Animosity in the Ranks - Comments

    :D I love Zacky stories.
    This one is superlative!
    July 24th, 2011 at 11:10am
  • Woop great mass updates hun ! things are slotting themselves nicely together cant wait to read more =)
    July 8th, 2011 at 11:24pm
  • hotfish -
    I'm glad that you loved the updates! Hahaha! I had a lot of fun writing them! Mhmm! I thought the zippity do da song would be a nice little silly thing to throw in. That and I just watched that movie with my little brother so it was stuck in my head when I wrote that update. Ha! And I feel you on the cat thing, I've lost 4 cats in the past year. Sadness. Luckily I still have my cat Toodles who is still going strong. And yes, she is named after Toodles from Peter Pan (though her real name is Sarah).

    Cygfa -
    Hahahahaha I love it when a comment opens up that way. You know you've done something right in the world of written fiction if you get that. So I tip my hat to you. And I'm glad you finally got what you have been waiting for!! But at that drunk, whether or not they could of actually gone any farther without passing out is hard to tell. So you never know, that could of been as far as they were going to get. And yes, it would of been ten times worse! Oh yes, that hatred issue is still there. But as to whether or not it's stupid. . . well we'll have to see. But I promise you another piece to that puzzle soon in an update or two. Though whether it's through a drunken conversation or not, is still to be seen. And you've got it so right, talking between them just doesn't seem to work. And wow, this is effing HUGE!

    Oh and I wanted to thank you both for starting my 15th page of comments! I honestly never thought I would get this far! You guys both rock. A lot of socks.
    June 26th, 2011 at 09:02pm
  • Oh my God, oh m God, oh my God!

    I've soooooo been waiting for this to happen! I'm a bit sad that the other guys got in between, but I guess it would be ten times worse when they had actually gone the whole 9 yards....
    Now they only have to sort the stupid hatred issue out (maybe in another drunken conversation?? Because I don't see any other way in which them talking could happen), and then it's time for awesomeness. ;-)
    June 26th, 2011 at 02:31pm
  • Yay!! I looooove updates. And they just need to date already. Jeeeeeez. And I love the Zippady do da song. I use to have a cat named Zipper and I would sing it to him :) but he's dead now :"( oh well. Lol.
    June 26th, 2011 at 11:49am
  • nata -
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! That is indeed what she did. She took a step back and is allowed an insight into everything that normally she wouldn't have had. I'm so glad you got that! Because every once and a while you need to take a step back in life.

    Cygfa -
    You are most welcome my dear! I'm glad you liked it, even if it was a tad sad. But sad can be eye opening and lead to new discoveries. Sad isn't always bad! And hey, we all knew she wasn't going to join them, at least not at this point in the story. Maybe some day soon. ;)
    June 23rd, 2011 at 10:49pm
  • Oh, thanks for the update!
    Loved the second chapter, though it's sad Kaels didn't join them, it would have been nice, but I guess it's still too early for that. At least she's relaizing that the guys (and especially Zacky) are just normal guys as well.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 11:33am
  • Such good updates, I loved that she took a step back from the situation, this allowed her to then look in and like you said realise that its just not all Zacky she is also to blame.
    Definately a key moment in this story !
    June 23rd, 2011 at 08:29am
  • hotfish -
    It is kind of sad. But it allowed her to see that maybe she's part of the problem, not just solely Zacky. And it allowed her to see what everyone had been telling her about how Zacky is on tour, or without her around. And sometimes when you find something like that window she got to look through, you don't want to disturb it and ruin it with your presence.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:42am
  • :/ this is sad. I wish she joined them. But yet again Zacky might of been an ass...
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:24am
  • Cygfa -
    Glad you enjoyed the signs. ;) And yes, it was little hint of the passed that possibly could have been there sneaking in the corners of their minds. Drunk or not. Hope these new 2 chapters gives you a little more of a hint, something a little more wistful perhaps on her end. A little more past slipping through the cracks.

    nata -
    I know that it's slow going, but then again you know I am the Queen of slow. HA! Hopefully not too slow though. I'm glad you're liking it so far. And I hope that these newest 2 give you a bit more of what you want. :D

    hotfish -
    Who knows?!?!?! Well I know, but you'll have to continue reading to see when! And hey, it may be sooner then you think. Or it may not be what you expect! Hahaha hope it keeps you guessing and coming back for more!

    Erin -
    Last chapter??? And the one before it right? Because I always post in 2's my dear!!! And the first, chapter 89 by my titling, gives you a bit of time jump story. And yes, silly Zacky is a good Zacky to see! It was so much fun to write. And I hope it was at least half as fun to read! More soon to come!
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:14am
  • Love love love the last chapter!! Its awesome that kales got to see the silly side of zacky just being with his friends.... can't wait for more :)
    June 23rd, 2011 at 06:00am
  • Ha wow. But when r her and Zacky gonna get together? Hmmmmmm
    June 16th, 2011 at 01:49am
  • Ahhh what great updates !

    Agree with Cygfa, things seem to be moving slowly in the right direction !

    Cant wait to
    June 15th, 2011 at 08:06pm
  • OH. MY. GOD.

    Seems that at least one of them is starting to remember they were great friends (and did/do have feelings for each other) at one point back in time. Even though he was completely drunk. It's still a good sign!
    Can't wait for more, as usual. ;-)
    June 14th, 2011 at 05:24pm
  • emily-
    I hope that you enjoy the 6 newest chapters I have just added since the last you read and that you enjoy them as much as you did the first 83!!

    You are my sunshine dear. And you know it, like WHOA. I'm glad you're still with me, and goin strong! Thank you!!!

    I'm so glad you're so excited for my story!! It's one of my favorites to say the least. And I hope that you continue to feel the same way about it!!

    Cygfa! -
    Hello dear. . . Good to have you on my comments again. Guess I finally wrote to get you back here!! Took me long enough huh? Well I hope that you read the newest two and maybe could see a little more into it. And you're right, she should have been a little more thankful. But then again, it's Kales!! Hope I continue to do right by you my dear!

    nata!! -
    Yaay!! You're reading again too!! Oh I'm so happy! Happier that writing makes me! And I'm very glad to be back and writing! Glad you enjoyed the bathroom scene, it was one of my favs to write for that set. Hope you enjoy the newest two because there's even more!!!

    Erin -
    Welcome to my world of comments my newest reader dear! Welcome to the family! And thank you, thank you, very much appreciated. And prepare yourself for "so close but yet so far" 's. I'm Queen of those! As you can probably tell by now. Ha! I'm super glad that you enjoyed the new ones!! Yay! Prepare for more!!
    June 14th, 2011 at 06:04am
  • Love love love the last two chapters you just posted! Happy birthday ;) I love how everytime I think zacky and kales are gonna make up it goes bad :)
    June 14th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • omg i think i died............ sun ripened tomato and all haha!!!!
    i'm so glad zacky kissed her!!!!!!!! ABOUT TIME!!!!!
    June 14th, 2011 at 04:40am
  • I am so glad you are back with us writing this story ! Great updates, particulary loved the bathroom part, shows Zacky isnt as bad as Kales wants to believe
    June 9th, 2011 at 06:51pm
  • Yay! Great Updates!
    The bathroom scene was just classic, though Kales could have been a little more thankful to Zacky.

    The dream was pretty creepy though. But it shows that she doesn't totally hate Zacky.

    And I loved the last scene. It's good that she can realize that Zacky isn't only an idiot.
    June 8th, 2011 at 11:26am