The Seventh Side of a Die - Comments

  • I'm so glad I clicked on this. Great introduction, and my interest is piqued. I haven't read any of your stuff before, but judging by this, you're a great writer. I'll be subscribing and looking forward to the next update.
    May 26th, 2014 at 12:00am
  • Hello! Part one of the Linkin Park section of your gift :)

    I know for sure this story will be interesting. I love reading about gangs and there are barely any of those stories on here! Plus I know you have an amazing talent when it comes to writing so there's that.

    Layout: I like it very much, but the color of the font in the summary is making it hard to read. Red on a dark background is kind of blinding.

    Maya seems to have that innocent feel to her and it's really sweet. One thing I suggest is to not make the second paragraph all questions. It became a little struggle to get through. Also, in the third paragraph, you're missing a comma in a few places, but it was still easy to read. I do like Maya's last sentence. It made me excited for the next chapter.

    Night's chapter! He seems badass. I'm very interested to know what he did :) The last sentence has me wanting more! But in his chapter, the third paragraph says "hunts me". With the way the rest of the paragraph went, I think it should be haunts?

    Great story overall :D
    December 15th, 2013 at 12:21am
  • Final part of your Christmas give away present :)

    I really once again love anything that has gang involved because it like I said in your other story interest me.

    Your writing in this is amazing and always perfect, I'm jealous if your skills my dear because I can not for my life think of of these ideas as you have done :)

    I think this story will be great as are the rest of your stories :) I can't wait to see how many comments this one will get!

    December 9th, 2013 at 01:45pm
  • I was browsing through your stories and this is one of them that intrigued me. D: I'd really like to see where this one goes, so I'm going to be subscribing in case you update it anytime soon. Hehehe. :]
    September 26th, 2013 at 02:02am