Madness - Comments

  • Jayess

    Jayess (100)

    United States
    I know it's N.Y., N.Y. but the prices of real estate there are simply unreal! $14K a month would rent you a pretty sah-nazzy mansion or v. nice house with serious acreage here!

    I dunno, I don't think I could let Shea help me with an apartment if I were Camille. I know that this is probably going to be a happy ever after story but she wouldn't nec. know that. As a pragmatic person, if I were her, I'd totally worry about being out on my ass if/when the relationship didn't make it for whatever reason. $14K is nothing to him but I'm wagering that it's well beyond her means. And until I had a ring on my finger (and I'm not saying that she's even thinking that far ahead or that he is), I don't think I could tie my fortunes to someone I wasn't even living with. I don't think I'd be able to be at the financial mercy of someone I'd only known so little time. I mean, when I moved in with my S.O., I could have afforded our joint appt. on my own if I had to. We mingled the majority of our funds in a joint account soon after/ But we'd had the 'luxury' if you will of having known each other for years and having dated for some time. I lost my job in the financial downturn a couple years later and was financially dependent on him. it was HARD, so very hard to come to grips with that reality, harder still to come to emotional peace, and I had a ring on my finger.

    In any case, I hope she really thinks about what this means for her and for them if she allows him to do this for her. It's a lot to think about. She needs to be at peace with her decision or it will eat at her. Food for thought!
    May 19th, 2013 at 07:02am
  • JDStanley

    JDStanley (100)

    United States
    @ midnightmssuki
    Bwahahahaha, indeed it does!!!!! I know how you feel one of my newest stories I'm writing is quickly becoming my favorite so far. I mean I love all of my stories. But there's something about my new one I'm just loving more!!!
    May 19th, 2013 at 03:43am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ BlueJacketsFan07
    What the world needs is more Shea Weber. :) Glad you're enjoying it. It's become one of my favorite that I've written for sure.
    May 19th, 2013 at 02:56am
  • JDStanley

    JDStanley (100)

    United States
    Ok I am so in love with this story right now!!!!! I feel really bad for Duncan, I really do. But as far as I can see Camille hasn't shown any interest in him, except for best-friend status. I hope they can keep on being friends once Duncan calms down. Though I don't think the drama is done with Duncan just quit yet!!! I really like how Shea and Camille's relationship is going and Shea seems really determined to show her that he's a good guy!!! I really hope their relationship works out!!!

    Plus there's just not enough Shea stories and love on here!!!! Cool
    May 19th, 2013 at 02:32am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ RockyB
    You'll just have to wait and see...... I promise fireworks though. ;)

    I spend a lot of tiime on google and Wikipedia putting actual places in. I'm keeping a list so when I finally get to visit these places in real life, I'll go to all the ones I've mentioned. And when I win the lottery, I really will open a cupcake shop called the nibble. I think you'll like the next update a lot too if you liked this one.
    May 15th, 2013 at 04:51pm
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ Jayess
    The best part of your comment is knowing that I got you to like someone you didn't. That's just awesome! I appreciate that more than you can know.

    Usually, I have something completely written before I post so changing my storyline for comments is something I'm unlikely to do. I hate reading something and getting into it only for it to stop without resolution. Dance Until We Die, Madness, and Love. Sex. Magic. are the only exceptions but I had the majority of the story written and I knew what I wanted to do with them.... It was just getting there. Although I did give in and write an alternate ending that one time...

    I've written most of the players I like and I like the challenge of writing someone I don't know. I think you'll be pleased to see who I chose for Be Calm just based on the suggestions I saw. :) I will say this though.... No Bruins until the series is completed as I am a Rangers fan and that would sacrilegious. ;)
    May 15th, 2013 at 04:44pm
  • Jayess

    Jayess (100)

    United States
    Part 11, I love how she's showing him the city she loves. For someone who cannot fathom the attractions, it can only help to be shown the wonderful things by someone who loves where they live.

    And no, I don't think that you're done writing about Duncan Keith. He's fed a one-sided love affair with her for four years. He flew her to the Olympics, he flew to New York so he could kiss her, he's not going to give up that easily.
    May 15th, 2013 at 02:25pm
  • RockyB

    RockyB (100)

    Drama!!! But I hope Duncan and Camille can at least be civil to each other if not friends, I like that dynamic of her being so close with the Blackhawks
    May 15th, 2013 at 08:50am
  • Jayess

    Jayess (100)

    United States
    Ok, one quick review of all your stories on Mibba later and my top two favs are Dance Until We Die and Just the Way You Are. I thiiiiink the Wayne Simmonds one edges out the Hank one if I have to pick just one. It was (relatively) short and definitely sweet. For that matter, it has to be a great story IMO because I'm not a particular fan of Simmonds in the first place and I find it's a harder to warm to stories with players I'm not familiar and/or fond of. So I gotta really get into a story to overwhelm that inertia, if you will.

    To that end, the stories that I've liked most have 'lesser' (lesser known, anyaway) players. So maybe one of the players who don't get a lot of fanfic love? Marchand? I'd say Dupuis since he's got pretty blue eyes but he's married with kids. Maybe Carcillo? Ribeiro? I also am fond of Nicky Backstrom, he's cute and seems shy. I do like kinda shy guys, I have a fondness for the slightly smaller guys (under 6ft; I fail to see how any hockey player in the league qualifies as 'tiny' as 5'8" is the average male height so most of the 'tiny' players are average or slightly above average male height). Someone else I don't know who's lesser known?

