch up! Tehehehe.

    And for the next chapter, I just wanted to say “Forty?! Congratulations! Forty pages of legit and good plot :] I’m grinning like crazy.

    Okay, back to the story…

    Paparazzi? Jeez, those people are sometimes too much. But if I had access to Gerard and Frank, hell, I’d be there myself XD And the questions they had…some of them were kinda cute, and some of them were like ‘wtf’? Like Gerard’s pants XD. Dude, I wouldn’t care about where he got the pants from. I’d want to know what’s underneath. Screw the pants.

    And the whole scene of everyone on the bus is just plain scary. When one person in the band looks angry, it’s pretty intimidating; let alone having all of them…except for Ray, of course, who remained pretty chill. But Mikey…I understand the whole ‘protect older brother’ things, but stop for a second. Who would you rather have Gerard be with? Frank, the lovable dude, or Matt, the one who basically rapes your brother and abuses him? Your pick…if you’re smart enough to make one…And Jeph needs to go drown himself, too. That’s what I think. Making Frank utter that he and Gerard aren’t together. Ha! That’s why Gerard told your asses out.

    And yeah, Matt may be angry, but hopefully he can’t do anything, no? I don’t want anything to happen to them. After all this, this huge misunderstanding, Frank and Gerard must be. Ahh, I’m so HAPPY they’re together =D.

    And what’s this?!?! I’m mentioned in your Author’s Note? GAGHHHH, I feel special! :] :arms:

    Thank you so much, babe. You’re welcome. Like I said before, your work is awesome. If you ever stopped, I’d find you and force you to write, because you’re amazing at it. You have talent. I’m just acknowledging it, in my big-mouth-can't-shut-up kinda way. ;)
    March 22nd, 2009 at 05:59am
  • lindseyyx6

    lindseyyx6 (100)

    United States
    i've read all 40 chapters within like the last two days.
    i love this story so much :]
    March 22nd, 2009 at 03:19am
  • Tommy Joe Ratliff

    Tommy Joe Ratliff (100)

    United States
    I was not expecting that.
    Good God I love you.
    I hope you update soon.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 12:54am