I'll Meet You There. - Comments

  • Anonymous_Authoress

    Anonymous_Authoress (100)

    United States
    let me preface this by saying that it's been quite some time since I read the books. Although I feel like you captured there essence quite well. I couldn't help but read this as though it was being read to me through a rather interesting British narrator. The only thing I really saw that I had a problem with was that a lot with being repeated. Its okay to repeat some but the order in which do children were born eldest to youngest was repeated far too often for my liking. It got rather irksome. I also would like to see some more immediate difference in the story from the book rather than just the addition of the character Rose. I also feel but this is just a personal opinion that you can mash chapters 1&2 together to make a longer chapter so it doesn't seem so broken up.

    overall very good job, it was simplistic and easy to read and how to clear directions. I wish you good luck in the future.

    Anonymous authoress
    May 22nd, 2013 at 09:49am