    But mostly I think you should write about whoever strikes your fancy. Nothing like trying to write to someone else's tastes to run one into the dread creature writer's block. Or the equally dread creature (IMO) 'pandering'; I find that writers who beg for comments about what the readers think should happen next and then write that to be weaker writers overall. To be clear, it's different when one perhaps builds on an existing storyline, uses a comment as inspiration, or even just works details from a comment into a predetermined plot. One author has an idea of where she wants to go and maybe the details of the journey change as she goes along. Or if the plot wants to be written to a different end this writer tends to stop to regroup and figure out the way to the new end. THe other kind of writer just tends to flail about, often from dramatic plotpoint to even more dramatic plotpoint (well past the shark jumping point, IMO) as she works in suggestions from her readers in an effort to win more feedback/praise. One writer writes for the passion, because the story needs telling and comments are totally gratifying but not the end reason one writes IMO. The other writer writes because the feedback gratify a need for approval.

    Hopefully you are not offended by any of the above and of course, my opinions are my own and others may have equally valid opposing viewpoints.
    May 15th, 2013 at 07:02am
  • sybilla1984

    sybilla1984 (100)

    I love this.... but I feel soooooo bad for DUNCAN!!!! Sad
    May 14th, 2013 at 11:14am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ Jayess
    Eric Staal just so happened to move from third in my Staal ranking system to one or two depending on the day....I might could be persuaded to write a little ditty with him. I want to do another something something with Mike Richards also.....

    I will agree with you on the brainsuck. I have two kids and I definitely have felt like I have lost my mind at times. :)
    May 14th, 2013 at 09:01am
  • Jayess

    Jayess (100)

    United States
    Don't ask me hard questions! Favorite one, gah! Now I'm going to have to read them all over again (some for the 3rd or 4th time).

    Actually, to be fair, hard questions are "How old are you?" or "What's your kid's birthday?" or "What's your phone number?" The kid brainsuck effect is real, I'm telling you. Have a kid, lose your mind.

    I'll get back to you on who. I have soft spots for all the usual suspects on the Blackhawks, the Penguins, and the Flyers. I think Eric Staal is kinda cute in an overtall kind of way and I want to take Kane home and feed him (and play with the curls, I won't lie). I like Danny Briere if only because then I don't feel like freaking cougar, plus there's the hot dad thing, I like guys who do the dad thing well. But I want to cut his hair. A year ago I couldn't have identified Sidney Crosby if you showed me a picture with him in it, much less any other player. Now I'm watching both Penguins and Hawks games, to the the SO's bemusement. Maybe something with one of the Flyers West brigade?
    May 14th, 2013 at 05:54am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    Oh Jayess! We're going to need introduce Shea Weber into your life. I don't follow the Preds and only became enamored when my favorite boy from my AHL team had a brief stint in Nashville this season but I'm glad to have him now....and his dimple...and his just overall manliness. ;)

    In my head, I picture her ordering food the exact same way.

    Thank you for reading! It means everything to me. Can I ask what your favorite has been? Anyone I should write about it? I'm expanding my horizons and always open to suggestions.
    May 14th, 2013 at 05:15am
  • Jayess

    Jayess (100)

    United States
    I love the favor he called in, I'd like to think it amused Sid (What? I don't get any love?"), and she certainly loved it. "I like her. We keep." Geno approved, too.

    I can only imagine she ordered the Chinese delivery like Sandra Bullock's character in Two Weeks Notice. Where she orders by the numbers without looking at the menu. "Fine. I would like a number 17...
    ...a number fou... Number five.
    No. Number seven? Seven.
    Can I get the number four without the garlic sauce?
    Okay, and then maybe two orders of number 26."

    Also, like @ saoqueen92, I think I've read all your stuff. if I read something from an author that I like, I usually go back and read everything they've written in the fandom. I couldn't even pick Shea Weber out of a lineup, I pretty much have no idea who he is beyond what you've written, and I love this story.
    May 14th, 2013 at 05:02am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    Thanks for reading @ saoqueen92. Glad to hear you've read my other stuff too; that means a lot. I'm working on something, another piece to a saga near and dear to my heart that I hope to start posting soon.
    May 13th, 2013 at 01:40am
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    Haha @ AshleyVC88! I feel exactly the same. Totally understand the feeling.
    May 13th, 2013 at 01:38am
  • saoqueen92

    saoqueen92 (100)

    United States
    Loving this! And I enjoyed all your other stories too ! So great !
    May 12th, 2013 at 11:23pm
  • AshleyVC88

    AshleyVC88 (100)

    United States
    I want to be Camille.

    Like. For real.

    I love Shea (on the sly since I live in Michigan) and he just always has seemed like he'd be a wonderful guy.
    May 12th, 2013 at 11:06pm
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ FLSweet82
    There's totally a teddy bear underneath that manly man exterior, I'm sure of it.
    May 12th, 2013 at 05:00pm
  • midnightmssuki

    midnightmssuki (100)

    United States
    @ RockyB
    I'm positive I would mumble a string of profanities before passing out if I met Geno. There's just something endlessly adorable about him...
    May 12th, 2013 at 04:59pm